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The Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program:

In the 2005 federal transportation bill (SAFETEA-LU) Congress funded the Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program, a demonstration effort to promote active transportation for urban mobility. The basic premise of the pilot program is that focused community investments in active transportation infrastructure — such as rail-trails — with supporting programs will increase the share of trips taken by biking or walking. Interconnected active transportation systems will decrease congestion and improve the health and environment of communities by providing new choices to people for everyday travel decisions.
Four pilot communities (
Marin, Calif., Minneapolis, Sheboygan, Wis., and Columbia, Mo.) were awarded $25 million each through this Pilot Program. These communities are currently engaged in planning infrastructure and programmatic efforts to shift trips to bicycling and walking. The 2010 Campaign for Active Transportation seeks to expand the approach to dozens more communities and attract a level of investment sufficient to enable active transportation to play a significantly larger role in meeting America's mobility needs.



Rails-to-Trails Conservancy
The Duke Ellington Building
2121 Ward Ct., NW
5th Floor
Washington, DC 20037