Oregon State University
Washington State University
University of Idaho
Pacific Northwest Conservation Tillage Handbook
PNW Tillage Handbook

Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

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Chapter 4. Plant Disease Management Strategies

  • Occurance of the Rhizoctonia "Bare Patch" Disease in Diverse Sirect-Seed Spring Cropping Systems in a Low Precipitation Zone (No. 19, 2001)
  • Green Bridge Control Starts in the Fall (No. 18, 1993)
  • Managing Cephalosporium Stripe in Conservation Tillage Systems (No. 17, 1993)
  • "Green Bridge" Key to Root Disease Control (No. 16, 1992)
  • Fertilizer Placement Can Reduce Root Disease Effects (No. 15, 1991)
  • Rhizoctonia Root Rot Management Considerations (No. 14, 1988)
  • BYD: The Aphid-Virus-Corn Link (No. 13, 1987)
  • Cephalosporium Stripe Control Strategies (No. 12, 1987)
  • Seeding Date Controls Pythium in Winter Wheat (No. ll, 1987)
  • Seedling Test for Pythium (No. 10, 1987)
  • Strategies for Soilborne Disease Control in Winter Wheat (No. 9, 1986)
  • Seed Age Affects Pythium Tolerance (No. 8, 1986)
  • Integrated Pest Management System for Peas in the PNW (No. 7. 1986)
  • Strawbreaker Foot Rot: New Research Considerations (No. 6, 1986)
  • STEEP Researcher Leading Cereal Rust Control Effort (No. 5. 1986)
  • No-till or Minimum Tillage Seeding of Winter Wheat Can Reduce Disease Problems (No. 4, 1985)
  • Pythium Root Rot: Limiting Pacific Northwest Wheat Yields (No. 3, 1985)
  • Cephalosporium Stripe Research -- Considerations for Control (No 2, 1984)
  • Management for Take-all and Pythium Root Rot Control (No. 1, 1984)
  • See also...
  • Selecting Soft White Winter Wheat Varieties for Conservation Tillage (Chapter 8, No. ll

Contact us: Hans Kok, (208)885-5971 | Accessibility | Copyright | Policies | WebStats | STEEP Acknowledgement
Hans Kok, WSU/UI Extension Conservation Tillage Specialist, UI Ag Science 231, PO Box 442339, Moscow, ID 83844 USA
Redesigned by Leila Styer, CAHE Computer Resource Unit; Maintained by Debbie Marsh, Dept. of Crop & Soil Sciences, WSU