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Republic of Nicaragua

National name: República de Nicaragua

President: Daniel Ortega (2007)

Current government officials

Land area: 46,430 sq mi (120,254 sq km); total area: 49,998 sq mi (129,494 sq km)

Population (2008 est.): 5,780,586 (growth rate: 1.8%); birth rate: 23.7/1000; infant mortality rate: 26.2/1000; life expectancy: 71.2; density per sq km: 48

Capital and largest city (2003 est.): Managua, 1,390,500 (metro. area), 1,146,000 (city proper)

Monetary unit: Gold cordoba

Languages: Spanish 98% (official); English and indigenous languages on Atlantic coast (1995)

Ethnicity/race: mestizo 69%, white 17%, black 9%, Amerindian 5%

Religions: Roman Catholic 73%, Evangelical 15%, Moravian 2%, none 9% (1995)

National Holiday: Independence Day, September 15

Literacy rate: 68% (2003 est.)

Economic summary: GDP/PPP (2007 est.): $15.84 billion; per capita $2,600. Real growth rate: 3.8%. Inflation: 11.1%. Unemployment: 3.6% plus underemployment of 46.5% (2007 est.). Arable land: 15%. Agriculture: coffee, bananas, sugarcane, cotton, rice, corn, tobacco, sesame, soya, beans; beef, veal, pork, poultry, dairy products; shrimp, lobsters. Labor force: 2.262 million; agriculture 29%, industry 19%, services 52% (2006 est.). Industries: food processing, chemicals, machinery and metal products, textiles, clothing, petroleum refining and distribution, beverages, footwear, wood. Natural resources: gold, silver, copper, tungsten, lead, zinc, timber, fish. Exports: $2.235 billion f.o.b.; note - includes free trade zones (2007 est.): coffee, beef, shrimp and lobster, tobacco, sugar, gold, peanuts. Imports: $3.647 billion f.o.b. (2007 est.): consumer goods, machinery and equipment, raw materials, petroleum products. Major trading partners: U.S., El Salvador, Mexico, Honduras, Costa Rica, Venezuela, China, Guatemala (2006).

Communications: Telephones: main lines in use: 247,900 (2006); mobile cellular: 1.83 million (2006). Radio broadcast stations: AM 63, FM 32, shortwave 1 (1998). Radios: 1.24 million (1997). Television broadcast stations: 3 (plus seven low-power repeaters) (1997). Televisions: 320,000 (1997). Internet Service Providers (ISPs): 27,941 (2007). Internet users: 155,000 (2006).

Transportation: Railways: 6 km (2006). Highways: total: 19,032 km; paved: 2,094 km; unpaved: 16,938 km (2005). Waterways: 2,220 km (including 2 large lakes). Ports and harbors: Bluefields, Corinto, El Bluff, Puerto Cabezas, Puerto Sandino, Rama, San Juan del Sur. Airports: 163 (2007).

International disputes: territorial disputes with Colombia over the Archipelago de San Andres y Providencia and Quita Sueno Bank region; with respect to the maritime boundary question in the Golfo de Fonseca, the ICJ referred to the line determined by the 1900 Honduras-Nicaragua Mixed Boundary Commission and advised that some tripartite resolution among El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua likely would be required; legal dispute over navigational rights of San Juan River on border with Costa Rica.

Major sources and definitions

Flag of Nicaragua


Largest but most sparsely populated of the Central American nations, Nicaragua borders on Honduras to the north and Costa Rica to the south. It is slightly larger than New York State. Nicaragua is mountainous in the west, with fertile valleys. Two big lakes, Nicaragua and Managua, are connected by the Tipitapa River. The Pacific coast is volcanic and very fertile. The swampy Caribbean coast is aptly called the “Mosquito Coast.”




Nicaragua, which derives its name from the chief of the area's leading Indian tribe at the time of the Spanish Conquest, was first settled by the Spanish in 1522. The country won independence in 1838. For the next century, Nicaragua's politics were dominated by the competition for power between the Liberals, who were centered in the city of León, and the Conservatives, centered in Granada.

To back up its support of the new Conservative government in 1909, the U.S. sent a small detachment of marines to Nicaragua from 1912 to 1925. The Bryan-Chamorro Treaty of 1916 (terminated in 1970) gave the U.S. an option on a canal route through Nicaragua and naval bases. U.S. Marines were sent again to quell disorder after the 1924 elections. A guerrilla leader, Gen. César Augusto Sandino, fought the U.S. troops from 1927 until their withdrawal in 1933.

After ordering Sandino's assassination, Gen. Anastasio Somoza García was dictator from 1936 until his own assassination in 1956. He was succeeded by his son Luis, who alternated with trusted family friends in the presidency until his death in 1967. He was succeeded by his brother, Maj. Gen. Anastasio Somoza Debayle. The Somozas ruled Nicaragua with an iron fist, reducing its dependence on banana exports, exiling political foes, and amassing a family fortune.

Sandinista guerrillas, leftists who took their name from Sandino, launched an offensive in 1979. After seven weeks of fighting, Somoza fled the country on July 17, 1979. The Sandinistas assumed power two days later. On Jan. 23, 1981, the Reagan administration suspended U.S. aid, charging that Nicaragua, with the aid of Cuba and the Soviet Union, was supplying arms to rebels in El Salvador. The Sandinistas denied the charges. Later that year, Nicaraguan guerrillas known as “Contras” began a war to overthrow the Sandinistas. Elections were finally held on Nov. 4, 1984, with Daniel Ortega, the Sandinista junta coordinator, winning the presidency. The war intensified in 1986–1987. Negotiations sponsored by the Contadora (neutral Latin American) nations foundered, but Costa Rican president Oscar Arias promoted a treaty signed by Central American leaders in Aug. 1987.

Violetta Barrios de Chamorro, owner of the opposition paper La Prensa, led a broad anti-Sandinista coalition to victory in the 1990 elections, ending 11 years of Sandinista rule. Enthusiasm for Chamorro gradually faded. Business groups were dissatisfied with the pace of reforms; Sandinistas, upset with what they regarded as the dismantling of their earlier achievements, threatened to take up arms again; and many people were disillusioned over governmental corruption.

Former Managua mayor and Conservative candidate Arnoldo Alemán won the 1996 election. Former Sandinista leader Daniel Ortega was his closest rival.

In 1998, Hurricane Mitch killed more than 9,000 people, left 2 million people homeless, and caused $10 billion in damages. Many people fled to the U.S., which offered Nicaraguans an immigration amnesty program until July 1999. Nicaragua remains one of the poorest countries in the Western Hemisphere.

In the Nov. 2001 presidential elections, Enrique Bolaños, the ruling Liberal Party leader, defeated Ortega, who was attempting a comeback.

In Aug. 2002, former president Arnoldo Alemán was charged with fraud and embezzlement, and in 2003 he was sent to prison for 20 years. Current president Bolaños triumphantly called it the “frying of the Big Fish.” The anticorruption watchdog, Transparency International, ranks Alemán among the most corrupt leaders of the past two decades.

The country received an enormous show of support from the international community in 2004 when the IMF and World Bank forgave $4.5 billion of Nicaragua's debt. In April 2006, a free-trade agreement with the U.S. (CAFTA) went into effect.

Former Sandinista president Daniel Ortega won the November 2006 presidential election with 38% of the vote and took office in Jan. 2007.

On March 7, 2008, during a summit meeting in the Dominican Republic, the leaders of Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, and Nicaragua ended their diplomatic dispute over Colombia's raid into Ecaudor that occurred on March 1, 2008.

See also Encyclopedia: Nicaragua
U.S. State Dept. Country Notes: Nicaragua
National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (In Spanish Only) http://www.inec.gob.ni/ .

Information Please® Database, © 2008 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

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