Other damage agents

91 records

Subject Scientific Name Order Family
air pollutants Abiotic Other abiotic damage
chemicals Abiotic Other abiotic damage
Drought Abiotic Other abiotic damage
flooding/high water Abiotic Other abiotic damage
heat Abiotic Other abiotic damage
nutrient deficiency Abiotic Nutrient deficiency
logging damage Abiotic Other abiotic damage
mechanical Abiotic Other abiotic damage
soil compaction Abiotic Other abiotic damage
ozone Abiotic Other abiotic damage
Road salt or de-icing salt Abiotic Other abiotic damage
Human caused injury Abiotic Other abiotic damage
fertilizer salt injury Abiotic Other abiotic damage
weather fleck Abiotic Other abiotic damage
soil fumigant Abiotic Other abiotic damage
genetic abnormalities Abiotic Other abiotic damage
frenching Abiotic Other abiotic damage
drowning Abiotic Other abiotic damage
sunscald Abiotic Other abiotic damage
sandblasting Abiotic Other abiotic damage
canvas burn Abiotic Other abiotic damage
houseburn Abiotic Other abiotic damage
blossom end rot Abiotic Nutrient deficiency
sea salt Abiotic Other abiotic damage
red belt abiotic damage Abiotic Other abiotic damage
nutrient excess or toxicity Abiotic Nutrient toxicity
copper deficiency Abiotic Nutrient deficiency
Iron deficiency Abiotic Nutrient deficiency
Magnesium deficiency Abiotic Nutrient deficiency
Manganese deficiency Abiotic Nutrient deficiency
Nitrogen deficiency Abiotic Nutrient deficiency
Phosphorous deficiency Abiotic Nutrient deficiency
Potassium deficiency Abiotic Nutrient deficiency
Sulfur deficiency Abiotic Nutrient deficiency
Zinc deficiency Abiotic Nutrient deficiency
Calcium deficiency Abiotic Nutrient deficiency
Boron deficiency Abiotic Nutrient deficiency
soil crusting Abiotic Other abiotic damage
manganese toxicity Abiotic Nutrient toxicity
boron toxicity Abiotic Nutrient toxicity
copper toxicity Abiotic Nutrient toxicity
water scald Abiotic Other abiotic damage
growth regulator Abiotic Other abiotic damage
general abiotic stresses Abiotic Other abiotic damage
edema Physiological disorder Physiological disorder
moisture stress Physiological disorder Physiological disorder
fasciation Physiological disorder Physiological disorder
oak tatters Physiological disorder Physiological disorder
transplant shock Physiological disorder Physiological disorder
yellow-cedar decline Unknown Unknown biotic damage agent
sycamore dieback Unknown Unknown biotic damage agent
leaf scorches Unknown Unknown biotic damage agent
sand pine root disease Unknown Unknown biotic damage agent
Witches' Broom Unknown Unknown biotic damage agent
lignotubers Unknown Unknown biotic damage agent
multi-damage (insect/disease) Unknown Unknown biotic damage agent
fairy rings Unknown Unknown biotic damage agent
oak decline syndrome Unknown Unknown biotic damage agent
burl and decay Unknown Unknown biotic damage agent
defoliation due to unknown cause Unknown Unknown cause
galls Unknown Unknown biotic damage agent
fir and spruce canker Unknown Unknown biotic damage agent
rose rosette disease RRD Unknown Unknown biotic damage agent
hackberry witches' broom Unknown Unknown biotic damage agent
Grapevine Vein Yellows and Leaf Roll Unknown Unknown cause
Phyllody agent Unknown Unknown biotic damage agent
Rice yellow dwarf Unknown Unknown biotic damage agent
potato yellow vein disease PYVD Unknown Unknown biotic damage agent
citrus blight disease Unknown Unknown cause
corn lodging Unknown Unknown biotic damage agent
unknown virus Unknown Unknown biotic damage agent
orchard disease problem Unknown Unknown biotic damage agent
strawberry fruit rot Unknown Unknown biotic damage agent
spruce decline Unknown Unknown biotic damage agent
hickory decline Unknown Unknown biotic damage agent
larch dieback Unknown Unknown biotic damage agent
tracheomycosis Unknown Unknown biotic damage agent
aspen decline Unknown Unknown biotic damage agent
black ash decline Unknown Unknown biotic damage agent
papaya bunchy top Unknown bacterium Unknown Unknown biotic damage agent
unknown fungi Unknown Unknown biotic damage agent
yellow shoulder disorder Unknown Unknown cause
leaf distortion Unknown Unknown cause
catfacing Unknown Unknown cause
needle droop Unknown Unknown cause
peach wart Unknown Unknown biotic damage agent
graft incompatibility Unknown Unknown cause
ash decline Unknown Unknown biotic damage agent
hazelnut brown stain Unknown Unknown cause
rhododendron shoot proliferation Unknown Unknown cause
sudden aspen decline Unknown Unknown cause

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