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Jan 16, 2009
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National name: Mongol Uls

President: Nambariin Enkhbayar (2005)

Prime Minister: Sanj Bayar (2007)

Current government officials

Total area: 604,247 sq mi (1,565,000 sq km)

Population (2008 est.): 2,996,081 (growth rate: 1.4%); birth rate: 21.0/1000; infant mortality rate: 41.2/1000; life expectancy: 67.3; density per sq km: 1

Capital and largest city (2003 est.): Ulaan Baatar, 804,200

Monetary unit: Tugrik

Languages: Mongolian, 90%; also Turkic and Russian (1999)

Ethnicity/race: Mongol (predominantly Khalkha) 94.9%, Turkic (of which Kazak is the largest group) 5%, other (including Chinese and Russian) 0.1% (2000)

Religions: Buddhist Lamaist 50%, Islam 4%, Shamanism and Christian 4%, none 40% (2004)

National Holiday: Independence Day/Revolution Day, July 11

Literacy rate: 99% (2003 est.)

Economic summary: GDP/PPP (2007 est.): $8.42 billion; per capita $3,200. Real growth rate: 9.9%. Inflation: 9%. Unemployment: 3%. Arable land: 1%. Agriculture: wheat, barley, vegetables, forage crops; sheep, goats, cattle, camels, horses. Labor force: 1.042 million; agriculture 39.9%, industry 11.7%, services 49.4%, (2006). Industries: construction and construction materials; mining (coal, copper, molybdenum, fluorspar, tin, tungsten, and gold); oil; food and beverages; processing of animal products, cashmere and natural fiber manufacturing. Natural resources: oil, coal, copper, molybdenum, tungsten, phosphates, tin, nickel, zinc, wolfram, fluorspar, gold, silver, iron, phosphate. Exports: $1.889 billion f.o.b. (2007 est.): copper, apparel, livestock, animal products, cashmere, wool, hides, fluorspar, other nonferrous metals. Imports: $2.117 c.i.f. (2007 est.): machinery and equipment, fuel, cars, food products, industrial consumer goods, chemicals, building materials, sugar, tea. Major trading partners: China, U.S., Canada, Russia (2006).

Communications: Telephones: main lines in use: 158,900 (2006); mobile cellular: 775,300 (2006). Radio broadcast stations: AM 7, FM 115 (includes 20 National radio broadcaster repeaters), shortwave 4 (2006). Radios: 155,900 (1999). Television broadcast stations: 456 (including provincial and low-power repeaters) (2006). Televisions: 168,800 (1999). Internet Service Providers (ISPs): 298 (2007). Internet users: 268,300 (2005).

Transportation: Railways: total: 49,250 km (2006). Highways: total: 49,250 km; paved: 1,724 km; unpaved: 47,526 km (2002). Ports and harbors: none. Airports: 44 (2007).

International disputes: none.

Major sources and definitions

Flag of Mongolia


Mongolia lies in central Asia between Siberia on the north and China on the south. It is slightly larger than Alaska.

The productive regions of Mongolia—a tableland ranging from 3,000 to 5,000 ft (914 to 1,524 m) in elevation—are in the north, which is well drained by numerous rivers, including the Hovd, Onon, Selenga, and Tula. Much of the Gobi Desert falls within Mongolia.


Parliamentary republic now in transition from communism.


Nomadic tribes that periodically plundered agriculturally based China from the west are recorded in Chinese history dating back more than 2,000 years. It was to protect China from these marauding peoples that the Great Wall was constructed around 200 B.C. The name Mongol comes from a small tribe whose leader, Ghengis Khan, began a conquest that would eventually encompass an enormous empire stretching from Asia to Europe, as far west as the Black Sea and as far south as India and the Himalayas. But by the 14th century, the kingdom was in serious decline, with invasions from a resurgent China and internecine warfare.

The State of Mongolia was formerly known as Outer Mongolia. It contains the original homeland of the historic Mongols, whose power reached its zenith during the 13th century under Kublai Khan. The area accepted Manchu rule in 1689, but after the Chinese Revolution of 1911 and the fall of the Manchus in 1912, the northern Mongol princes expelled the Chinese officials and declared independence under the Khutukhtu, or “Living Buddha.”

In 1921, Soviet troops entered the country and facilitated the establishment of a republic by Mongolian revolutionaries in 1924. China also made a claim to the region but was too weak to assert it. Under the 1945 Chinese-Russian Treaty, China agreed to give up Outer Mongolia, which, after a plebiscite, became a nominally independent country.

Allied with the USSR in its dispute with China, Mongolia began mobilizing troops along its borders in 1968 when the two powers became involved in border clashes on the Kazakh-Sinkiang frontier to the west and at the Amur and Ussuri rivers. A 20-year treaty of friendship and cooperation, signed in 1966, entitled Mongolia to call on the USSR for military aid in the event of invasion.

In 1989, the Mongolian democratic revolution began, led by Sanjaasurengiyn Zorig. Free elections held in Aug. 1990 produced a multiparty government, though it was still largely Communist. As a result, Mongolia has moved only gradually toward a market economy. With the collapse of the USSR, however, Mongolia was deprived of Soviet aid. Primarily in reaction to the economic turmoil, the Communist Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party (MPRP) won a significant majority in parliamentary elections in 1992. In 1996, however, the Democratic Alliance, an electoral coalition, defeated the MPRP, breaking with Communist rule for the first time since 1921. But in 1997, a former Communist and chairman of the People's Revolutionary Party, Natsagiyn Bagabandi, was elected president, further strengthening the hand of the antireformers. In 1998, however, Tsakhiagiyn Elbegdorj, a pro-reform politician, became prime minister, but parliamentary cross-purposes led to his resignation, and a succession of prime ministers followed. In 2005, Nambariin Enkhbayar of the former Communist party MPRP became president, and Miyeegombo Enkhbold, also of the MPRP, was elected prime minister in 2006. Mongolia is plagued by poor economic growth, corruption, and inflation.

Enkhbold resigned in November 2007 after the MPRP ousted him as chairman of the party, citing his weakness as a leader. Sanj Bayar succeeded Enkhbold as both party chairman and prime minister.

Unprecedented violence and rioting followed June 2008's parliamentary elections, prompting the government to declare a state of emergency. Five people were killed, hundreds were injured, and more than 700 people were detained. Preliminary results gave 45 seats to the governing MPRP and 28 seats to the opposition Democratic Party. International observers did not report any irregularities in the voting, but the Democratic Party accused the MPRP of fraud.

See also Encyclopedia: Mongolia.
U.S. State Dept. Country Notes: Mongolia

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