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Jan 16, 2009
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Republic of the Gambia

President: Yahya Jammeh (1994)

Current government officials

Land area: 3,861 sq mi (10,000 sq km); total area: 4,363 sq mi (11,300 sq km)

Population (2008 est.): 1,735,464 (growth rate: 2.7%); birth rate: 38.3/1000; infant mortality rate: 68.7/1000; life expectancy: 54.9; density per sq km: 173

Capital (2003 est.): Banjul, 46,700

Largest city: Serekunda, 344,100

Monetary unit: Dalasi

Languages: English (official), Mandinka, Wolof, Fula, other indigenous

Ethnicity/race: African 99% (Mandinka 42%, Fula 18%, Wolof 16%, Jola 10%, Serahuli 9%, other 4%), non-African 1%

Religions: Islam 90%, Christian 9%, indigenous 1%

National Holiday: Independence Day, February 18

Literacy rate: 40% (2003 est.)

Economic summary: GDP/PPP (2007 est.): $2.106 billion; per capita $1,300. Real growth rate: 7%. Inflation: 5%. Unemployment: n.a. Arable land: 28%. Agriculture: rice, millet, sorghum, peanuts, corn, sesame, cassava (tapioca), palm kernels; cattle, sheep, goats. Labor force: 400,000 (1996); agriculture 75%, industry, commerce, and services 19%, government 6%. Industries: processing peanuts, fish, and hides; tourism, beverages, agricultural machinery assembly, woodworking, metalworking, clothing. Natural resources: fish, titanium (rutile and ilmenite), tin, zircon, silica sand, clay, petroleum. Exports: $147.7 million f.o.b. (2007 est.): peanut products, fish, cotton lint, palm kernels, reexports. Imports: $276 million f.o.b. (2007 est.): foodstuffs, manufactures, fuel, machinery and transport equipment. Major trading partners: India, UK, France, Italy, Cote d'Ivoire, China, Senegal, Brazil, Netherlands. (2006).

Member of Commonwealth of Nations

Communications: Telephones: main lines in use: 52,900 (2006); mobile cellular: 404,300 (2003). Radio broadcast stations: AM 3, FM 2, shortwave 0 (2001). Television broadcast stations: 1 (government-owned) (1997). Internet hosts: 6 (2007). Internet users: 58,000 (2005).

Transportation: Railways: 0 km. Highways: total: 3,742 km; paved: 723 km; unpaved: 3,019 km (2004). Waterways: 390 km (on River Gambia; small ocean-going vessels can reach 190 km) (2004). Ports and harbors: Banjul. Airports: 1 (2007).

International disputes: attempts to stem refugees, cross-border raids, arms smuggling, and other illegal activities by separatists from southern Senegal's Casamance region as well as from conflicts in other west African states.

Major sources and definitions

Flag of Gambia


Situated on the Atlantic coast in westernmost Africa and surrounded on three sides by Senegal, Gambia is twice the size of Delaware. The Gambia River flows for 200 mi (322 km) through Gambia on its way to the Atlantic. The country, the smallest on the continent, averages only 20 mi (32 km) in width.




Since the 13th century, the Wolof, Malinke, and Fulani peoples settled in what is now Gambia. The Portuguese were the first European explorers, encountering the Gambia River in 1455, and in 1681 the French founded an enclave at Albredabut. During the 17th century, Gambia was settled by various companies of English merchants. Slavery was the chief source of revenue before it was abolished in 1807. Gambia became a British Crown colony in 1843 and an independent nation within the Commonwealth of Nations on Feb. 18, 1965. Full independence was approved in a 1970 referendum, and on April 24 of that year Gambia proclaimed itself a republic.

Dauda Kairaba Jawara served as Gambia's president from 1970 to 1994. A military coup led by Capt. Yahya Jammeh deposed the president in July 1994, suspended the constitution, and banned existing political parties. Jammeh promised new elections, which were held in Sept. 1996 and which he won with 55% of the vote. In 1997, he returned the country to civilian rule, and in 2001, he lifted the ban against opposition parties. Censorship of the press and other repressive measures continue to mar the country's transition to democracy. In Dec. 2004, Gambia passed a media law that allows the state to jail journalists found guilty of libel and sedition. In September presidential elections, incumbent Yahya Jammeh won a third term.

See also Encyclopedia: The Gambia.
U.S. State Dept. Country Notes: The Gambia

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  • Gambia, river, Africa - Gambia Gambia, river, c.700 mi (1,130 km) long, rising on the Fouta Djallon, N Guinea, W Africa, ...
  • The Gambia - The Gambia Profile: Government, Defense, Political Conditions, Economy, Foreign Relations, U.S.-Gambian Relations
  • Gambia: meaning and definitions - Gambia: Definition and Pronunciation
  • The Gambia - Map of The Gambia & articles on flags, geography, history, statistics, disasters current events, and international relations.
  • Bathurst, city, Gambia - Bathurst: Bathurst: see Banjul, Gambia.

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