U.S. Representative Silvestre Reyes.  Proudly Serving the 16th District of Texas.
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Reyes statement on President-elect Obama's national security team

Washington, D.C.


 WASHINGTON, D.C. - House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman, Silvestre Reyes (D-TX) today released the following statement on the announcement of President-elect Obama's latest appointments to his Cabinet:


"We need new approaches to national security, which include all the levers of American power:  diplomatic, economic and military.  Today's announcement is a critical first step toward a new national security strategy that will make effective use of all three.  This team will confront major global challenges, as the events of last week in Mumbai demonstrate, but they are well-equipped to respond to these issues and will serve our country well.    

Senator Hillary Clinton brings years of experience as an effective legislator and a shrewd negotiator, and I am confident she will be an invaluable resource to President-elect Obama's national security team as Secretary of State.  She has an impeccable reputation around the world and will help revitalize America's image abroad. 

As Defense Secretary, Robert Gates has established himself as an effective and pragmatic leader who is well respected by both Republicans and Democrats.  As a member of the House Armed Services Committee, I have appreciated his candid assessments of our military strategy when testifying before Congress, and I look forward to continuing to work with him. 


"I have had the opportunity to observe General Jones in the field. He is a trusted friend and a tested warrior.  His outstanding leadership ability and his superior knowledge of foreign policy and security issues will serve our nation well.  I look forward to working with him in his capacity as National Security Advisor to ensure the Intelligence Community has the tools and resources necessary to provide policymakers with first-class intelligence.   


"I am also pleased that President-elect Obama has selected a nominee for Secretary of Homeland Security with an understanding of border security and immigration issues.  Governor Napolitano brings a unique perspective as a border-state governor who is deeply engaged in immigration and border security policy.  Her experience is a welcome addition to the Department of Homeland Security.


"President-elect Obama's nominee for Attorney General, Eric Holder, brings a wealth of experience as a former judge and as Deputy Attorney General during the Clinton Administration.  I look forward to working with him to ensure Americans' constitutional rights are respected when crafting and implementing our national security and intelligence policies.


"Dr. Susan Rice will also help rebuild America's standing in the world as the next Ambassador to the United Nations.  Her in-depth knowledge of U.S. foreign policy and previous experience in the Department of State will serve her well as America's Permanent Representative to the United Nations."

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Vincent M. Perez