Daily Almanac for
Jan 16, 2009
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U.S. Cities


Slideshow: Landmarks of San Francisco  New!

Slideshow: Landmarks of Chicago  New!

Slideshow: New Orleans  New!

Slideshow: Landmarks of New York City

Slideshow: Landmarks of Boston

Slideshow: Landmarks of Houston

Slideshow: Landmarks of Washington, D.C.

Slideshow: Statues of Washington, D.C.

Slideshow: Cherry Blossoms of Washington, D.C.

Population Statistics

Profiles of the 50 Largest Cities of the United States

Top 50 Cities in the U.S. by Population, 2006

Top 50 Cities in the U.S. by Population and Rank

Population of the 20 Largest U.S. Cities, 1900–2005

Metropolitan Areas with Population of 5,000,000 or More

U.S. Cities with Population over 100,000

U.S. Cities and Metro Areas: Census 2000

Foreign-Born Population in Metropolitan Areas

Cultural Information

Best Architecture in U.S. Cities

Cleanest U.S. Cities

Best Culture in U.S. Cities

Most Intelligent U.S. Cities

Best Museums in U.S. Cities

Best People in U.S. Cities

Best Restaurants in U.S. Cities

Best Shopping in U.S. Cities

Most Stylish in U.S. Cities

Best Vacation in U.S. Cities

The 100 Largest City Parks

America's Most Livable Communities

America’s Most Literate Cities, 2007

Firsts in U.S. Cities

Ten Best Metropolitan Areas in the United States

Geographic Information

State Capitals and Largest Cities

Getting to Work in the City

Climate of U.S. Cities

Top U.S. States and Cities Visited by Overseas Travelers

Latitude and Longitude of U.S. and Canadian Cities

Health and Social Statistics

Most Athletic Cities, 2008

Safest and Most Dangerous U.S. Cities, 2008

Safest and Most Dangerous U.S. Cities, 2007

Crime Rates for Selected Large Cities

Murder Rates for Cities

Cost of Living Index for Selected U.S. Cities

Car Theft by Cities

Road Mileages Between U.S. Cities

Air Distances between U.S. Cities

America's 25 Most Ozone-Polluted Metropolitan Areas

Air Quality in Selected U.S. Cities

Largest African-American Cities

Largest Hispanic-American Cities


Area Codes: United States, Canada, Caribbean

Wacky Town Names

America's “Capitals of the World”

Information Please® Database, © 2008 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

United States
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