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Press Release

For Immediate Release
December 17, 2008
Contact: Adam Sharon

Congressman Kendrick Meek Statement Regarding the Situation in Israel and the Gaza Strip


MIAMI GARDENS, FL Congressman Kendrick B. Meek (D-FL) issued the following statement today regarding on-going events in Israel and the Gaza Strip: 

"Following Israel's historic disengagement from Gaza in 2005, Hamas has never relented in its quest to terrorize Israel and all of her citizens.  Hamas' charter still calls for the destruction of Israel and rejects any peaceful solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.  A Palestinian government that includes an armed Hamas undermines the safety of the Palestinian people and threatens the future of the peace process.

"For years, Hamas militants have indiscriminately fired rocket attacks killing innocent Israeli and Palestinian civilians living on both sides of the border.  Since Saturday, Hamas has fired more than 100 rockets and mortar shells at Israeli towns and villages.  Palestinians must understand that Gaza will not be allowed to be a haven for terrorists to attack Israel.
"Israel is justified in protecting its citizens against these acts of terror and has every right to secure its borders.  I ask all Americans to stand in solidarity with Israel in its defense of democracy and freedom." 
U.S. Rep. Kendrick B. Meek represents the 17th Congressional District of Florida which includes parts of Miami-Dade and Broward Counties. He serves as the lone Floridian sitting on the House Committee on Ways and Means, and also sits on the House Armed Services Committee.

U.S. Rep. Kendrick B. Meek represents the 17th Congressional District of Florida which includes parts of Miami-Dade and Broward Counties. He serves as the lone Floridian sitting on the House Committee on Ways and Means, and also sits on the House Armed Services Committee.
