Daily Almanac for
Jan 16, 2009
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World Events

U.S. Events

U.S. Statistics

President: Warren G. Harding
Vice President: Calvin Coolidge
Population: 111,947,000

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  • President Warren G. Harding suddenly falls ill (July 28) while returning from a trip to Alaska and is rushed to San Francisco, where he dies on Aug. 2.

  • The second Ku Klux Klan movement in U.S. history grows, stirring widespread controversy and violence.


Federal spending:   $3.14 billion
Consumer Price Index:   17.1
Unemployment:   2.4%
Cost of a first-class stamp:   $0.02


World Series
NY Yankees d. NY Giants (4-2)
Stanley Cup
Ottawa d. Vancouver (3-1)
Ottawa d. Edmonton (2-0)
Women: Suzanne Lenglen d. K. McKane (6-2 6-2)
Men: Bill Johnston d. F. Hunter (6-0 6-3 6-1)
Kentucky Derby Champion
NCAA Football Champions
Illinois (CFRA, HF) (8-0-0) & Michigan (NCF) (8-0-0)


Entertainment Awards

Pulitzer Prizes
Fiction: One of Ours, Willa Cather
Drama: Icebound, Owen Davis

Nobel Prize for Literature: William B. Yeats (Ireland)

Miss America: Mary Campbell (OH)

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  • Russian immigrant Vladimir Kosma Zworykin patents the iconoscope, the first television transmission tube. He patents the first color tube in 1925.
  • A.C. Nielsen Company is founded and provides measurements of radio audiences for advertisers.
  • "Queen of the Blues" Bessie Smith records her first song, "Down Hearted Blues," which becomes an immediate success.
  • Harlem's Cotton Club opens and presents all-black performances to white-only audiences. Entertainers will include Lena Horne, the Nicholas Brothers, and Cab Calloway.
  • German Shepherd Rin Tin Tin becomes film's first canine star.
  • Time Magazine debuts.


Nobel Prizes in Science

Chemistry: Fritz Pregl (Austria), for method of microanalysis of organic substances discovered by him

Physics: Robert A. Millikan (US), for work on elementary charge of electricity and photoelectric phenomena

Physiology or Medicine: Sir Frederick Banting (Canada) and John J. R. Macleod (Scotland), for discovery of insulin

  • A whooping cough (pertussis) vaccine is developed.
  • Harry Steenbock discovers that radiating food with ultraviolet light adds vitamin D.
  • Scopolamine, previously used as a childbirth anesthetic, is found to act as a "truth" serum after tests on convicts at San Quentin Prison.
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