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Kingdom of Lesotho

Sovereign: King Letsie III (1996)

Prime Minister: Pakalitha Mosisili (1998)

Current government officials

Total area: 11,718 sq mi (30,350 sq km)

Population (2008 est.): 2,128,180 (growth rate: 0.1%); birth rate: 24.4/1000; infant mortality rate: 78.5/1000; life expectancy: 40.1; density per sq km: 70

Capital and largest city (2003 est.): Maseru 173,700

Monetary unit: Maluti

Languages: English, Sesotho (both official); Zulu, Xhosa

Ethnicity/race: Sotho 99.7%, Europeans, Asians, and other 0.3%

Religions: Christian 80%, indigenous beliefs 20%

National Holiday: Independence Day, October 4

Literacy rate: 85% (2003 est.)

Economic summary: GDP/PPP (2007 est.): $3.092 billion; per capita $1,300. Real growth rate: 4.9%. Inflation: 8%. Unemployment: 45% (2002). Arable land: 11%. Agriculture: corn, wheat, pulses, sorghum, barley; livestock. Labor force: 838,000 (2000); 86% of resident population engaged in subsistence agriculture; roughly 35% of the active male wage earners work in South Africa; industry and services 14%. Industries: food, beverages, textiles, apparel assembly, handicrafts, construction, tourism. Natural resources: water, agricultural and grazing land, diamonds, sand, clay, building stone. Exports: $602.8 million f.o.b. (2005 est.): manufactures 75% (clothing, footwear, road vehicles), wool and mohair, food and live animals (2000). Imports: $1.166 billion f.o.b. (2005 est.): food; building materials, vehicles, machinery, medicines, petroleum products (2000). Major trading partners: U.S., Canada, UK, Hong Kong, China, India, South Korea, Germany (2004).

Member of Commonwealth of Nations

Communications: Telephones: main lines in use: 22,200 (2000); mobile cellular: 21,600 (2000). Radio broadcast stations: AM 1, FM 2, shortwave 1 (1998). Radios: n.a. (2002). Television broadcast stations: 1 (2000). Televisions: n.a. Internet Service Providers (ISPs): 1 (2000). Internet users: 5,000 (2002).

Transportation: Railways: total: 2.6 km; note: owned by, operated by, and included in the statistics of South Africa (1995). Highways: total: 5,940 km; paved: 1,087 km; unpaved: 4,853 km (1999). Ports and harbors: none. Airports: 28 (2002).

International disputes: none.

Major sources and definitions

Flag of Lesotho


Mountainous Lesotho, the size of Maryland, is surrounded by the Republic of South Africa.


Parliamentary constitutional monarchy.


Lesotho (formerly Basutoland) was constituted a native state under British protection by a treaty signed with the native chief Moshoeshoe in 1843. It was annexed to Cape Colony in 1871, but in 1884 it was restored to direct control by the Crown. The colony of Basutoland became the independent nation of Lesotho on Oct. 4, 1966, with King Moshoeshoe II as sovereign.

In the 1970 elections, Ntsu Mokhehle, head of the Basutoland Congress Party, claimed a victory, but Prime Minister Leabua Jonathan declared a state of emergency, suspended the constitution, and arrested Mokhehle. King Moshoeshoe II was briefly exiled, but he returned after a compromise with Jonathan: the new constitution would name him head of state but forbid his participation in politics.

After the king refused to approve the replacement in Feb. 1990 of individuals dismissed by Justin Metsino Lekhanya, the chairman of the military council, the latter stripped the king of his executive power. Then in early March, Lekhanya sent the king into exile. In November, the king was dethroned, and his son was sworn in as King Letsie III.

Lekhanya was himself forced to resign in April 1991, and Col. Ramaema became the new chairman in May. In Jan. 1995, the crown reverted to the father of Letsie III, Moshoeshoe II. Letsie again became crown prince. In 1996, however, King Moshoeshoe died in an automobile accident, and Letsie again assumed the throne.

In fall 1998, hundreds of demonstrators protested for weeks in front of the king's palace, claiming voting fraud in the May elections that put Prime Minister Pakalitha Mosisili in power. They demanded that the government step down and hold new elections. Troops from South Africa and Botswana entered the country to stop the riots and put down an army mutiny. In 2002, Mosisili was reelected under a revised political system that gave opposition parties a larger role in parliament.

Lesotho faces one of the highest rates of HIV infection in the world.

See also Encyclopedia: Lesotho.
U.S. State Dept. Country Notes: Lesotho

Information Please® Database, © 2008 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

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  • Lesotho - Lesotho Lesotho , officially Kingdom of Lesotho, kingdom (2005 est. pop. 1,867,000), 11,720 sq mi ...
  • Lesotho - Lesotho Profile: People, History, Economy, Defense, Foreign Relations, U.S.-Lesotho Relations
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  • Lesotho - Map of Lesotho & articles on flags, geography, history, statistics, disasters current events, and international relations.
  • Lesotho: Bibliography - Bibliography See J. D. Omer-Cooper, Zulu Aftermath: A Nineteenth Century Revolution in Bantu Africa ...