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• Beneficial Insects
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Crawling Insect
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Soil Testing
Tree Care
Lawn Care /
Weed Control
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Septic Treatment
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Pest Problem Guide
5116 Williamsburg Rd, Brentwood, Tennessee 37027

General Information:
We are happy to answer questions regarding your pest problems or products listed in our catalog.

General info:info@biconet.com
Orders: orders@biconet.com
Webmaster: webmaster@biconet.com

Toll Free: (800) 441-BUGS / Tel: (615) 370-4301 / Fax: (615) 370-0662

Humble Beginnings...

Biocontrol Network will be publishing information and marketing alternatives to "conventional" chemical pesticides and fertilizers, by making this information accessible on the World Wide Web.

The Director of Biocontrol Network, Eric Acosta, started as a distribution agent for ARBICO, Arizona Biological Control, Inc., in February of '95 and within a few weeks developed a keen interest in creating a World Wide Web site to promote the Bio-Balance mind-set in agriculture, horticulture and in the home. The life-blood of the site would be the offering of ARBICO's garden and agricultural catalogs and other products.

After three months of intense product research, direct marketing experience and HTML programming language study the formidable task of creating the Web site was undertaken. Development of the Biocontrol Network site commenced April 1995.


The intent of the Biocontrol Network site will be two fold:
  1. Biocontrol Network will provide an information resource for persons interested in Integrated Pest Management, bio-intensive pest control and sustainable farming and gardening techniques. We will publish I.P.M. related materials, original ARBICO publications, technical papers, reprints of feature articles and links to external web pages that discuss non-chemical pest control techniques, as well as reports on the hazards of conventional practices.

  2. To display and market I.P.M. products in an innovative and compelling manner exploiting the multi-medium capabilities of the World Wide Web to attract and educate interested consumers of bio-intensive pest control supplies. (Our vision is to one day provide action video clips of Beneficial Insects at work and visual aids for I.P.M. procedures)

The Future...

The evolution of Biocontrol Network will take place over several months (more likely years) as such an endeavor will surely require financial, technical, and research support in order to develop. Biocontrol Network will collect references to other WWW published materials of interest to the environmentally concerned community.

Biocontrol Network will accept submissions from educators, writers and researchers for publication within its web site. The decision to publish submitted material will be at the sole discretion of the Biocontrol Network Board of Directors.

Biocontrol Network has a vision of making available information, to the educational community and to the public at large, in an attempt to raise consciousness regarding environmental concerns in agriculture and in the food we eat.

We see a bright future of non-chemical coexistence with nature, Bio-Balance.

Webkeeper: E. W. Acosta - mailto:info@biconet.com Last Update: Mar 06
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