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Submission Deadline Appropriations Questionnaire
Application Process Check List
Staff Contact Information Congressional Budget Timeline
Written Requests

Submission Deadline

Appropriation requests for Fiscal Year 2010 (FY 10) should be submitted to my office as soon as possible, but no later then Friday, February 20, 2009.

All requests must be complete and any submissions after the deadline will not be considered.

Application Process

Required Documentation

In order for your request to be considered, you must (1) write and attach a letter of request, and (2) complete and submit the appropriations questionnaire. 

The required information to be included in the Written Request and the Appropriations Questionnaire is found in their respective sections below.

Optional Supporting Materials

You may submit any Supporting Materials that are relevant to the request.  For instance, you may attach copies of feasibility studies, economic impact studies, photographs or maps of project areas, and letters of support from elected officials, town boards, or others.

Please attach any Supporting Materials using the Upload Tool found below Appropriations Questionnaire and be sure to include your organization’s name in the title(s) of the attached file(s).

Senate Project Requests

I strongly encourage you to submit separate project requests to both New York Senators’ offices.  Please contact their offices directly to determine their procedures for handling such requests.

Steps Following Request Submission

After submitting your initial application to my office, the Appropriations Committee may also require you to fill out an additional questionnaire in February or March.  As a result of the short turn-around time, you will need to complete the request quickly.

Projects Awarded Funding

Due to the large volume of requests to my office each year and the limited availability of funds, my staff will only contact you if your project is selected to receive funding from the Appropriations Committee.

If your project is awarded funding, you will be expected to provide a progress report on the implementation of your project within a year of receiving funds.  Failure to do so may result in future requests not being considered.

Staff Contact Information

If you have any questions regarding the process for submitting an appropriations request, please contact either my Washington, DC or district staff members listed below. If you would like to schedule a meeting to discuss your project, please contact them prior to the February 20, 2009 to determine if a meeting is necessary.

Washington, DC
John A. Monsif
Legislative Assistant
2469 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
(202) 225-3615
Rochester, NY
Christopher Zeltmann
Director of Economic Development
3120 Federal Building
100 State Street
Rochester, NY 14614
(585) 232-4850

Written Requests

Cities, towns, agencies and organizations are required to submit a written request addressed to Congresswoman Slaughter on official letterhead and signed by an authorized executive, such as the Town Manager or Executive Director.

Please submit the signed written request using the Upload Tool found below the Appropriations Questionnaire and be sure to include your organization’s name in the title of the attached file.

Please note: written requests must be submitted along with the completed questionnaire.
Required Information

The written request must contain the following key information:

  • The name of the city or organization of the potential recipient;
  • A detailed project description and history of community involvement and/or support, such as votes by local governments or community meeting minutes;
  • The federal agency from which you are requesting funding;
  • If appropriate, the account/authorization from which you are requesting funding;
  • The amount requested;
  • The total project cost, including sources of other funding, especially state, private, local match; and
  • If awarded, how any past federal funding was used.

Appropriations Questionnaire

In addition to the Written Request, you must also complete and submit the questionnaire found below.

Please note: the completed questionaire must be submitted along with the written requests.

All fields are required data.

  1. Name, title, address, phone number, and e-mail address for each of the following:
    a. Most senior official in the organization

    b. Point of contact for submitted request




  5. .

    Upload Tool:

    The total file upload size can not exceed 500KB. Documents must be the following file types: .doc, .pdf, .rtf

    Macintosh users: Your document must have a file extension. Resave it using your word processor with the appropriate extension from the above list.


Check List

Contact my Staff if you are uncertain as to whether it is appropriate for you to apply for an appropriation “earmark.”  My staff will be able to help you determine if your request is suitable for the appropriations process. 

Many projects or programs are more likely to be funded through established grant programs awarded by federal agencies, rather than through an "earmarked" appropriation.

Consult with my Staff to determine if a meeting is required with a staff member in Washington, DC or the district office.  If necessary, a staff member will tour your site to better understand the project.

Write and submit a letter of request using the Upload Tool.  A full explanation of the requirements can be found above in the Written Requests section.

Complete all the questions and submit the Appropriations Questionnaire, which is also found above.

Submit the Written Request, any relevant Supporting Materials, and the Appropriations Questionnaire together no later than Friday, February 20, 2009.

Submit individual requests to both New York Senators’ offices.  Please contact their offices directly to determine how they handle such requests.

Keep in contact with my Staff.  They will help you determine if follow-up meetings and information are needed.

Wait to hear from my office if your project is awarded an appropriation.

If awarded, you are required to provide a progress report to my office within the first year of funding as to the status of your project’s implementation. If not awarded, I encourage you to resubmit your request in the next fiscal year.

Congressional Budget Timeline

While the federal fiscal year begins on October 1, my staff begins working on the budget a year in advance. For example, in September 2008 my staff members were completing work on FY 09 budget matters and began preparing for FY 10.

During the course of FY 09, I will be working to secure funds for projects that will be awarded in FY 10.

When:    December - February
What:    Our staff meets with municipalities and non-profit organizations to determine funding requests. Letters of request to Congresswoman Slaughter should be sent in during this time period.
When:    First Monday in February (February 2, 2009)
What:    President submits budget for following fiscal year to Congress.
When:   February 15th to April 15th
What:   Congress considers and passes a budget resolution, which is a five year guide to spending.
When:   Late February thru late March
What:   House Appropriations subcommittees begin hearings on all appropriations bills and begin "marking-up" (amending) bills.
    Members must submit requests for discretionary funding prior to the start of these hearings.
When:   May - July
What:   House Appropriation Committee reports to full House and the House votes on passage.
When:   Commencement August recess
What:   Senate and House usually have voted on their appropriations bills. Some bills may have already gone through conference committee, approved by the House and Senate and sent to the President.
When:   September
What:   Typically conference committees meet to finalize appropriations bills. They are voted on and sent to the President for signature.
When:   October 1st
What:   New fiscal year begins.
When:   October and beyond
What:   Continuing Resolutions allow the federal government to continue working under the previous year's funding levels until their appropriations for the current fiscal year are approved.
THOMAS Bill Search
Washington Office
U.S. House of Representatives
2469 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
(202) 225-3615 [phone]
(202) 225-7822 [fax]
Buffalo Office
465 Main Street
Suite 105
Buffalo, NY 14203
(716) 853-5813 [phone]
(716) 853-6347 [fax]
Niagara Falls Office
1910 Pine Avenue
Niagara Falls, NY 14301
(716) 282-1274 [phone]
(716) 282-2479 [fax]
Rochester Office
3120 Federal Building
100 State Street
Rochester, NY 14614
(585) 232-4850 [phone]
(585) 232-1954 [fax]