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National Woodland Owners Association endorses PLN National Woodland Owners Association
374 Maple Ave. E ♦ Suite 310 ♦ Vienna, VA 22180
Ph: 800-476-8733 ♦ Fax: 703-281-9200

National Woodland Owners Association and the Private Landowner Network team up to help landowners across the nation.

Your several initiatives to help landowners be better stewards are a great source of encouragement for National Woodland Owners (NWOA). We would like offer our support for and link to several of your websites. NWOA commends you for the impressive websites and internet services you and the Resources First Foundation have built to advance conservation today. Your initial product, the Private Landowner Network (PLN), is a significant innovation and has become a standard setter for getting conservation services and information out to private landowners across the country.

Additionally RFF’s Katrina Reforestation site, targeting resources and restoration activities to reforesting the hurricane ravaged gulf coast states, is a benchmark product which we hope will be a model for further development of solutions for geographically targeted conservation information and resources in the future.

As you know NWOA is now the largest independent forest and woodland owners organization in the U.S., with over 25,000 members. We have a variety of projects designed by working woodland owners to assist woodland owners. Among these are the Forestry Service Bureau, the Forestry Advantage Newsletter, National Woodlands Magazine, Woodland Report Newsletter, Green Tag Forest Certification,,,,, and other activities. NWOA coordinates the Alliance of Landowner Associations, which represents the 32 state forest, and woodland owner associations that are our affiliates.

One of the services most often requested is help to navigate the many, and sometimes confusing, federal, state, and private websites designed to assist private landowners. Your Private Landowner Network is an excellent ongoing effort to link landowners with a wide variety of useful information.

NWOA has for many years been a very strong advocate of Forestry Extension education programs, especially those assisted by the Renewal Resources Education Act. Your new program identifying county extension offices throughout the U.S. is a great help to get landowners linked to the people administering these education programs. We have put your link directly on our main website.

NWOA and the Resources First Foundation have a common goal of assisting private landowners to be the best land stewards they can be. We look forward to a long and fruitful relationship of working together. Thank you for your continued efforts in developing innovative, solution based internet products that help this nation’s landowners conserve and restore our natural resources.

Keith A. Argow
National Woodland Owners Association

Affiliated Sites:
Conservation Tax Center Adopt an Acre, Save a Ranch Katrina Reforestation Outreach Program Cooperative Conservation America Resources First Foundation Maine State Conservation Center
Our Supporters:
ExxonMobil Foundation    NRCS      Weeden Foundation          Hunter Panels           National Woodland Owners Association USDA Forest Service State and Private Forestry
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