
Contact: Gabby Adler 202.225.6576

Loebsack Shares Iowans’ Economic Concerns and Solutions in Letter to House Leadership

Washington, D.C., Jan 9 -

Today, Congressman Dave Loebsack sent a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Republican Leader John Boehner asking they take into consideration the needs and concerns of Iowans as they work to craft an economic recovery package.  The letter requested additional disaster relief, job training, state assistance, and investment in infrastructure, renewable energy, and green school construction.  These requests were based on recommendations shared with Congressman Loebsack by business owners, residents, and local officials during a district-wide economic development tour in December. 

“Our economy is in crisis, our families and small businesses in Iowa are finding it more difficult than ever to make ends meet,” said Congressman Loebsack.  “Iowans concerned by the state of our economy and worried about their families’ futures discussed with me their ideas and solutions to address these challenges, and I am bringing them back to Washington D.C. and sharing them with Congressional leaders to ensure Iowa’s needs are being addressed in the economic recovery package currently being constructed.”

Since December 2007 our nation has been weathering a severe economic recession; by most accounts second only to the Great Depression.  Nearly two million Americans have lost their jobs this past year -- and millions more are working harder in jobs that pay less and come with fewer benefits.  Nearly $7 trillion in wealth has been lost in the stock market, including the retirement savings of hardworking American families. 

To turn around our nation’s economy, Congress is working around the clock to craft a plan that will immediately create jobs and produce long term economic stability.  The provisions Congressman Loebsack advocated for in his letter to Congressional leaders include:

Additional Disaster Relief

  • The extent of problems facing individuals, businesses, and local governments are greatest in disaster affected areas

Job Training

  • Job training can help the record number of unemployed explore productive career paths and new skills, while providing struggling small businesses with a well-trained workforce to meet their needs

State Assistance

  • States are facing serious budget shortfalls and need assistance to continue providing critical services to residents, especially those intended to help children, seniors, and other at-risk populations.

Investment in Infrastructure

  • The State of Iowa alone has identified over $400 million in potential infrastructure projects that can begin quickly and employ thousands of Iowans

Investment in Renewable Energy

  • An increase in funding for renewable and alternative energy would provide an economic stimulus nationwide and help states like Iowa who are leading the way in renewable energy development and production

 Investment in Green School Construction

  • Encouraging green school construction will help local economies, provide jobs, create long-term cost savings, and ensure our children have adequate and healthy environments in which to learn

Please see below for a copy of the letter:

December 09, 2009

The Honorable Nancy Pelosi                                                  The Honorable John Boehner
Speaker of the House                                                              Republican Leader
Office of the Speaker                                                             Office of the House Republican Leader
H-232, The Capitol                                                                 H-204 The Capitol     
Washington, DC 20515                                                          Washington, DC 20515

Dear Speaker Pelosi and Minority Leader Boehner,

The 111th Congress and a new Administration will be tasked with addressing many challenges, both domestic and international, in the coming months.  I recently spent over a week traveling to every county in my Congressional district listening to business owners, residents, and local officials’ ideas on initiatives which may improve our local, state-wide, and national economy. As you begin to address the issue of our economy, and work to craft a stimulus package for hardworking families across the United States, I respectfully ask that you take into consideration the following concerns and suggestions.

In these difficult times, the extent of problems facing individuals, businesses, and local governments around the country are significant, especially for states, such as Iowa, who have experienced major natural disasters in the past year. These states are in great need of employment opportunities for out of work individuals, improvements and expansion of aging infrastructure, resources to provide assistance to some of our most at-risk populations.

One of the main themes discussed during my District visit was infrastructure expansion and improvement. The State of Iowa alone has identified over $400 million in potential infrastructure projects that can begin quickly and employ thousands of Iowan’s. These projects include efforts to improve Iowa’s highways, railroads, airports, public transportation and recreation opportunities. In addition, due to budgetary difficulties from natural disasters and general economic conditions, there is a significant need in Iowa for aid to counties and local governments for roadways they maintain.

Businesses large and small in Iowa also understand infrastructure improvements are important to their continued success. Despite the current economic situation, many businesses are looking to expand and need a well-trained workforce to meet their needs. For this reason, an economic stimulus package should also include increased job training and employment assistance services. This type of investment also addresses another critical need of helping the record number of unemployed explore productive career paths and new skills. Encouraging expansion and growth could also be achieved through decreased tax burdens on small businesses or increased depreciation allowances.

While a great deal of discussion was focused on transportation infrastructure, water and wastewater infrastructure is another especially pressing issue for many communities in Iowa looking to attract new businesses and ensure a fiscally sound budget. Currently in Iowa, there are at least ten cities that have combined sewer overflow (CSO) systems in need of upgrade and improvement simply to comply with federal regulations. In my district alone there are six cities facing the daunting task of sewer separation, one of these projects alone is projected to cost over $100 million. In addition to the aging wastewater treatment infrastructure, there are numerous projects in need of financial assistance to address increasing demand and safety concerns for drinking water supply infrastructure.

Iowa has one of the best school systems in the nation and while our curriculum is excellent, school infrastructure throughout the state is crumbling. I have been pleased to work with Reps. Kildee and Chandler on legislation which will provide assistance to every school district in the country to make energy efficient and green improvements to school facilities. H.R. 3021, the 21st Century Green High-Performing Public School Facilities Act has already passed the House of Representatives twice. Providing full funding for this legislation would be an important step in helping local economies, providing jobs, and ensuring our children have adequate and healthy environments in which to learn.

While energy efficiency improvements in school facilities will help address some pressing energy concerns, an even greater focus on alternative and renewable energy is needed. The State of Iowa is currently the largest producer of ethanol, biodiesel, and wind energy. An increase in funding for renewable and alternative energy, and related research and development, would provide an economic stimulus nationwide and help states already leading the way improve their ability to power and fuel the nation and make progress toward advanced biofuels. Renewable and alternative energy development in Iowa has been beneficial to rural areas yet more should be done; an increased investment in rural development programs, including expansion of broadband access and healthcare services, would bring additional economic opportunities to underserved areas.

Assistance is also needed for our state government to continue to weather the economic crisis and provide important services to residents. An increase in Federal Medical Assistance Percentages (FMAP) will be crucial to ensure adequate coverage for social services and State Children’s Health Insurance Programs such as HAWK-I in Iowa. Another critical area of focus which helps our most vulnerable populations is the food stamp program along with other nutrition programs through the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Despite Iowa being one of the most productive agricultural states in the nation, the number of adults and children who often go hungry has been increasing dramatically over the past ten years. An increase in funding for food stamp and other nutrition programs would provide an immediate stimulus to the economy and much needed assistance for our at-risk populations.

As we continue to work to strengthen our economy, we must provide aid to hard-working men and women who have been struggling to get by with little assistance. I appreciate your consideration of these proposals for inclusion in an upcoming stimulus package and look forward to working with you to help lead our national economy down the path to recovery.


Dave Loebsack
Member of Congress


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