Daily Almanac for
Jan 16, 2009
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Slideshows from Tallest Buildings in the World to Moons of our Solar System.


Tallest Buildings in the World
Find images and information about the tallest buildings in the world, including Burj Dubai, Taipei 101, Petronas Towers, and more.


Village Life on the Northern Great Plains
Find images and information about Village Life on the Northern Great Plains, including buffalo, teepees, wheatfields, and more.
Native American Tribes of the Great Plains
Find images and information about Native American Tribes of the Great Plains, including Comanche, Hidatsa, Blackfoot, and more.
San Francisco Landmarks
Find images and information about notable San Francisco landmarks, including the Conservatory of Flowers, City Hall, Alcatraz, and more.
Chicago Landmarks
Find images and information about notable Chicago landmarks, including the Sears Tower, the Chicago Picasso, Shedd Aquarium, and more.
New Orleans
Find images and information about New Orleans, including City Park, the Doullut Steamboat House, Mardi Gras, Jackson Square, French Quarter, Cities of the dead, and more.
Landmarks of Boston
Find images and information about notable Boston, MA landmarks, including Faneuil Hall, the Boston Common, the John Hancock Tower, Fenway Park, Bunker Hill, the USS Constitution, and more.
Houston Landmarks
Find images and information about notable Houston landmarks, including the Holocaust Museum, Contemporary Arts Museum, the Museum of Fine Arts, and more.
Landmarks of Washington, D.C.
Find images and information about notable Washington, D.C. landmarks, including the National World War II Memorial, the Washington Monument, the Smithsonian Institute, and more.
Statues of Washington, D.C.
Find images and information about notable statues around Washington, D.C., including Abraham Lincoln, Gandhi, Thomas Jefferson, and more.
Cherry Blossoms of Washington, D.C.
Find images and information about cherry trees in Washington, D.C., including facts about the different species, why Japan gave the trees to the United States, and much more.

History & Government

First Pets
Find images and information about first pets, including George Washington's, John Quincy Adams, Benjamin Harrison, and more.
First Kids
Find images and information about first kids, including Robert Todd Lincoln, James Rudolph Garfield, Alice Roosevelt, and more.

Arts & Entertainment

Women Nobel Prize Winners in Science
Find images and information about women Nobel Prize winners for science, including Marie Sklodowska Curie, Irene Curie, Gerty Radnitz Cori, and more.
Women Nobel Peace Prize Winners
Find images and information about women Nobel Peace Prize winners, including Bertha von Suttner, Jane Addams, Emily G. Balch, and more.
Women Nobel Prize Winners for Literature
Find images and information about women Nobel Prize winners for literature, including Selma Lagerlof, Grazia Deledda, Sigrid Undset, and more.
Ten years of Man Booker Prize Winners
Find images and information about Man Booker Prize winners, including Arundhati Roy, Ian McEwan, J. M. Coetzee, and more.

Calendar & Holidays

Christmas Traditions
Find images and information about Christmas traditions, including trees, mistletoe, Santa Claus, and more.
Thanksgiving Turkey at the White House
Find images and information about Thanksgiving Turkey at the White House, including Harry Truman's, Dwight D. Eisenhower's, John F. Kennedy's, and more.
Turkey Tradition
Find images and information about turkey tradition, including roast turkey, marinating the turkey, brining the turkey, and more.


Animal Hall of Fame
The following slideshows illustrate the biggest, smallest, meanest, and fastest animals on Earth
People in Space, notable firsts
Find images and information about people in space firsts, including Yuri Gagarin, Alan Shepard, John Glenn, and more.
Ships & Space Stations
Find images and information about NASA Ships and Space Stations, including Project Mercury, Gemini Program, Apollo Program, and more.
Our Solar System
Find images and information about our solar system, including the sun, Mercury, Venus, and more.
Moons of our Solar System
Find images and information about our moons of the solar system, including Luna, Phobos, Callisto, and more.

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