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Current Issue December 2008

In the December 2008 Issue:
• Secrets of Saturn's Strangest Moon
• Cyberfraud: How to Foil Online "Phishing" Scams
• Improving Auto Safety with Crashless Cars
• Triple Helix: Protein-DNA Molecule Points to Novel Drugs
• Magic and the Brain
• Bigger Than Life: Winners of the 2008 BioScapes Photo Competition
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December 2008/January 2009

December 2008/January 2009
• How to kick the procrastination habit
• Why men buy sex
• Set in our ways--why change is so hard

Scientific American Earth 3.0

Scientific American Earth 3.0
• Energy vs. Water--Why Both Crises Must Be Solved Together
• What Obama Must Do about Global Warming
• EcoTourism...and more

Extreme Physics II

Extreme Physics II
Imagine a world in which spacetime is a fluid, the constants of nature change with time, and our universe is but one of a virtually infinite number... more

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