About the District

9th District of Missouri

map of Missouri's 9th Congressional District

Census data for the 9th District

Communities of the 9th District

My Local Office

Blaine Luetkemeyer 3610 Buttonwood Drive, Suite 200
Columbia, MO  65201

Phone: (573)886-8929
Fax: (573) 886-8901

Federal government offices in or around the 9th district

Federal courts with jurisdiction over the 9th district

Latest News

Luetkemeyer Seeks to Reject Congressional Pay Raise
WASHINGTON D.C. - With hard-working Missouri families strugging to make ends meet, Ninth District Congressman Blaine Luetkemeyer wasted no time...…
Luetkemeyer Sworn In, Pledges Support for Hard-Working Families of 9th District
WASHINGTON D.C. _ Pledging to fight for new jobs and lower taxes for the people of the 9th Congressional District...…
111th Congress Convenes
Washington, D.C. - The Members-elect of the 111th Congress met in their Hall, and at noon were called to order...…