Daily Almanac for
Jan 16, 2009
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U.S. Government

Composition of One Hundred Eleventh Congress

The Senate – 111th Congress

The House of Representatives – 111th Congress

Minorities and Women in the 110th Congress

Minorities and Women in the 109th Congress

Composition of Congress, by Political Party, 1855–2008

Senate and House Standing Committees, 110th Congress

Speakers of the House of Representatives

Floor Leaders of the Senate

National Committee Chairs Since 1944

Major Congressional Bills Passed in 2005

Congressional Apportionment, 2000

Senate Salaries since 1789

Powers of the Government

Powers Denied the Government

How a Bill Becomes a Law

Presidential Vetoes, 1789–2008

Veto Rates Compared

Government Officials

Executive Departments and Agencies

Federal Bureau of Investigation Directors

Central Intelligence Agency Directors

Order of Presidential Succession

Impeachments of Federal Officials

The Governors of the Fifty States

Presidential Factfile

Facts About Senators

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History and Government U.S. Presidents
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