Livestock Owners! Grow one to three tons of fresh green forage per day...365 days a any weather!

Livestock Owners! Grow one to three tons of fresh green forage per day...365 days a any weather!

 A 24  X 60  controlled environment system produces high protein green feed year  round, regardless of climate. Visit our dedicated website for more information about this brand new system here in the U.S.A.
Forage System Advantages

Livestock Owners! Grow one to three tons of fresh green forage per day...365 days a any weather!

 A 24  X 60  controlled environment system produces high protein green feed year  round, regardless of climate. Visit our dedicated website for more information about this brand new system here in the U.S.A.
Forage System Advantages

  • Environmentally friendly, low water usage, cost-effective.
  • Increases milk yields in dairy cows.
  • Improves vigor and performance of racehorses.
  • Provides higher protein content than hay; more easily digested.
  • Ideal for beef & dairy cattle, horses, sheep, pigs, llamas, & more.

More information on CropKing's Green Forage System

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