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January 16, 2009

Modern operating systems
Tanenbaum has been writing significant computer science (CS) books for over 30 years, and this one lives up to his excellent standards. The cover is pretty strange--it looks like the hand-drawn cartoon cover of a Richard Scarry preschool reader--but there is a history... more
It does not seem to me that any contrivances at present known or likely to be discovered really deserve the name of logical machines. It is but a very... more
- John Venn (1894)
Computation-efficient multicast key distribution: IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems

Xu and Huang propose a system for dynamic distribution of session keys based on a clever construction using maximum distance separable (MDS) codes and a hash function. They compare... more

Security and Protection (C.2.0...) | Jan 16 09

Freeform surfaces from single curved panels: ACM Transactions on Graphics

Freeform surfaces are increasingly used in spectacular steel and glass architectural designs. Constructing such a surface from flat pieces renders it polyhedral, diminishing... more

Geometric Algorithms... (I.3.5...) | Jan 16 09

Analyzing e-governance mainstays on municipalities Websites: MM 08

This paper evaluates local government Web sites--30 municipalities that constitute the Bueno Aires Urban Cone--with the adoption of information and communication technologies (ICT) tools... more

Government (J.1...) | Jan 15 09

Representing unit test data for large scale software development: SoftVis 08

The ability to track progress is critical to the success of any software project. When it comes to large programs, tracking progress becomes more difficult. Normally, project tracking data is available in... more

Life Cycle (D.2.9...) | Jan 15 09

Relationships between reading, tracing and writing skills in introductory programming: ICER 08

Do students who complete an introductory programming course really know how to program? Most computer science instructors have probably wondered about this at one time or... more

Computer Science Education (K.3.2...) | Jan 13 09

Reading in the office: CIKM 08

This brief, four-page paper that concerns reading online, provides a useful historical summary and a description of the “requirements for e-book devices to support office work.” The conclusion... more

Electronic Publishing (I.7.4) | Jan 9 09

Implementation of a neural-based navigation approach on indoor and outdoor mobile robots: CSTST 2008

This paper addresses the problem of creating general navigation systems that would apply to different types of autonomous vehicles, including indoor and outdoor robots, with different physical dimensions... more

Connectionism And Neural Nets (I.2.6...) | Jan 8 09

Algorithm 885: computing the logarithm of the normal distribution: ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software

Calculating the logarithm rapidly and accurately of points on the standard normal curve--a normal curve with mean of zero and standard deviation of one--is required for applications that... more

Numerical Algorithms (G.1.0...) | Jan 8 09

BRAP forensics: Communications of the ACM

What’s on your computer that you don’t know about? What’s on your computer that you don’t want someone else to know about? Many application programs keep records of their activities, often using the information... more

Security and Protection (K.6.5) | Jan 8 09

A data integration method for exploring gene regulatory mechanisms: CIKM 08

The problem of understanding the behavior of the constituting components of living beings is of great interest. Many steps forward have been taken in this direction, but most of the “cellular... more

Biology And Genetics (J.3...) | Jan 7 09

Advanced data warehouse design: from conventional to spatial and temporal applications

The conceptual modeling of data warehouses and the study of spatial and temporal data warehouses are both still research areas, the importance of which are highlighted by emerging application areas... more
Data Warehouse And Repository (H.2.7...) | Jan 16 09

Computer graphics for artists: an introduction

At roughly 265 pages, this 16-chapter book is dense with text. Part 1 is a technical introduction to three-dimensional (3D) modeling, while Part 2 covers “Optimization and Surfaces.” A representative list of chapter titles includes “Texture coordinate... more
General (I.3.0) | Jan 15 09

Accelerated GWT: building enterprise Google Web Toolkit applications

The Google Web Toolkit (GWT) is a set of tools for building rich-client Web applications that allow developers to write client-side code in Java. GWT enables the development of the user interface of a Web application in Java, and takes... more
Integrated Environments (D.2.6...) | Jan 15 09

An introduction to computer graphics and creative 3-D environments

My first impression of this book was that the publisher did a very fine job. It is printed in full color and has an excellent layout, even if the margins are very narrow. Three sets of three-dimensional (3D) glasses are provided with the book: red and green... more
General (I.3.0) | Jan 15 09

Intrusion detection systems

Intrusion detection systems (IDSs) are a keystone in network security. This collection of seven papers, plus a glossary and a two-page editorial introduction, presents the state of the art in IDSs... more
Security and Protection (C.2.0...) | Jan 14 09

Agile software engineering

The agile method for writing software is discussed in this book. The elements of the method are: involving the whole team all the time, short releases, time estimations made public by the team member responsible for the task, measures... more
General (K.3.0) | Jan 13 09

Configuring user-designer relations: interdisciplinary perspectives

As stated by the editors on the back cover: This book aims to deepen our understanding of the relationships between users and designers both as they emerge in the wild and as a consequence of our attempts to intervene. Through a series of case... more
Comp.-Supported Coop. Work (H.5.3...) | Jan 13 09

Security for telecommunications networks

Mobile phones have become ubiquitous, and their number is growing rapidly. Now, we want to be accessible at any time and everywhere, and mobile phones are the gadgets that guarantee this almost sacrilegious virtual omnipresence. Some years... more
Security and Protection (C.2.0...) | Jan 12 09

Quantum computing without magic: devices

Unlike most quantum computing books, which are full of formidable math, this entry-level book presents all the crucial concepts step by step, with detailed explanations and an emphasis on experiments and quantum devices. The first half of each... more
Information Theory (H.1.1...) | Jan 12 09

Safeguards in a world of ambient intelligence

Volume 1 in Springer’s new series, “The International Library of Ethics, Law, and Technology,” this book is a direct outcome of the 2006 Safeguards in a World of Ambient Intelligence (SWAMI) conference. It... more
Security and Protection (K.6.5) | Jan 12 09

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