Daily Almanac for
Jan 16, 2009
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Timeline: Czarist Russia
Ivan the Terrible becomes the first czar of Russia

by David Johnson

1533 1589 1605 1613 1689 1762 1812 1861 1904 1914 Next Timeline
Ivan IV (the Terrible) the first czar; expands autocracy, begins annexation of Siberia
Russian Orthodox Church becomes independent of other orthodox churches
Time of Troubles, Poland invades Russia
Michael Romanov becomes czar, founds dynasty that rules until 1917
Peter I (the Great) Russia's first emperor; creates modern European power; promotes Western culture, builds new capital, St. Petersburg
Catherine II (the Great) turns Russia into one of strongest powers in Continental Europe
Napoleon invades Russia; ferocious winter and Russian resistance nearly annihilate French
Alexander II emancipates serfs, launches reforms
Russia loses Russo-Japanese War; Revolution of 1905 forces Nicholas II to accept a parliament, constitution
Russia enters World War I, suffers devastating defeats from Germany and Austria, morale collapses; revolution erupts

Infoplease Links
  • Timeline: Russian Culture
  • Timeline: Chechnya
  • Crisis in the Caucasus
  • Russia vs. Chechnya: Round Two
  • Russian Roulette: Recent Reshuffling
  • Country Profile: Russia
  • Encyclopedia: Russia
  • Biography: Vladimir Putin
  • Timeline: Boris Yeltsin's career
  • More Timelines
  •  More Resources
    Academic, university:
    Boston University Institute for the Study of Conflict, Ideology and Policy
    Harvard University, Davis Center

    Academic, K-12:
    TeacherVision.com, Russia

    Embassy of the Russian Federation to U.S.
    CIA World Factbook, Russia

    Moscow Times
    Russia Today
    St. Petersburg Times

    Bellona Foundation

    Russian Orthodox Church (official)

    Information Please® Database, © 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

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