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Jan 16, 2009
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World's Tallest Skyscrapers: A Brief History

The Empire State Building, built in 1931, was the world's tallest skyscraper for 41 years until it was surpassed in 1972 by the World Trade Center (1,368 ft, 110 stories). Two years later, the Sears Tower in Chicago (1,450 ft, 110 stories) superseded it. And 24 years after that, in 1998, the record went to the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (1,483 ft, 88 stories). Since 2004, Taipei 101 in Taiwan has been the tallest, topping out at 1,670 ft and 101 stories. In 2008, the unfinished Burj Dubai in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, became the tallest skyscraper at 2,064 ft with 160 completed floors. The exact height is top secret but is estimated to be at least 2,313 ft and 167 floors, which is close to a half mile tall.

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