Daily Almanac for
Jan 16, 2009
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2007 Year in Review

2007 Year in Review

Top events for the nation and the world

News Analysis

  • News of the Nation
    Iraq Edges Toward Stability • Destruction of CIA Interrogation Tapes • Dismissal of Federal Prosecutors • Democrats in Control of Congress • Presidential Election
  • News of the World
    Report Says Iran Has Halted Nuclear Weapons Program • Palestinian and Israeli Leaders Pledge to Work Toward Peace • North Korea Makes Concessions on Nuclear Program • Political Turmoil in Pakistan • Sudan Resists UN Efforts for Peace

2007 Timelines and Overviews

People in the News

  • People in the News
    Mahmoud Ahmadinejad • Barry Bonds • Hillary Clinton • Larry Craig • Rudolph Giuliani • Alberto Gonzales • Al Gore • Don Imus • Mitt Romney • Pervez Musharraf • Barack Obama • Britney Spears • Michael Vick
  • Deaths in 2007
    Brooke Astor • Art Buchwald • Michelangelo Antonioni • Liz Claiborne • Bob Clark • Vincent DeDomenico • Frank Guarrera • Lee Hazlewood • Sir Wally Herbert • Dennis Johnson • Deborah Kerr • Arthur Kornberg • Norman Mailer • Jack Odell • Kiichi Miyazawa • Paul Roche • Brett Somers • Boris Yeltsin

Science 2007

2007 World Statistics

Arts, Entertainment, and Awards

Sports in Review


  • Incendiary Political Remarks, 2007
    Who made this comment at a speech at Columbia University in September? "We don't have homosexuals like in your country."
  • People in the News, 2007
    On August 7, 2007, Barry Bonds, no stranger to controversy, surpassed Hank Aaron as the all-time home run hitter in American baseball history. How many homers did it take to break the record?
  • Places in the News, 2007
    Monks led widespread anti-government protests in what country in September?
  • 2007 Entertainment Quiz
    Who was named American Idol of 2007 and later released the song “Tattoo?”

Quick Poll

Top News Story, 2007
What was the most interesting news story in 2007?

Top Ten Lists of 2007


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