University of Delaware Sea Grant College Program
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Image of Bill Hall judging the Science Olympaiad

Dr. Mark Warner uses a chlorophyll fluorometer to measure the health of a Chattonella culture as his student Mattie Madden looks on.





The Delaware Sea Grant College Program conducts research, education, and outreach projects to help people from all walks of life wisely use, manage, and conserve Delaware's ocean and coastal resources. The program is a partnership involving the National Sea Grant College Program in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Department of Commerce; the State of Delaware; and the University of Delaware. You can search the entire Sea Grant network at

Currently, Delaware Sea Grant is funding projects in the following areas:

Environmental Technology & Engineering
Marine Commerce & Transportation
Marine Education, Literacy, & Outreach

These research and outreach priorities were identified through an extensive strategic planning process involving National Sea Grant and Delaware program staff, our Sea Grant Advisory Council, and internal and external panels of science and policy experts.

UD Sea Grant College Program, Newark, DE 19716 USA, Phone: (302) 831-8083 end
Delaware Sea Grant College Program  College of Marine & Earth StudiesUniversity of Delaware

Copyright © University of Delaware College of Marine & Earth Studies and the Delaware Sea Grant College Program