Daily Almanac for
Jan 16, 2009
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World Events

U.S. Events

U.S. Statistics

President: Woodrow Wilson
Vice President: Thomas R. Marshall
Population: 100,546,000

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  • The one millionth Ford automobile rolls off the assembly line.

  • The Superior Court in Fulton County, Ga. accepts the charter for the establishment of the new Ku Klux Klan (Dec. 4).


Federal spending:   $0.75 billion
Consumer Price Index:   10.1
Unemployment:   8.5%
Cost of a first-class stamp:   $0.02


World Series
Boston Red Sox d. Philadelphia Phillies (4-1)
Stanley Cup
Vancouver Millionaires (PCHA)
Women: Not held (World War I)
Men: Not held (World War I)
Kentucky Derby Champion
NCAA Football Champions
Cornell (9-0-0)


Entertainment Awards

Nobel Prize for Literature: Romain Rolland (France)

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  • D.W. Griffith's technically brilliant Civil War epic, The Birth of a Nation, introduces the narrative close-up, the flashback and other elements that endure today as the structural principles of narrative filmmaking.
  • Ruth St. Denis and her husband, Ted Shawn, establish the Denishawn dance school in Los Angeles, where Martha Graham and Doris Humphrey study.
  • Audrey Munson, playing a model for a sculptor in the film Inspiration, becomes the first actress to shed her clothes on screen.


Nobel Prizes in Science

Chemistry: Richard Willstätter (Germany), for research into coloring matter of plants, especially chlorophyll

Physics: Sir William Bragg and William L. Bragg (UK), for analysis of crystal structure by X-rays

Physiology or Medicine: None awarded

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