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Railbanking—Condition allowing a railroad to "bank" a corridor for future rail use if necessary. During the interim, alternative trail use is a viable option.

Trails glossary and acronyms.

RTC Resources

Be the First to Know! Sign up to receive railroad corridor abandonment notices for your area via RTC's Early Warning System.

Acquiring Rail Corridors: A How-To Manual Chapter 6, "Can You Take Advantage of Railbanking?"

Secrets of Successful Rail-Trails, Chapter 7, "What to Do if the Line is Soon to be Abandoned"

Fact Sheet: Railbanking

Railbanking and Rail-Trails: A Legacy for the Future

"Rails-to-Trails Conversions: A Review of Legal Issues" by Andrea Ferster

More on RTC website about railbanking...

Ask Our Listserv: Learn about trail development from the experts! Join our listserv to be connected to over 900 trail managers, advocates, and builders across the country.

Visit RTC's Trails and Greenways Publication Library

For more information, please contact the appropriate regional or national office.

Additional Resources

Surface Transportation Board: Public Information: Resources: Rails-to-Trails 

General Accounting Office (GAO): "Issues Related to Preserving Inactive Rail Lines as Trails" 

American Trails:  Rails-to-Trails 

The National Park Service: The National Trails System Act 


History of Railbanking

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In 1916, at the peak of the United States' construction and development of rail lines, more than 275,000 miles of track crisscrossed the country, carrying freight and passengers and fueling the economy and growth of the nation. But by the 1950s and 1960s, railroads faced increasing competition from trucking companies, and costly federal regulations made it even more difficult for the railroads to compete. Nearly a quarter of the nation's railroad lines were operating under bankruptcy, in fact, by the early 1970s.

The Staggers Rail Act, passed in 1980, deregulated the railroads and made it easier for them to abandon lines. Although railroads were then able to streamline their operations and diversify successfully, this deregulation also triggered a mass wave of rail line abandonments. Before deregulation, 38,000 miles of track were abandoned in the 45 years from 1930 to 1975. Yet in the next 15 years until 1990, railroads abandoned nearly double that amount—65,000 miles—in only a third of the time.

In the early 1980s Congress became concerned about the dramatic decline in the nation's railroad infrastructure. With so many railroads abandoning corridors, it became apparent to Congress that something needed to be done to preserve the nation's rail system for future transportation uses. So in 1983 Congress amended Section 8(d) of the National Trails System Act to create a program to preserve rail corridors with a program called "railbanking," a method by which corridors that would otherwise be abandoned can be preserved for future rail use by converting them to interim trails. The old inactive railroad route survives but is repurposed for other—potentially temporary—trail uses.

Related Railbanking Topics:

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Rails-to-Trails Conservancy
The Duke Ellington Building
2121 Ward Ct., NW
5th Floor
Washington, DC 20037