Advanced Hydroponic Greenhouse Grower Training Workshop


 Advanced Hydroponic Greenhouse Grower Training Workshop


  What is the Advanced Grower Training Workshop?
CropKing's two day highly interactive workshop is an opportunity for experienced growers to work through their growing questions with other growers and the technical staff at CropKing. The workshop is very flexible. We use presentations that take about half the allotted time. The rest of the time is spent answering questions and discussing situations and problems brought up by participating growers. The schedule is structured to assure a broad treatment of subjects and issues but is flexible enough to facilitate a good information flow.

Who Should Attend?
Experienced Hydroponic growers who have grown at least one hydroponic crop can greatly benefit from this experience. Although the intention is to help commercial growers do a better job of production, serious hobby growers are also welcome. If you want to better understand the plants, the production system and how to get better production, this workshop puts you on the fast track to those goals. You must have prior growing experience to attend this workshop. For beginning growers, see our standard workshops
Why YOU Should Attend?
Attending CropKing's Advanced Grower Training Workshops is an opportunity for experienced hydroponic growers to spend two days with CropKing's Jeff Balduff and Jim Brown. The small group setting also facilitates the sharing of information amongst participating growers. You can benefit from the experiences of other growers and from the background and experience of the CropKing Technical Team.
An attractive, Certificate of Completion will be given to all those successfully completing the Workshop.
Featured Topics
Although the main focus is on topics related to tomato production, some time is spent discussing the feasibility of alternative crops including Cucumbers, eggplant, peppers and the leafy crops such as lettuce and herbs.
The Topics on the program include:

  • Seedling and young plant care
  • Environmental Control Management
  • Plant responses to environmental conditions
  • How to increase production
  • Cutting production costs
  • Equipment maintenance
  • Alternative crops
  • Carbon Dioxide supplementation
  • Plant responses to cultural practices
  • Cluster pruning
  • Russeting and fruit cracking
  • Using beneficial organisms
  • Working with bumblebees
  • The Artificial Light Question

Training Materials.
A resource book is provided for each participating group. It includes an outline of the program, several talk texts and additional above base level information helpful in the development of a more in depth understanding of the production system.

Your Workshop Instructor Team
Your advanced workshop will be lead by Jim Brown, Chris Froehlich, and Steve Froehlich. The combination of their practical and the academic backgrounds provides a well-rounded approach to the systems and to trouble shooting problems.
Steve Froehlich has been a sucessful hydroponic greenhouse grower for over 20 years with a background in engineering. He provides grower consulting around the world.

Jim Brown is a graduate of Cornell University with a Masters Degree and a Vegetable Crops Major, and an Associated Degree from the Nova Scotia Agricultural College. Jim has over 20 years experience in the hydroponic industry as a Horticulturist, teacher, and consultant on soilless growing. He is the author of the CropKing Grower's Manual, contributor to the S/CEA Newsletter, and is a requested speaker at hydroponic seminars and conferences. He works with hundreds of growers throughout the country and is widely recognized as a knowledgeable and talented professional in the hydroponics industry.

Other Information
The special tuition cost for up to two people from the same facility is $295.
A deposit of one half the total amount will be charged to your account upon receipt of your registration to reserve your space. The workshop is limited to eighteen participants. Should you need to cancel your reservation, a full refund will be made if cancellation is received at least 30 days prior to the Workshop. If cancellation is received less than 30 days before the Workshop, no refund will be made; however, the amount may be applied toward a future Workshop. Lunch and breaks are provided for during the two days and are included in the tuition fee. Travel and lodging expenses are the responsibility of each participant. Casual dress is appropriate for the Workshop. No taping of the Workshop, audio or video, is permitted.

The meetings will be at Tobies in Hinckley starting at 8:00 AM each morning. The following are hotels in the area:
Travelodge (formally Gold Pine Inn)
Days Inn
Grand Northern Inn
Directions to Tobies:
I-35 and Hwy 48 (Hinckley, Exit 183)
Tobies is east on Hwy 48, first drive on south side.

Register to attend now.


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