United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

VA Franchise Fund

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a franchise fund?
A Franchise Fund Pilot Program was authorized under the Government Management Reform Act of 1994, Public Law 103-356 to promote competition and to reduce the cost. Under the pilot program, common administrative support services were financed on a fee-for-service basis rather than through VA's General Administration appropriation.

Permanent status was conferred upon the VA Franchise Fund by Public Law 109-114.

Do you receive appropriated funding?
No appropriated funding is provided to franchise fund organizations, so their success depends on their ability to fully recover costs from customer revenue, satisfy customer requirements, and to expand their customer base.

How does the franchise fund add value to the government?
This franchising concept as adds value to the government because it empowers self-supporting federal government business entities to promote efficiency and conserve resources by:

  • consolidating common administrative support services
  • reducing administrative costs
  • enhancing financial management practices
  • expanding competition

Can state/local government organizations use your services?
Unfortunately, we only provide service to Federal clients.

What services do you provide?
Our services are divided into three business segments (information technology, financial management, and security and law enforcement).

Does your records center store military records?
Military records are not stored at the VA Records Center and Vault.

Discharge and military service records are stored at the National Personnel Records Center, Military Personnel Records (NPRC-MPR). NPRC is the repository of millions of military personnel, health, and medical records of discharged and deceased veterans of all services during the 20th century.  NPRC-MPR also stores medical treatment records of retirees from all services, as well as records for dependent and other persons treated at naval medical facilities.  For additional information, visit the National Archives and Records Administration's website.

Military medical records for service members discharged before May 1, 1994, military medical records are stored at the NPRC (see above).  Since May 1,1994, military medical records only have been stored at the Department of Veterans Affairs Service Medical Records Center (VA-SMRC).  To request copies of military medical records stored at the VA-SMRC, submit a written request to:

P.O. Box 150950
St. Louis,  MO 63115-8960

You may also contact the VA-SMRC Customer Service Division at 314-538-4500.

Who do I contact about VA benefits?
Contact 1-800-827-1000