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Jan 16, 2009
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Flags From Around the World

Afghanistan to Dominican Republic

East Timor to Libya

Liechtenstein to San Marino

São Tomé and Príncipe to Zimbabwe

U.S. Flag Timeline

Symbolism of the Irish Flag

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More on Flags From Around the World from Infoplease:

  • U.S. State Flags - Find an image of each flag of the fifty states of the United States of America.
  • Flag Day - Flag Day Flag etiquette, history, controversy, and myth On June 14, Americans celebrate the ...
  • Irish Flag - What's the Symbolism of the Irish Flag? History and symbolism of the Irish tricolour by Borgna ...
  • Flag Day Timeline - Timeline of the U.S. Flag
  • When and How to Display the U.S. Flag - The United States Flag Code stipulates that as the symbol of a living country, the flag is considered in itself a living thing. These regulations outline the proper ways to display the American flag.
