Daily Almanac for
Jan 16, 2009
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Affirmative Action History
Affirmative Action Timeline
African Roots: DNA Tests, New Technology Reveal African Heritage
American History 101?
The Amistad
The Andrea Doria
Apollo 11 - Anniversary
Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Origins
Asian-American History
Asian-American History Timeline
Ballots | History and Types of Election Ballots
The Berlin Wall
Birmingham Church Bombing
The Bismarck
Black History Month
Black History Month: the History of Black History
The Bounty, Pitcairn Island, and Fletcher Christian's Descendants
The Britannic
Brown v. Board of Education, 50th Anniversary
Campaign 2000 Factsheet
Campaign 2004
Campaign 2004: Primaries and Caucuses
Civil Rights Cases Reopened
Civil Rights Movement Timeline
The Closest Presidential Races
Color Television
Columbus Day
Columbus's Unknown Legacy
Constitution Day & Citizenship Day
The Donner Party and the Andes Plane Crash
Election Day on Tuesdays?
Electoral College v. The People
The Endurance
Famous Firsts
Famous Firsts by American Women
Flag Day Timeline
George W. Bush | Presidential Cabinet Members
George W. Bush | Presidential Cabinet Members
The Harlem Renaissance
The Hindenburg Tragedy: May 6, 1937
The Hiroshima and Nagasaki Bombings Remembered
Hispanics in Congress
History of July 4
Impeachment History
Impeachment Hits the Senate
Inaugural Oratory
Inauguration Factfile
Inauguration Facts
Independence Day | Quotations from Signers of the Declaration of Independence
Iwo Jima
Japanese Internment in World War II
The Lewis and Clark Expedition
Life After the Presidency
Lindbergh Kidnapping
The Maine
March on Washington
The Mayflower
The Monitor
The Murder of Emmett Till
The Murder of Medgar Evers
The Murders of James Chaney, Andrew Goodman, and Michael Schwerner
Neckties Through the Ages—Introduction
Neckties Through the Ages—Knotty Questions
Notable Speeches, Letters, and Addresses by African Americans
Pearl Harbor Remembered
Pets in the White House
Philippines Timeline
Planes: The Spirit of St. Louis
Plundered Art: Chinese Restore Garden of Perfect Brightness
Plundered Art: Iraq Museum Reopens
Plundered Art: Mali's Plundered Archaeological Sites
Plundered Art: More than $3 Billion Stolen and Sold Each Year
Plundered Art: Recovering the Head of Ramses II
Presidency on Film
The Presidential Election: How It All Works
Presidential Factfile: Background, Elections, Impeachment, and Fun Stuff
Presidential Portrait Gallery
Presidential Quotes
Presidential Rankings
Presidential Scandals
Presidential Trivia
Presidents' Day or Washington's Birthday?
The Queen Elizabeth
The Queen Mary
Ralph Nader - Biography
The Reform Party
The Rosenberg Executions
The Russian Revolution
Science Projects
Senators: The Facts
Ships: Historic Vessels
The Sinking of the Sultana
St. Chad Remembered
The Supreme Court: Justices, Landmark Decisions, Timelines
The Tall Ships Set Sail to Boston
Tea: China's Most Popular Export?
Timeline Archive
Timeline: NATO in Yugoslavia
Tipper Gore - Biography
Today in History
Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment
U.S. Constitution Primer
V-E Day: May 8, 1945
Valentine's Day History
The Valentine's Day Massacre
Vice President Al Gore
Where and When to Vote
Women's History Month Features
Women's Rights Movement in the U.S.: Timeline
The World's Most Notorious Despots
Y2K Survivalists
Year in Review 1998
Year in Review 1999
Year in Review 2000
Year in Review 2001
Year in Review 2002
Year in Review 2003
Year in Review 2004
Year in Review, 2005
Year in Review, 2006

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