Daily Almanac for
Jan 16, 2009
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From BBC News

NY mayor hails 'hero' crash pilot
The pilot who landed a plane in the Hudson River showed inspirational heroism, says the mayor of New York.
Israel 'set for ceasefire vote'
Israeli ministers are reportedly set to vote on a unilateral ceasefire in Gaza, amid signs of diplomatic movement on the conflict.
Citigroup to split as losses grow
Struggling US banking giant Citigroup is to split the firm in two, as it reports a quarterly loss of $8.29bn (£5.6bn).
Gas solution closer, says Putin
Russian PM Vladimir Putin says a deal to end the European gas crisis may be nearer after talks in Germany.
Thais hold more migrants amid row
The Thai military takes into custody another group of Burmese refugees, amid accusations they cast previous groups adrift at sea.
Zimbabwe rolls out Z$100tr note
A Z$100tr, currently worth about US$30 is to be introduced in Zimbabwe, state media says.
Venezuela to vote on Chavez term
Venezuela will vote next month on a proposal for President Hugo Chavez to seek indefinite re-election, officials say.
LRA rebels commit new atrocities
Fresh details emerge of horrific attacks by Uganda's LRA rebels in neighbouring countries.
Chinese women 'want more babies'
Some 70% of Chinese women want to have more than the one child allowed by law, according to newly-released state research.
Huge interest in 'world's best job' crashes website
The website giving details of supposedly the world's best job - on Australia's Whitsunday Islands - receives more than a million hits and crashes.
Ancelotti contemplates Kaka exit
AC Milan coach Carlo Ancelotti admits for the first time that Kaka could move to Manchester City.
Benitez turns down contract offer
Liverpool boss Rafael Benitez rejects the offer of a new contract with the Anfield club, BBC Sport understands.
Under fire
Doctor describes chaos as Gaza City hospital is razed
Survivor's story
My journey from racist bombing to Obama dream
Knox accused
Italy's focus at the Kercher murder trial is on Amanda Knox
Earth Watch
How humanity is loving nature to death
Andaman ordeal
Boat survivor's accusations of Thai military treatment
Music and motors
Charting Detroit's Motown and motoring heyday
UN inches towards Somalia force
The UN Security Council adopts a resolution agreeing in principle to a peacekeeping force in Somalia.
Aboutrika triumphs in BBC poll
Mohamed Aboutrika of Al Ahly and Egypt tops the BBC poll for the best African player of 2008.
Kercher case to be held in public
An Italian judge rules that trial of an American and an Italian accused of murdering a British student will be held in public.
Bitter cold spreads across the US
The Northeast and Midwest US are expected to experience some of their coldest weather in years.
Muddle over N Korea's succession
Conflicting reports suggest ailing North Korean leader Kim Jong-il has chosen one of his sons to be his successor.
Vietnam reporter freed in amnesty
Journalist Nguyen Viet Chien - jailed for his reports on official corruption in Vietnam - is among 15,000 prisoners to be freed.
Real president Calderon resigns
Real Madrid president Ramon Calderon resigns over a vote-rigging scandal.
Euro inflation hits 26-month low
Eurozone inflation fell to a 26-month low in December, thanks to a big decline in the price of energy bills.
Spate of bomb attacks in Baghdad
A series of bomb blasts during rush hour in Baghdad kills at least eight people and injures many others, officials say.
Iraqis 'capture leading militant'
Iraqi security forces say they have captured a leading Sunni militant thought to be the leader of militant group Ansar al Sunna.
Red Cross fear for Sri Lanka civilians
The Red Cross says that intense fighting in northern Sri Lanka has caused a "massive displacement" of civilians.
UK demands quicker Mumbai probe
UK Foreign Secretary David Miliband urges Pakistan to act more quickly against extremists in the wake of the Mumbai attacks.
Disease and starvation in Zimbabwe
Paul Martin sees how Zimbabwe's health system has disintegrated as the economy worsens
No clear winner in Europe's gas game
Gabriel Gatehouse explains why the gas row between Russia and Ukraine has reached stalemate.
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