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The Private Landowner Network Privacy Policy
This website is owned and operated by the Resources First Foundation (RFF). Our intention is to provide information and products in support of private land conservation. We recognize that visitors to our site may be concerned about the information they provide to us and how we treat that information. RFF is committed to honoring your privacy preferences.

This policy covers all of the websites RFF publishes:
- and

We encourage you to take the time to read this privacy policy regarding any infomation collected.

Subscribing to the E-newsletter
To sign up the e-newsletter you are only required to provide us with your name and e-mail address.

How to Opt-Out of the E-Newsletter
If at any time you wish to stop receiving an electronic newsletter from RFF select the unsubscribe link located at the bottom of every e-Newsletter, or contact Laura Mass. Please provide enough information for us to be able to identify you that we may comply with your request.

Yellowpages Listings
Your contact information such as your name, title, organization name, address, phone and fax numbers, and email address are the basis of a yellowpages listing. Additional information such as a bio, description of services or, mission statement can be part of a listing.

Use of Information
Your information will only be used as you wish, to receive information from RFF, or inform site visitors of your services and qualifications. You may opt-out of mailings (both postal and e-mail) at any time if you do not wish to receive non-business critical information from us. You can be removed from the yellowpages at any time if you do not wish to have your information publicized. If you request that we remove all of the Personal Information stored in your listing, we will promptly do so.

RFF will not sell your e-mail address for commercial purposes.

Security of Your Information
We will take appropriate steps to protect the security of your personal information. We will also protect your personal information in storage. We have implemented security policies, rules, and technical measures to protect the personal data that we have under our control from: unauthorized access; improper use or disclosure; unauthorized modification; and unlawful destruction or accidental loss. All our employees who have access to, and are associated with processing of personal data, are obliged to respect the confidentiality of your personal data.

All sensitive information (such as your credit card information) provided to the RFF through our (or our partners) websites is transmitted either to us or to our credit card processor using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption. SSL is a proven coding system that lets your browser automatically encrypt, or scramble, data before you send it to us. No credit card information is stored on our site.

Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet can ever be 100% secure. While we strive to protect your information to the fullest extent, we cannot ensure or completely guarantee the security of such information.

Links to Third Party Sites
We provide links to third party sites. Since we do not control those websites, we encourage you to review the privacy policies posted on these third party sites.

Use of Cookies
What are "Cookies"? "Cookies" are small files sent from a Web server to your computer through your browser program. There are two types of cookies: non-persistent and persistent cookies.

A non-persistent cookie enables a website to temporarily keep information on your computer as you travel from one page to another on our site. This cookie is automatically deleted from your machine when you close your browser. Because these cookies are necessary to provide some functions, failure to allow such cookies will make our website unavailable to you.

A persistent cookie is kept even when you close your browser. You can manually delete these cookies using commands specific to your browser and computer system. These cookies store information that would generally not change from session to session. They also contain information that would need to be reentered by you each time you visit the website.

We use cookies for various reasons. We only read cookies written by our sites. We do not use cookies to obtain information on other websites that you may visit. We may use cookies to store some history about the parts of our sites that you have visited to help you navigate our site more easily or to alert you to related pages on our site that may interest you.

Questions and Contact Information
RFF welcomes comments and questions on this policy. We are dedicated to protecting your personal information, and will make every reasonable effort to keep that information secure.

If you have any questions, please contact us at
Resources First Foundation
189 Main St.
Yarmouth, ME 04096
The information you provide to us will also be covered by this policy.

Changes to the Privacy Policy and Changes in Ownership
We may change or supplement this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will post an appropriate notice of changes to the Privacy Policy on our Site. Privacy Policy changes will apply to the information collected from the date we post the revised Privacy Policy to the Site, as well as to existing information held by us.

If we decide to change this policy in a material way, we will obtain the necessary consents required under applicable privacy laws if we seek to collect, use or disclose personal Information for purposes other than those to which consent has been obtained, unless otherwise required or permitted by law. If any proposed change is unacceptable to you, you may request that we remove your personal information from our records.

Last Revised: October 10, 2007

Affiliated Sites:
Conservation Tax Center Adopt an Acre, Save a Ranch Katrina Reforestation Outreach Program Cooperative Conservation America Resources First Foundation Maine State Conservation Center
Our Supporters:
ExxonMobil Foundation    NRCS      Weeden Foundation          Hunter Panels           National Woodland Owners Association USDA Forest Service State and Private Forestry
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