Daily Almanac for
Jan 16, 2009
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World Events

World Statistics

population by decade

Nobel Peace Prize:
Ferdinand Buisson (France) and Ludwig Quidde (Germany)

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U.S. Events

U.S. Statistics

President: Calvin Coolidge
Vice President: Charles G. Dawes
Population: 119,035,000

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  • Italian immigrants Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti are electrocuted at Dedham (Mass.) Prison despite worldwide protesting over weak evidence (Aug. 23).

  • The Holland Tunnel opens (Nov. 13) to connect Manhattan and Jersey City, N.J., giving cars a route under the Hudson River and an alternative to ferry boats.


Federal spending:   $2.86 billion
Consumer Price Index:   17.4
Unemployment:   3.3%
Cost of a first-class stamp:   $0.02


World Series
NY Yankees d. Pittsburgh (4-0)
Stanley Cup
Ottawa d. Boston (2-0)
Women: Helen Wills d. L. de Alvarez (6-2 6-4)
Men: Henri Cochet d. J. Borotra (4-6 4-6 6-3 6-4 7-5)
Kentucky Derby Champion
NCAA Football Champions
Yale (CFRA) (7-1-0) & Illinois (NCF, HF, DS) (7-0-1)


Entertainment Awards

Pulitzer Prizes
Fiction: Early Autumn, Louis Bromfield
Drama: In Abraham's Bosom, Paul Green

Nobel Prize for Literature: Henri Bergson (France)

Miss America: Lois Delaner (IL)

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  • Popular vaudevillian Al Jolson astounds audiences with his nightclub act in The Jazz Singer, the first feature-length talkie.
  • The Broadway musical links with opera in Jerome Kern's revolutionary Show Boat.
  • Dancer Isadora Duncan dies when her scarf gets caught in the wheel of a moving car.


Nobel Prizes in Science

Chemistry: In 1928, the 1927 prize was awarded to Heinrich Wieland (Germany), for investigations of bile acids and kindred substances

Physics: Arthur H. Compton (US), for discovery of Compton phenomenon; and Charles T. R. Wilson (UK), for method of perceiving paths taken by electrically charged particles

Physiology or Medicine: Julius Wagner-Jauregg (Austria), for use of malaria inoculation in treatment of dementia paralytica

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