IPM Images

The Source for Agriculture and Pest Management Pictures



1545 Records

Name Organization
HortNET The Horticulture and Food Research Institute of New Zealand
C. Trouvé Service de la Protection des Végétaux
Mike Reding & Betsy Anderson USDA Agricultural Research Service
Hariet Hinz & Ester Gerber CABI Biosciences
K. George Beck & James Sebastian Colorado State University
Mark Schwarzlander & Patrick Hafliger CABI Biosciences
Aref Abdul-Baki
Jean-François Abgrall Centre d'étude du machinisme agricole du génie rural, des eaux et forêts
Lawrence Abrahamson State University of New York
Karen Ackles KMA Images
Daniel Adam Office National des Forêts
David Adams University of Georgia
Wayne Adkins USDA Forest Service
Erick Ahlbrandt independent
Evgeny Akulov Russian Research Institute Of Plant Quarantine
Jana Albers Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Doug Allan The Horticulture and Food Research Institute of New Zealand
Gillian Allard FAO of United Nations
Doug Allen State University of New York
W.R. Allen Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
James R. Allison Georgia Department of Natural Resources
David T. Almquist University of Florida
Gary Alpert Harvard University
Juan Manuel Alvarez University of Idaho
Ketan . Jeram Amarshi kjphotography
Lisa Ames University of Georgia
G.D. Amman USDA Forest Service
Piero Amorati ICCroce - Casalecchio di Reno
James W. Amrine Jr. West Virginia University
I. Ponti and P. Cavanni Regional Plant Protection Service, Emilia-Romagna
Robert L. Anderson USDA Forest Service
Roger Anderson Duke University
Lloyd Andres USDA Agricultural Research Service
Clifford Andrews
S.A. Andrews USDA Forest Service
S.R. Andrews USDA Forest Service
Ethan Angell New York State Department of Agriculture & Markets
Lisa Anness LDA Associates
Baudoin Anton Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Gvozdev Antony free artist
Bill Antrobius USDA Forest Service
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Archive Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Agriculture Canada, Ottawa Archive
Agroscope FAL Reckenholz Archive Swiss Federal Research Station for Agroecology and Agriculture
American Phytopathological Society Archive American Phytopathological Society
Anatomy Department Archive West Virginia University
Auburn University Archive Auburn University
Bayer Pflanzenschutz Archive Bayer Pflanzenschutz
Biolog. Bundesans., Inst. f. Pflanzenschutz im Weinbau Archive
Biologische Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft Archive Biologische Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft
Biologische Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft Archive Biologische Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft
Biologische Bundesanstalt, Institut für Pflanzenschutz im Obstbau Archive Biologische Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft
CABI Biosciences Archive CABI Biosciences
California Department of Food and Agriculture Archive
Canadian Food Inspection Agency Archive
Canadian Forest Service Archive Canadian Forest Service
Caulerpa Action Team Archive
Center for Disease Control Archive Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Center for Great Lakes and Aquatic Sciences Archive University of Michigan
Central Science Laboratory Archive Crown Copyright
Central Science Laboratory, Harpenden Archive British Crown
Centre for Overseas Pest Research, London Archive Centre for Overseas Pest Research, London
Commonwealth Institute of Helminthology Archive Commonwealth Institute of Helminthology
Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station Archive Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station
Cornell University Archive Cornell University
CSIRO Archive Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
DAFF Archive
Department of Agriculture, Northern Ireland Archive Department of Agriculture, Northern Ireland
Department of Plant Pathology Archive North Carolina State University
Department of Primary Industries and Water, Tasmania Archive
Division of Plant Industry Archive Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
ENSA-Montpellier Archive Ecole nationale supérieure agronomique de Montpellier
European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization Archive
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Archive
Forestry Canada, Ottawa Archive
Georgia Forestry Commission Archive Georgia Forestry Commission
Great Smoky Mountains National Park Resource Management Archive USDI National Park Service
GRISP, Antibes Archive GRISP, Antibes
Heinz USA Archive
Horticulture Research International, East Malling Archive Horticulture Research International
Indiana Department of Natural Resources Archive Indiana Department of Natural Resources
INRA-Angers Archive
INRA-Antibes Archive Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique
INRA-Bordeaux Archive Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique
INRA-Versailles Archive Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique
Institut Technique de la Betterave Archive
International Potato Center Archive
International Rice Research Institute Archive
International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos Archive International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos
IPM Thailand Archive
Landesanst. f. Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenschutz, Mainz Archive
Landesanstalt für Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenschutz Archive Landesanstalt für Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenschutz: Mainz
Landesforstpräsidium Sachsen Archive
Louisiana State University Archive Louisiana State University
Louisiana State University AgCenter Archive Louisiana State University
Michigan Department of Natural Resources Archive Michigan Department of Natural Resources
Minister of Public Works and Government Services, Canada Archive
Ministry of Agricuilture and Rural Affairs Archive Ministry of Agricuilture and Rural Affairs
Ministry of Agriculture and Food Production Archive Ministry of Agriculture and Food Production
Ministry of Agriculture and Regional Development Archive Ministry of Agriculture and Regional Development
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Archive Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Mississippi State University Archive Mississippi State University
Montana State University Archive Montana State University
Montana Statewide Noxious Weed Awareness and Education Program Archive Montana State University
Mount Albert Research Centre Archive Mount Albert Research Centre
National Interagency Fire Center Archive
National Wetlands Research Center Archive U.S. Geological Survey
Nemapix Archive
New York State Agricultural Experiment Station Archive Cornell University
Nez Perce BioControl Center Archive Nez Perce BioControl Center
North Carolina Forest Service Archive
North Carolina State University Archive North Carolina State University
Ohio State Weed Lab Archive The Ohio State University
Osservatorio per le Malattie delle Piante Archive Osservatorio per le Malattie delle Piante
Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources - Forestry Archive
Pflanzenschutzamt Saarbrücken, Husken-Thimm Archive Pflanzenschutzamt Saarbrücken, Husken-Thimm
Pflanzenschutzamt Weil-am-Rhein Archives Archive
Pflanzenschutzamt, Hanover Archive Pflanzenschutzamt, Hanover
Plant Pathology Laboratory, Harpenden (GB) Archive Plant Pathology Laboratory, Harpenden (GB)
Plant Protection Service Archive Plant Protection Service
Rijksstation voor Plantenziekten Archive Rijksstation voor Plantenziekten
Rocky Mountain Research Station/Forest Pathology Archive USDA Forest Service
Rothamsted Experimental Station Archive Rothamsted Experimental Station
SCRI-Dundee Archive Scottish Crop Research Institute
Southern Forest Insect Work Conference Archive Southern Forest Insect Work Conference
SRPV, Bourgogne Archive Les Services Régionaux de la Protection des Végétaux
SRPV, Ile de France Archive Les Services Régionaux de la Protection des Végétaux
SRPV, Limoges Archive Les Services Régionaux de la Protection des Végétaux
SRPV, Nice Archive Les Services Régionaux de la Protection des Végétaux
SRPV, Poitiers Archive Les Services Régionaux de la Protection des Végétaux
State Plant Pathology Institute of Denmark Archive
State Plant Quarantine Inspection Archive State Plant Quarantine Inspection
Stephen F. Austin State University Archive Stephen F. Austin State University
Texas Agricultural Extension Service Archive Texas A&M University
Texas Forest Service Archive Texas Forest Service
The Dow Gardens Archive Dow Gardens
The Natural History Museum, London Archive
The Nature Conservancy Archive The Nature Conservancy
The William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden Archive
Trial Gardens Archive University of Georgia
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Archive U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
U.S. Geological Survey Archive U.S. Geological Survey
UAF Cooperative Extension Archive University of Alaska - Fairbanks
UC Regents Archive
UK Forestry Commission Archive
United States National Collection of Scale Insects Photographs Archive USDA Agricultural Research Service
Università di Bologna Archive Università di Bologna
Università di Napoli Archive Università di Napoli
University of Alaska - Anchorage Archive University of Alaska - Anchorage
University of Arkansas Forest Entomology Lab Archive University of Arkansas
University of California Archive University of California
University of Florida Archive University of Florida
University of Georgia Archive University of Georgia
University of Georgia Entomology Archive University of Georgia
University of Georgia Plant Pathology Archive University of Georgia
University of Idaho Archive University of Idaho
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Archive University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
University of New South Wales Archive University of New South Wales
USDA ARS Archive USDA Agricultural Research Service
USDA ARS Archive USDA Agricultural Research Service
USDA Forest Service Archive USDA Forest Service
USDA Forest Service Archive USDA Forest Service
USDA Forest Service Archive USDA Forest Service
USDA Forest Service Archive USDA Forest Service
USDA Forest Service Archive USDA Forest Service
USDA Forest Service - Alaska Archive USDA Forest Service
USDA Forest Service - Arkansas Archive USDA Forest Service
USDA Forest Service - Ashville Archive USDA Forest Service
USDA Forest Service - Forest Health Protection - St. Paul Archive USDA Forest Service
USDA Forest Service - North Central Research Station Archive USDA Forest Service
USDA Forest Service - Northeastern Area Archive USDA Forest Service
USDA Forest Service - Ogden Archive USDA Forest Service
USDA Forest Service - Pineville Archive USDA Forest Service
USDA Forest Service - Region 4 Archive USDA Forest Service
USDA Forest Service - Region 8 Archive USDA Forest Service
USDA Forest Service - Rocky Mountain Region Archive USDA Forest Service
USDI BLM Archive USDI Bureau of Land Management
Utah State University Archive Utah State University
Virginia Tech Plant Pathology Archive Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Virginia Tech Weed Identification Guide Archive Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Volcani Center Archive Agricultural Research Organization
Warner Park Nature Center Archive Warner Park Nature Center
Washington State University Archive Washington State University
NOAA Archives
OSU Extension Slide Set Archives The Ohio State University
Hania Arentsen Garden Safari
Nora Arias Loftis
Jonathan Armstrong University of Southern California
Kevin D. Arvin
Christopher Asaro University of Georgia
Jerry Asher USDI Bureau of Land Management
Andrea Atkinson National Park Service
Thomas Atkinson Dow AgroSciences
Mark Atwater Weed Control Unlimited, Inc.
H. Audemard INRA, Montfavet
Dr. Augustin Landesanstalt für Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenschutz: Mainz
Stephen Ausmus USDA Agricultural Research Service
Charles Averre North Carolina State University
T. Azeri Plant Protection Research Institute
Paul Bachi University of Kentucky Research & Education Center
Dr. Backhaus Biologische Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft
Michael J. Bader University of Georgia
Ignacio Baez USDA Agricultural Research Service
Ralph D. Bagwell Louisiana State University
John P. Bailey University of Leicester
Fred Baker Utah State University
Jim Baker North Carolina State University
J.R. Baker & S.B. Bambara North Carolina State University
Yves Bancillon Office National des Forêts
K.A. Barbarick
Douglas Barbe California Department of Food and Agriculture
Larry R. Barber USDA Forest Service
Chuck Bargeron University of Georgia
Kenneth R. Barker North Carolina State University
P. Barkley Biological and Chemical Research Institute
Edward L. Barnard Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Barbara Barratt AgResearch Invermay
Michael Barron National Park Service
Patrick J. Barry USDA Forest Service
Rex Bartlett
M.E. Bartolo
Robert F. Bassett USDA Forest Service
Chip Bates Georgia Forestry Commission
Andrea Battisti Università di Padova
Olivier Baubet Département de la Santé des Forêts
Erwin and Peggy Bauer US Fish and Wildlife Service
Scott Bauer USDA Agricultural Research Service
Gary Baxter Department of Primary Industries, Victoria
Lorraine Beaman USDA ARS Honey Bee Breeding Lab
Thomas Beard
K. George Beck Colorado State University
David Beckman Idaho Department of Lands
Poul Beckmann
Peter Bedker
J. Begtrup State Plant Pathology Institute
Elizabeth Bella USDA Forest Service
Vince Belleci
F. Benci Boll Weevil Research Laboratory
D.M. Benjamin University of Wisconsin
Christine A. Bennett USDA Agricultural Research Service
Dayle D. Bennett
W.H. Bennett USDA Forest Service
Amy Benson U.S. Geological Survey
Mary Benson USDA; Property of the Smithsonian Institution, Department of Entomology
Joseph Berger
Chris Bergh Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Wayne Berisford University of Georgia
Ernest C. Bernard University of Tennessee
R. Bernhard INRA, Bordeaux
Gary Bernon USDA APHIS
Jennifer Berry
Joe Berry none
L.L. Berry
F. Bertaux GRISP, Antibes
Paul Bertrand University of Georgia
Dean Biggins US Fish and Wildlife Service
W. Billen Pflanzenbeschaustelle, Weil am Rhein
Brett Billings US Fish and Wildlife Service
Ronald F. Billings Texas Forest Service
Kathleen Bjoran KBj Design/Free Thought Photography
L.M. Black
Randall Blackburn Smithsonian Institution
Darren Blackford USDA Forest Service
Paul Bloomer
Bernd Blossey Cornell University
Murray S. Blum University of Georgia
Clinton Bodine
Mike Bodle South Florida Water Management District
Ted Bodner Southern Weed Science Society
Michael Bohne
André Bolay St. Fédér. de Recherches Agronomiques de Changins
Paul Bolstad University of Minnesota
Andrew J. Boone South Carolina Forestry Commission
Nanna Borcherdt Sitka Conservation Society
Zelimir Borzan University of Zagreb
D. Boubals ENA
J.M. Bové INRA Centre de Recherches de Bordeaux
John Shaw Boyce USDA Forest Service
William D. Boyer USDA Forest Service
George Boyhan University of Georgia
Steve Brack
Julieta Brambila USDA APHIS PPQ
Keith Bramwell University of Arkansas
Tommaso Branzanti
James Braselton
J. Brasington USDA Forest Service
Stephen Bratkovich USDA Forest Service
Sarah Braun Beaver Creek Reserve
D. Bray
Patrick Breen Oregon State University
T.W. Bretz USDA Forest Service
Wayne Brewer Auburn University
M.A. Brick
Allen Bridgman South Carolina Department of Natural Resources
Kerry Britton USDA Forest Service
Fred Brooks University of Hawaii at Manoa
Patrick H. Brose Clemson University
Sonya Broughton Department of Agriculture & Food Western Australia
Alfred Brousseau Saint Mary's College
Dale Brown University of Georgia
Daniel H. Brown USDA Forest Service
J.K. Brown University of Arizona
Karen Brown University of Florida
Leland Brown
Steve L. Brown University of Georgia
Steve M. Brown University of Georgia
William M. Brown Jr.
Charles T. Bryson USDA Agricultural Research Service
Charles T. and John R. Bryson
G.W. Buchleiter
Gary Buckingham USDA Agricultural Research Service
Doug Buhler
Allan Bullard USDA Forest Service
Stephen W. Bullington USDA APHIS PPQ
LayLa Burgess Clemson University
Rick Burningham Mountain States
Jean Burns Florida State University
Elizabeth Bush Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Lyle Buss University of Florida
Paul Butts Georgia Forestry Commission
G.M. Buxton
James W. Byler USDA Forest Service
John D. Byrd Mississippi State University
P.F. Byrne
Brian Cabrera University of Florida, Ft. Lauderdale
D.D. Cadahía Subdirección General de Sanidad Vegetal
Steve Cade Weyerhaeuser Co.
Tony Caesar USDA Agricultural Research Service
D. Caffier Lab. National de la Protection des Végétaux
Bob Cain USDA Forest Service
Kenneth Calcote Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce
Cesar Calderon USDA APHIS PPQ
R. Scott Cameron Advanced Forest Protection, Inc.
Kim Camilli Texas Forest Service
Faith Campbell The Nature Conservancy
Nancy Campbell USDA Forest Service
Christie Cantrell
Ludovic Capo-chichi Auburn University
David Cappaert Michigan State University
John Cardina The Ohio State University
G.E. Cardon
Scott Carlson University of Georgia
William A. Carothers USDA Forest Service
Jim Carpenter USDA Agricultural Research Service
Eric Carr California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
Gerald D. Carr Carr Botanical Consultation
Raymond Carruthers USDA Agricultural Research Service
Richard Carter Valdosta State University
Richard A. Casagrande University of Rhode Island
R. Cassini INRA, Versailles
Lisa Castlebury USDA Agricultural Research Service
Boris Castro Texas A&M University
Steve Cathey
H.D. Catling
G. Caubel Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique
Ted D. Center USDA Agricultural Research Service
Virginia Tech Learning Resources Center Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Ken Chamberlain The Ohio State University
Joe Chamberlin Valent USA Corporation
Rae Chambers Pennsylvania State University
Richard Chan Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
Scott Chapal J.W. Jones Ecological Research Center
P.J. Chapman New York State Agricultural Experiment Station
Raghavan Charudattan University of Florida
A.R. Chase North Carolina State University
Carole Cheah Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station
Mao Chen Cornell University
Hong Cheng
Alexander Chizhov
Paul M. Choate University of Florida
Dong-Hwan Choe University of California
Gary Cholwek U.S. Geological Survey
Leslie Chong Simon Fraser University
Patricia M. Ciesla Forest Health Management International
William M. Ciesla Forest Health Management International
Carina J. Cilliers ARC - Plant Protection Research Institute
Dan Clark USDI National Park Service
Dell O. Clark California Department of Food and Agriculture
Jack Clark University of California - Davis
Wayne E. Clark Auburn University
Steve Clarke USDA Forest Service
Machelle Clements University of Georgia
M. Clerjeau INRA, Centre de Recherches de Bordeaux
Mike Cline Wikipedia
B.R. Coad
Cathy Cochran Oak Hill Plantation llc
Alfred Cofrancesco U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Allen Cohen USDA Agricultural Research Service
Nancy Coile Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Tom Coleman University of Kentucky
V. Rodney Coleman University of Georgia
David Conklin USDA Forest Service
John Connett University of Idaho
Michael D. Connor USDA Forest Service
Bill Cook Michigan State University
Barry Cooke Natural Resources Canada
Eric Coombs Oregon Department of Agriculture
James A. Copony Virginia Department of Forestry
Norbert J. Cordeiro University of Illinois at Chicago
Ed Cordell USDA Forest Service
Hugo A. Cordo USDA ARS - South American Biological Control Laboratory
Victor Cordova City of Houston, Urban Forestry Division
Houston Couch Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
M.T. Cousin INRA, Versailles
Billy Craft
Michelle Cram USDA Forest Service
Whitney Cranshaw Colorado State University
Piero Cravedi Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Johnny Crawford University of Georgia
Phil Crawl USDA Forest Service
Tom Creswell Purdue University
R.L. Croissant
Thomas C. Croker USDA Forest Service
Mark Crosby University of Georgia
Gene Cross North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Hansell F. Cross Georgia State University
Gyorgy Csoka Hungary Forest Research Institute
James P. Cuda University of Florida
Stanley Culpepper University of Georgia
Ralph Cunningham Tennessee Valley Authority
Terry Curtis
Art Cushman USDA; Property of the Smithsonian Institution, Department of Entomology
A.D. Cushmon Nemapix picture set
Randy Cyr GREENTREE Technologies
Mark Czarnota University of Georgia
Edward Czerwinski Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
Beate Czogalla Georgia College & State University
Nadia Da Ros
Jennifer E. Dacey University of Rhode Island
Bonnie Dalzell
J.L. Danet INRA Centre de Recherches de Bordeaux
R. Danka
Mirza Dautbasic University of Sarajevo
Bob Davidson
J.A. Davidson
Diane Davies University of Georgia
J.G. Davis
Stephen Davis USDA APHIS PPQ
Virgil Davis USDA Forest Service
Tony Davison
Eric R. Day Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Rosemarie De Clerck-Floate Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
J.D. de Filippis University of Florida
Lilia De Guzman
C.A. de Klerk Nietvoorbij Institute for Viticulture and Oenology
Gary L. DeBarr USDA Forest Service
Bob DeGross National Park Service
Keith Delaplane University of Georgia
José Luís Delgado
Johnny N. Dell
Jack DeLoach
Thomas B. Denholm New Jersey Department of Agriculture
Gregg DeNitto USDA Forest Service
Carl Dennis Auburn University
Michigan Department of Agriculture
Andrew Derksen University of Florida
H. Barth Dessau
Jerald E. Dewey USDA Forest Service
Steve Dewey Utah State University
David Dickens University of Georgia
Lester E. Dickens
D.W. Dickson Nemapix picture set
Lew Diehl
Leslie Dietz
Christina DiFonzo Michigan State University
Nick Dimmock University of Northampton
Vladimir Dinets University of Miami
Jian-qing Ding Cornell University
Carol DiSalvo USDI National Park Service
Joseph M. DiTomaso University of California - Davis
Wayne N. Dixon Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Kevin Dodds USDA Forest Service
Claudia Dolinski Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense
Oscar Dooling USDA Forest Service
F. Dosba INRA, Bordeaux
G. Keith Douce University of Georgia
Clyde Dowler USDA Agricultural Research Service
Adam Downing Virgina Cooperative Extension
Dr. Iren Siller and Dr. Gabor Turcsanyi
Pavel Draboturin ZAMBEZY
Charles Drake Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Arnold T. Drooz USDA Forest Service
Donald Duerr USDA Forest Service
William D. Duffie Jr. University of Georgia
H.R. Duke
Mary Duke
Faith Duncan USDA Forest Service
Harry Duncan North Carolina State University
J. Dunez
Ruben Durán Washington State University
Willey Durden USDA Agricultural Research Service
James D. Dutcher University of Georgia
Ethel Dutky University of Maryland
L.D. Dwinell USDA Forest Service
Mike Dyche University of Georgia
Jack Dykinga USDA Agricultural Research Service
Robert Dzwonkowski
Emily Earp FloridaNature.org
Bernard H. Ebel USDA Forest Service
Donnie Edwards
GB Edwards Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
M. Boyd Edwards USDA Forest Service
Richard C. Edwards Purdue University
Andris Eglitis USDA Forest Service
Jeffrey Eickwort Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Jonathan D. Eisenback Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
David Eitzen
Thomas Elias
Donna R. Ellis University of Connecticut
H C Ellis University of Georgia
James D. Ellis University of Florida
Susan Ellis
Thomas Ellis, Jr. Baldwin County, Alabama Forestry Planning Committee
Link Elmore
Gerhard Elsner Biologische Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft
Lee Emery U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Eric Engbretson U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Kevin Enge Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Terry English USDA APHIS PPQ
A. Eppler Justus-Liebig Universität
Eric Erbe USDA Agricultural Research Service
Norm Erickson
James Etheridge Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Tom Eubank Mississippi State University
USDA ARS European Biological Control Laboratory USDA ARS - European Biological Control Laboratory
Chris Evans River to River CWMA
H.C. Evans CAB Interational
Howard Ensign Evans Colorado State University
Troy Evans Eastern Kentucky University, Department of Biology
Wendy VanDyk Evans
John W. Everest Auburn University
James Everitt
Wilson Faircloth USDA Agricultural Research Service
Mary Ann Fajvan West Virginia University
Scott Famous DoD
Bob Farrah USDA Forest Service
Carl W. Fatzinger USDA Forest Service
Heather Faubert University of Rhode Island
Brian Ferguson
Amy Ferriter State of Idaho
Jody Fetzer New York Botanical Garden
Biological Control of Weeds in the West Field Guide Western Society of Weed Science
T.H. Filer Jr. USDA
Fred Fishel University of Missouri
William K. Fitt
Barry Fitzgerald USDA Agricultural Research Service
R. Flores Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos
Alan Flynn New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Rob Flynn
J.C. Follin IRCT
Mark Folsom
John L. Foltz University of Florida
Mark Fontaine University of Florida
T.L. Forsberg North Carolina State University
Beat Forster Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research
Suzanne Foster USDA NRCS PLANTS Database
Alison Fox University of Florida
Mandy Frake
Nancy Fraley USDI National Park Service
G.D. Franc
Felix Francis Kerala Agricultural University
Bob Frank
Cheryl E. Frank University of Vermont
Michael Frank Galileo Group Inc.
Bernard Fransen
C.A. Frazier
Reid Frederick USDA Agricultural Research Service
Barry Freeman Auburn University
D. W. French University of Minnesota
E.R. French CIP, Lima
Frank E French Georgia Southern University
Jason French New Mexico State University
Mark Frey The Presidio Trust
Bruce Fritz
M.H. Frost USDA Forest Service
Amy Fulcher University of Kentucky
Malcolm Furniss
G. Siscaro and G. Mazzeo Università di Catania
Kenneth M. Gale
Bill Gallup
Reyes Garcia III USDA Agricultural Research Service
L. Gardan INRA, Angers
Dr. Lynn Clark and Anna Gardner Iowa State University
Stephen M. Garnsey USDA-ARS, South Atlantic Area
Jean-François Garsault Département de la Santé des Forêts
Jason Gatch University of Georgia
George Gate Forest Research
Brian Geils USDA Forest Service
John H. Ghent USDA Forest Service
John N. Gibbs Forestry Commission
Jerry Gibson Deer Park, AL
Kenneth E. Gibson USDA Forest Service
Anne W. Gideon
L.S. Gill USDA Forest Service
Raymond Gill California Department of Food and Agriculture
Nancy Gillette USDA Forest Service
Linnea Gillman USDA Forest Service
L. Giunchedi Università di Bologna
Dean Gjerstad Auburn University
E.H. Glass New York State Agricultural Experiment Station
B.J. Goates USDA Agricultural Research Service
John Godbee International Paper
Bill Godfrey Georgia Forestry Commission
Donald J. Goheen USDA Forest Service
Temel Gokturk Artvin Forest
S.L. Goldson MAFTech
Lizbeth Gonzalez Ericsson
Shawn Good Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife
John Goolsby USDA ARS - Australian Biological Control Laboratory
M. Goto
Elizabeth Goulet Cornell University
Svetlana Y. Gouli University of Vermont
Fudd Graham Auburn University
Darbie Granberry University of Georgia
Jean-Paul Grandjean Office National des Forêts
Alan Grant Dept Environmental Protection
Connie Gray GA-EPPC
Tom Gray Canadian Forest Service
Peggy Greb USDA Agricultural Research Service
Meg Green University of Georgia
Debbie Greene Pilcher Park Nature Center
Nancy Gregory University of Delaware
Jenn Grieser New York City Department of Environmental Protection
R. Grimm
Beth Grobbelaar
K. Groope Montana State University
Donald M. Grosman Texas Forest Service
H. Gross USDA Agricultural Research Service
Tertia Grové Institute for Tropical and Subtropical Crops
Alan Guile
W.C. Guy
John Guyon USDA Forest Service
Antoine Guyonnet Lépidoptères Poitou-Charentes
J. Guyot INRA, Pointe-à-Pitre
Robert A. Haack USDA Forest Service
Dale Habeck
Ken Hackman
Aaron Hager USDA Agricultural Research Service
Susan K. Hagle USDA Forest Service
Brad Haire University of Georgia
Jad Haldman Erskine College
Frank A. Hale University of Tennessee
Timothy Haley USDA Forest Service
David Hall USDA Agricultural Research Service
Tom Hall Georgia Forestry Commission
William T. Haller University of Florida
Ron Halstead Halstead Forestry & Realty, Inc.
R.L. Hamblen
Roger Hammer Miami-Dade Parks and Recreation Department
Bonsak Hammeraas Bioforsk - Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research
Richard S. Hammerschlag U.S. Geological Survey
R.A. Hammon
John Hammond USDA Agricultural Research Service
Perry Hampson
Brett Hampton University of Nebraska
Dagmar Hanold University of Adelaide, School Agric,Food&Wine, Waite
Mary Ann Hansen Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Richard W. Hansen USDA APHIS PPQ
James B. Hanson USDA Forest Service
Juliana M. Harding Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Clint Hardy University of Kentucky
Ken L S Harley Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
Bonnie Harper-Lore Federal Highway Administration
Jeffrey Harris USDA ARS Honey Bee Breeding Lab
Paul Harris
Peter Harris Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Mary Ellen (Mel) Harte
H. Hashimoto
Rusty Haskell University of Florida
Steve Hatch
Dennis Haugen USDA Forest Service
Dennis Haugen
Linda Haugen USDA Forest Service
Lynn Jones and Nathan Havill USDA Forest Service
Frank Hawksworth USDA Forest Service
Tim Haye Universität Kiel
Carol Hayes Burnt Fork Watershed Alliance
Evelyn Healy University of California - Davis
Robert Hedburg St. Louis County Land Department
Robert Hedlund U.S. Agency for International Development
Martin Heffer The Horticulture and Food Research Institute of New Zealand
Esmat M. Hegazi University of Alexandria
Iman Heijboer
O. Heikinheimo
Dieter Heinicke LWA Hannover
John S. Heiss University of Arkansas
E. Hellmers Royal Veterinary & Agricultural University
James Henderson Gulf South Research Corporation
Rosa Henderson Landcare Research
Joe Hennen Botanical Research Institute of Texas
Paul E. Hennon USDA Forest Service
Ames Herbert Tidewater AREC
C.W. Herbert USDA Forest Service
Don Herbison-Evans University of Sydney
Catherine Herms The Ohio State University
Daniel Herms The Ohio State University
Jose Hernandez USDA NRCS PLANTS Database
Gerard D. Hertel West Chester University
Tom Heutte USDA Forest Service
Bradley Higbee Paramount Farming
Stephen D. Hight USDA Agricultural Research Service
Diane Hildebrand USDA Forest Service
Martin P. Hill ARC - Plant Protection Research Institute
Josh Hillman FloridaNature.org
Thomas E. Hinds USDA Forest Service
Nancy Hinkle University of Georgia
Tom Hlavaty USDA Agricultural Research Service
Mark S. Hoddle University of California - Riverside
Jason Hodge University of Kentucky
C.L. Hodges USDA Forest Service
John D. Hodges Mississippi State University
E. Richard Hoebeke Cornell University
William H. Hoffard USDA Forest Service
James Hoffman
J.H. Hofmeyr Citrus Research International
Russ Hogan
Christopher Hogger Swiss Federal Research Station for Agroecology and Agriculture
Dave Holland USDA Forest Service
John and Karen Hollingsworth US Fish and Wildlife Service
Gerald Holmes North Carolina State University
Edward H. Holsten USDA Forest Service
Fred Honing USDA Forest Service
J.C. Hopkins
Scott Horn USDA Forest Service
Chris Horne
Steve Horsley USDA Forest Service
F.W. Howard University of Florida
Nathan Howard University of Kentucky
James O. Howell University of Georgia
Charles Hoysa Virginia Cooperative Extension
Boris Hrasovec Faculty of Forestry
Fred Hrusa California Department of Food and Agriculture
George Hudler Cornell University
Will Hudson University of Georgia
Jiri Hulcr Michigan State University
Natalie Hummel Louisiana State University Agricultureal Center
Billy Humphries Forest Resource Consultants, Inc.
Lauren Humphries National Biological Information Infrastructure
Steve Hurst USDA NRCS PLANTS Database
R.S. Hussey Nemapix picture set
Lacy L. Hyche Auburn University
N.A. Irlbeck
Hideo Ishii Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries
Alan Isler Georgia Forestry Commission
J.L. Gaignard & J. Luisetti INRA
Ben Jackson University of Georgia
Jeffrey J. Jackson University of Georgia
William Jacobi Colorado State University
B.J. Jacobsen North Carolina State University
Dr. Reuven Jacobsohn Agricultural Research Organization
Robert L. James USDA Forest Service
K.B. Jamieson Canadian Forest Service
J.D. Janse Plant Protection Service
Leo Janssen Flemish Entomological Society
James H. Jarratt Mississippi State University
Dr W. Jelkman Biologische Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft
Doug Jensen Minnesota Sea Grant
Richard Jernigan Georgia Forestry Commission
Charles Johnson Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
David W. Johnson USDA Forest Service
G.R. Johnson USDA Agricultural Research Service
J. Johnson University of Idaho
James Johnson Georgia Forestry Commission
Kris Johnson Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Norm Johnson USDA Forest Service
Robert L. Johnson Cornell University
Wood Johnson USDA Forest Service
A.T. Jones Scottish Crop Research Institute
David Jones University of Georgia
Francis Gwyn Jones
P. Jones University of Kentucky
R.K. Jones North Carolina State University
Ron Jones North Carolina State University
Michael Jordan Alabama Department of Environmental Management
Carl Jorgensen USDA Forest Service
David Jude Center for Great Lakes and Aquatic Sciences
Mic Julien Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
Thomas Jung
Maja Jurc University of Ljubljana
Albert Kais USDA Forest Service
Stacy Kanan
Michael Kangas NDSU - North Dakota Forest Service
Joseph Kanner Agricultural Research Organization
Keith Kanoti Maine Forest Service
Petr Kapitola State Phytosanitary Administration
J. Kim Kaplan
Lee Karney U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
David Karp
Jaacov Katan Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Steven Katovich USDA Forest Service
Bruce W. Kauffman Tennessee Department of Agriculture
H.K. Kaya University of California
John D. Kegg New Jersey Department of Agriculture
Sandy Kegley USDA Forest Service
H.L. Keil
George Kelley University of Kentucky
Ronald S. Kelley Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation
Daniel J. Kepich USDA APHIS PPQ
Shirley Kerr
Roger S Key English Nature
Julie Kikkert Cornell Cooperative Extension
Alan Kimber
Ian Kimber
James Kimmey USDA Forest Service
Troy Kimoto Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Stanislaw Kinelski
Natalia Kirichenko
K. Kiritani
Susan Kirk Forest Research
Paula Klasmer Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria
Bill Klein USDA Forest Service
M.G. Klein USDA Agricultural Research Service
Kier D. Klepzig USDA Forest Service
Kenneth H. Knauer USDA Forest Service
Lee Knepp US Fish and Wildlife Service
Milos Knizek Forestry and Game Management Research Institute
Ollie Knott Georgia Forestry Commission
Allen E. Knutson Texas A&M University
T. Kobayashi
Andrew Koeser International Society of Arboriculture
M. Koizumi Fruit Trees Research Station
Loke T. Kok Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Jen Kolb J Kolb Photography
Tarah Kolb
Luboš R. Kolouch
Takumasa Kondo University of California - Davis
John Kraus
Bradley Kriekhaus USDA Forest Service
John Kucharski
Rosa Kugler
E.G. Kuhlman USDA Forest Service
Andrej Kunca National Forest Centre - Slovakia
Brian Kunkel University of Delaware
Sasa Kunovac University of Sarajevo
Jim Kunstman PBI/Gordon Corporation
L. Kunze Biologische Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft
H.F. L.E.Dickens
Carol LaFayette Visualization Department, Texas A&M University College of Architecture
R. Lafon INRA, Bordeaux
Joseph LaForest University of Georgia
Eric LaGasa Washington State Department of Agriculture
Ferenc Lakatos University of West-Hungary
Leonard L. Lake USDA Forest Service
Ashley Lamb Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Robert Lambe Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
William Lambert University of Georgia
Doug Landis Michigan State University
Thomas D. "Tom" Landis USDA Forest Service
Howard F. Schwartz & Jillian M. Lang
Keith Langdon National Park Service
W.H. Lange
Ken A. Langeland University of Florida
David B. Langston University of Georgia
H.J. Larsen
Ronald Laubenstein US Fish and Wildlife Service
Dwight K. Lauer Auburn University
Tom Laurent USDA Forest Service
Jessica Lawrence NC State Entomology Department
Ricky Layson Ricky Layson Photography
Blake Layton Mississippi State University
Laura Lazarus North Carolina Division of Forest Resources
Greg Leach International Paper
David Leatherman Colorado State Forest Service
H. Lecoq INRA Station de Pathologie Végétale
Dewey Lee University of Georgia
Jeremy Lee
Linda Lee University of South Carolina
Philippe Legrand Département de la Santé des Forêts
Rayanne Lehman Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture
Stacey Leicht University of Connecticut
Theodor D. Leininger USDA Forest Service
Hannes Lemme
Gerald J. Lenhard
Brian Lenihan
Sally Leong USDA Agricultural Research Service
Bob Lepak
E. Levine The Ohio State University
Stephen Lew University of California - Berkeley
Sthephen A. Lewis Clemson University
Pest and Diseases Image Library
François Lieutier University of Orléans
Larry Line Mostly Moths of Maryland
Jan Liska Forestry and Game Management Research Institute
Shawn Liston Audubon of Florida
Jeff Littlefield Montana State University
Houping Liu Michigan State University
Ladd Livingston Idaho Department of Lands
William Livingston University of Maine
Brian Lockhart USDA Forest Service
Chris Lockhart Florida Natural Areas Inventory
I. Blakey Lockman USDA Forest Service
Karen Loeffelman University of Idaho
Kent Loeffler Cornell University
Patrick Loes
Nancy Loewenstein Auburn University
James N. Long Utah State University
Ron Long Simon Fraser University
Lloyd Loope U.S. Geological Survey
Roger Lopez-Chaves Universidad de Costa Rica
Peter L. Lorio, Jr. USDA Forest Service
Jeffrey W. Lotz Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
J. Louvet
Daniela Lupastean University of Suceava
S.D. Lyda
Janice Lynch National Park Service
Suzanne Lyon University of Massachusetts
Flora MacColl University of Florida
Martin MAcKenzie USDA Forest Service
Alison Mackey
Daniel K. MacKinnon Colorado State University
Doug Maguire Oregon State University
A.C. Magyarosy
Ayanava Majumdar Alabama Cooperative Extension System
R.B. Malek Nemapix picture set
Claude-Bernard Malphettes Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique
Y. Mamiya
Alex Mangini USDA Forest Service
A. Mani
E. Mani Swiss Federal Research Station for Fruit-Growing,
Edward L. Manigault Clemson University Donated Collection
Steve Manning Invasive Plant Control
J. Pedro Mansilla Vazquez Servicio Agrario, Pontevedra
W. Robert Maple USDA Forest Service
G. Marchoux INRA Station de Pathologie Végétale
Teresa Mardis
R. Burgos & Mariano Muñiz Centro de Ciencias Medioambientales
Sam Markell North Dakota State University
George Markham USDA Forest Service
George Markin USDA Forest Service
L. M. Marsh Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Garland N. Mason USDA Forest Service
Geoffrey Mason M-NCPPC
Rich Mason U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Ken Masten Georgia Forestry Commission
Robert Masters
Mike Matheron University of Arizona
Kevin Mathias
Alan Matthews
Robert W. Matthews University of Georgia
Francis Maugard Département de la Santé des Forêts
Gordon Maupin The Wilderness Center
Albert (Bud) Mayfield Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Ross Mayhew Schooner Specimen Shells
Greg Mazur Davey Tree Expert Company
Paolo Mazzei
G. Mazzeo Università di Catania
U. Mazzucchi Università di Bologna
Tom McAvoy Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Tim McCabe USDA Agricultural Research Service
Sean McCann University of Florida
Joseph McCauley U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Alec McClay McClay Ecoscience
David McClenaghan Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
Mark McClure Georgia Forestry Commission
Michael McClure University of Arizona
David McComb USDA Forest Service
Cheryl McCormick University of Florida
Janet S. McCulloch Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries, Queensland
Philip McDonald USDA Forest Service
S.K. McDonald
James McGraw North Carolina State University
Mark McGregor USDA Forest Service
Eddie McGriff University of Georgia
Suzan McIntyre
Steve McKeand North Carolina State University
Sturgis McKeever Georgia Southern University
Martin McKenzie
Howard F. Schwartz & Mark S. McMillan
Mark McMillan Colorado State University
Bob McMurry Georgia Forestry Commission
D.G. McNamara Plant Protection Institute, As
Hank McNeal USDI Bureau of Land Management
Mark McNeill AgResearch Invermay
Robert M. McPherson University of Georgia
Julio Medal University of Florida
James R. Meeker USDA Forest Service
Leslie J. Mehrhoff University of Connecticut
Rebecca A. Melanson LSU AgCenter
Michael Mengak University of Georgia
Lamar Merck University of Georgia
Edward P. Merkel USDA Forest Service
Laura Merrill USDA Forest Service
Clair Merrit Purdue University
T.W. Mew International Rice Research Institute
Dale E. Meyerdirk USDA APHIS PPQ
Hector Mialma
J.P. Michaud Kansas State University
Christian Michel Office National des Forêts
Jim Midcap University of Georgia
Manfred Mielke USDA Forest Service
Joel E. Miles Office of Environmental Response and Coordination
R.D. Milholland North Carolina State University
Anne Miller Soil and Water Conservation
Arthur E. Miller USDA APHIS PPQ
D.R. Miller
Dan Miller USDA Forest Service
Debbie Miller Davey Tree Expert Company
James H. Miller USDA Forest Service
Laurence I. Miller Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Alan Mills
E.A. Milus University of Arkansas
Fred Minderman
Carey Minteer University of Georgia
Paul A. Mistretta USDA Forest Service
David M. Moehring Mississippi State University
Michael Moerkerk Department of Primary Industries, Victoria
S. K. Mohan
David Mohn Critters Page (Creatures Great and Small)
Bruce Moltzan Missouri Department of Conservation
Michael Montgomery USDA Forest Service
J. Michael Moore University of Georgia
Cheryl Moorehead individual
David J. Moorhead University of Georgia
David Mooter Prairie Silvics, Inc.
Dean Morewood Health Canada
Caleb L. Morris Virginia Department of Forestry
R.C. Morris USDA Forest Service
Joseph Morse University of California - Riverside
G. Morvan INRA, Montfavet
G. Morvan INRA, Montfavet
John Moser USDA Forest Service
Martin Moses University of Idaho
John J. Mosesso National Biological Information Infrastructure
J. Jeffrey Mullahey University of Florida
Mariano Muñiz Centro de Ciencias Medioambientales
A. Steven Munson USDA Forest Service
Tim Murphy University of Georgia
Ann Murray University of Florida
Bill Murray University of Georgia
Louis-Michel Nageleisen Département de la Santé des Forêts
David Nance USDA Agricultural Research Service
William Napier
Fred Nation Weeks Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve
L. Navarro Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias
Dennis Navea
Keith Naylor
Gino Nearns University of Florida
Phillip Needham Miles Opti-Crop
Bruce Neill Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Eugene E. Nelson
Stefan Neser ARC - Plant Protection Research Institute
Scott NeSmith University of Georgia
Dragan Nestorovic elektra
Leonard Newell USDA Forest Service
A.A. Newton USDA Agricultural Research Service
David Nicholls dcnicholls.com
Carol J Nichols
Gary Nichols USDA Forest Service
Robert Nichols U. S. Department of Agriculture
Tom Nichols USDI National Park Service
Joe Nicholson Nature photographer
Bryan Niece New Mexico State University
David G. Nielsen The Ohio State University
Jamie Nielsen University of Alaska Fairbanks, Cooperative Extension Service
Gene Nieminen US DOI/USFWS
John Nienaber
April Noble Antweb.org
Jack C. Nord USDA Forest Service
Rebecca Norris USDA APHIS PPQ
Bob Nowierski Montana State University
M. Nuorteva
Victoria Nuzzo Natural Area Consultants
Bob Oakes USDA Forest Service
J. O'Bannon Nemapix picture set
J.H. O'Bannon
Lori Oberhofer National Park Service
I.G. (Hardi) Oberholzer ARC - Plant Protection Research Institute
Joseph O'Brien USDA Forest Service
Jim Occi BugPics
Ohio State Univ Ohio Ag. research & Development Center
Faith Oi University of Florida
Richard Old XID Services, Inc.
G. Oldfield USDA
Carlos Amadeu Leite de Oliveira Universidade Estadual Paulista
Forrest L. Oliveria USDA Forest Service
Max Ollieu USDA Forest Service
G.T. O'Loughlin Department of Agriculture
Charles Olsen USDA APHIS PPQ
Annette Olson National Biological Information Infrastructure
Christer Olsson Swedish Board of Agriculture
Sharon Omahen University of Georgia
Merle Shepard, Gerald R.Carner, and P.A.C Ooi Insects and their Natural Enemies Associated with Vegetables and Soybean in Southeast Asia
Mike Ostry USDA Forest Service
Russ Ottens University of Georgia
Dave Overholser USDA Forest Service
Haruta Ovidiu University of Oradea
Donald Owen California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
Sebahat Ozman
C. Paetel CABI Biosciences
Doug Page USDI Bureau of Land Management
Zhihong Pan Galileo Group Inc.
C.G. Panagopoulos Agricultural University
Alberto Pantoja USDA Agricultural Research Service
C. Papp
Rita Parkins
L. Parrish USDA
David Parsons University of Wisconsin
Katherine Parys Louisiana State University
Herbert A. "Joe" Pase III Texas Forest Service
D.G. Passmore
J.K. Pataky University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Wendy Patrick
Stephen Patton U. of KY Agricultural Communications Services
Ida Paul Small Grain Institute
Gary A. Payne North Carolina State University
Jerry A. Payne USDA Agricultural Research Service
Paul H. Peacher USDA Forest Service
Frank Peairs Colorado State University
Michelle Peake National Park Service
Gary Peeples U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Giuseppina Pellizzari Faculty of Agriculture, Dept.Entomology
Bodie Pennisi University of Georgia
Walter Peraza Padilla Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Brian Perchtel
Eduardo Pereira
Diane Perkins University of Kentucky
Tony Pernas USDI National Park Service
Milan Pernek Forestry Research Institute
G. Perrotta Università di Calabria
Vitezslava Peskova Forestry and Game Management Research Institute - Czechia
Greig Peters Regional Water Quality Control Board
G.A. Peterson
R.S. Peterson USDA Forest Service
Vladimir Petko V.N. Sukachev Institute of Forest SB RAS
Toby Petrice USDA Forest Service
Andrew Petrie University of Toronto
Jeff Pettis
Devon Pfeiffer
Todd Pfeiffer Klamath County Weed Control
Steve Pfiffer Coldwell Banker
USDA ARS Photo Unit USDA Agricultural Research Service
L.S. Pickard USDA Forest Service
Christopher Pierce USDA APHIS PPQ
Herb Pilcher USDA Agricultural Research Service
Gifford Pinchot USDA Forest Service
Mike Pingleton University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
J. Pinon INRA
Jean Pinon Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique
Bobby Pinto
Gary L. Piper Washington State University
A.R. Pittaway CAB Interational
Jim Plaskowitz USDA Agricultural Research Service
Charles D. Pless University of Tennessee
Veli Pohjonen East Usambara Conservation Area Management Programme
Margaret Pooler
Alex Popovkin Florula of Fazenda Rio do Negro, Bahia, Brazil
Sanford D. Porter USDA-ARS, Center for Medical, Agricultural and Veterinary Entomology
Jeff Portwood Temple-Inland
Mat Pound USDA Agricultural Research Service
Dave Powell USDA Forest Service
H. Powers
Harry Pratt Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Paul D. Pratt USDA Agricultural Research Service
James Preacher Army Corps of Engineers
Brian Prechtel USDA Agricultural Research Service
W.H. Prestele
Jessica Price Natural Resources Canada
Terry Price Georgia Forestry Commission
John Pronos USDA Forest Service
Eric Prostko University of Georgia
Marianne Prue Ohio Department of Natural Resources - Division of Forestry
P.G. Psallidas Benaki Institute, Athens
Alex. H. Purcell University of California - Berkeley
Alexander Purcell University of California
Dan Pusey USDA Forest Service
J.S. Quick
Vicky Quick National Biological Information Infrastructure
Bob Rabaglia Maryland Department of Agriculture
David W. Ragsdale University of Minnesota
Dan Rahn
Bernard J. Raimo USDA Forest Service
P.M.J. Ramakers Applied Plant Research
P.M.J. Ramakers Applied Plant Research
K.V. Raman CIP, Lima (PE)
Victor Ramey University of Florida
Taran Rampersad KnowProSE.com
Carol Bell Randall USDA Forest Service
John M. Randall The Nature Conservancy
Johnny Randall North Carolina Botanical Garden
John Randles University of Adelaide
Jack Ranney University of Tennessee
Michael Rasy University of Alaska
Duane Raver U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Min B. Rayamajhi USDA Agricultural Research Service
Diane Reaver Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Eric Rebek Oklahoma State University
G. Reboux
Perry Rech USDA Agricultural Research Service
Bill Ree Texas A&M University
Jack T. Reed Mississippi State University
Norman E. Rees USDA Agricultural Research Service
Jacques Regad Département de la Santé des Forêts
Don Registor Georgia Department of Education
Laurie Reid South Carolina Forestry Commission
Forest Research United Kingdom Forestry Commission
Rusty Rhea USDA Forest Service
Byron Rhodes University of Georgia
Barry Rice sarracenia.com
Amy Richard University of Florida
Robert D. Richard USDA APHIS PPQ
Donna Richardson Royal Pest Management
Robert Richardson Michigan State University
Robert J. Richardson North Carolina State University
James A. Richmond USDA Forest Service
David Riley University of Georgia
Frank M. Riley, Jr. Georgia Forestry Commission
Kristen Riolo Priceless Memories
Lance S. Risley William Paterson University
Carole Ritchie USDA NRCS PLANTS Database
D. Ritchie
Dr. Shabbir Rizvi Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Gabriele & Hermann Robels
J.D. Roberts
Phillip Roberts University of Georgia
Scott Roberts Mississippi State University
C.E. Taylor and W.M. Robertson Nemapix picture set
Stéphan Robichaud Trees Unlimited
David G. Robinson USDA APHIS PPQ
Laird Robinson USDA Forest Service
Mark Robinson USDA Forest Service
Scott Robinson Georgia Department of Natural Resources
Wilfredo Robles Mississippi State University
Cindy Roche
Gordon Rodda U.S. Geological Survey
Carmen Rodriguez University of Georgia
Donald F. Rogers North Carolina Division of Forest Resources
Laura Rogers
Van Waters and Rogers
James Rollins
Mitchell Roof Clemson University
Peter Room The University of Queensland
Sara Rosenthal USDA Agricultural Research Service
Dana Rowe
Arpita Roy FMC
John Ruberson University of Georgia
Peter A. Rush USDA Forest Service
Howard Russell Michigan State University
Philip Rusted Thurlow Countryside Management (r&d)
Victor Ryabincov
Rich Sabulsky
W.E. Sackston
Eli Sagor University of Minnesota
Johnny Saichuk LSU AgCenter
François-Xavier Saintonge Forest Health Department
Jan Samanek State Phytosanitary Administration
Michelle Samuel-Foo University of Georgia
Casey Sanders
Tarique Sani SANIsoft
Victor Sarto i Monteys Servei de Proteccio dels Vegetals
J.N. Sasser Nemapix picture set
Christopher J. Saunders
James A. Saunders
H. Sawada
R.F. Scharpf USDA Forest Service
Rudi Scheffrahn University of Florida
Rudolf H. Scheffrahn University of Florida
James Schepers
R. Scherbaum USDI National Park Service
Arthur L. Schipper USDA Forest Service
Chris Schnepf University of Idaho
Mike Schomaker Colorado State Forest Service
S. Schooler Oregon State University
D. Schotzko University of Idaho
Timothy Schubert Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Dave Schultz USDA Forest Service
Richard R. Schulze
E.I. Schutt
John W. Schwandt USDA Forest Service
Howard F. Schwartz Colorado State University
Mark Schwarzlaender University of Idaho
F.C. Schweissing
M. Scott Illinois Natural History Survey
David Seerveld AAAnimal Control
Leslie Seiger San Diego Mesa College
John R. Seiler Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
C.E. Seliskar
Mark Sengelmann National Park Service
Maresha Seusy
Jeff Sexton Madisonville Country Club
Michael Seymour Louisiana State University
Shiva Shankar Prapanna solutions
O.P. Sharma NCIPM, New Delhi. India
Richard Shaw CABI Biosciences
Michael Shephard USDA Forest Service
Craig Sheppard University of Georgia
Jijing Song and Juan Shi Beijing Forestry University
Juan Shi Beijing Forestry University
Jody Shimp Illinois Department of Natural Resources
Clive Shirley Hidden Forest Designs
Clinton Shock Oregon State University
Floyd W. Shockley University of Georgia
David P. Shorthouse University of Alberta
M.C. Shurtleff University of Illinois
William (Bill) Shuster United States Environmental Protection Agency
Kristina Simms
Ray Simons Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Wayne A. Sinclair Cornell University
Sharlene E. Sing USDA Forest Service
R.P. Singh
Paul E. Skelley FDACS-DPI-Florida State Collection of Arthropods
Darroll D. Skilling USDA Forest Service
Britt Slattery U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Clemson University - USDA Cooperative Extension Slide Series
R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company Slide Set R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company
Tracey Slotta USDA NRCS PLANTS Database
Georgette Smith Canadian Forest Service
I.M. Smith EPPO
Ian F. Smith
James Smith Mississippi State University
Michael T. Smith
Richard Smith U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Richard Smith
Robert N. Smith Cabin Bluff Land Management
Ronald Smith Auburn University
tia smith
Tony Smith
Heidi Snell Charles Darwin Foundation
Skip Snow National Park Service
Wendell Snow USDA Agricultural Research Service
Jae-Cheon Sohn
James Solomon USDA Forest Service
Robert A. Sommers USDA Forest Service
Stephanie Sopow Natural Resources Canada
Bruce Sorrie
Lynn Sosnoskie University of Georgia
Jeanine Soter
Frantisek Soukup
Dennis J. Souto USDA Forest Service
Jim Space Pacific Island Ecosystems at Risk (PIER)
Beverly Sparks University of Georgia
Alton N. Sparks, Jr. University of Georgia
Neal Spencer USDA Agricultural Research Service
Terry Spivey USDA Forest Service
Terry L Spivey Terry Spivey Photography
Richard Sprenkel University of Florida
Richard Spriggs USDA Forest Service
Lakshmi Sridharan
Petr Srutka Czech University of Agriculture - Prague
R. Stace-Smith
Jeff Stachler The Ohio State University
Walter Stahel Environmental Bay of Plenty
John M. Staley USDA Forest Service
Jason D. Stanley USDA Agricultural Research Service
John Stanley Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
Forest & Kim Starr U.S. Geological Survey
R.G. Steadman
Brytten Steed USDA Forest Service
Steven Steele
Allen C. Steere
Chris Steiner USDA Forest Service
Donald C. Steinkraus University of Arkansas
Peter Stephen Citrus Research International
David Stephens
Fabio Stergulc Università di Udine
R.E. Stevens USDA Forest Service
Cathy Stewart USDA Forest Service
Robert Stewart University of Georgia
Scott Stewart University of Tennessee
Jim Stimmel Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture
Roland J. Stipes Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Gary M. Stolz U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
John Stommel
Doug Stone Mississippi State University
Malcolm Storey BioImages - Virtual Field-Guide
Jim Story Montana State University
Ronald Stroessner
Erik Stromberg Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Massimo Stroppa
Connie Strunk South Dakota State University
Kurt Stueber Max-Planck-Institute for Plant Breeding Research, Cologne
Brian Sugarman The Ohio State University
Daniel R. Suiter University of Georgia
Brian Sullivan USDA APHIS PPQ
N. Wortson Summer USDA Forest Service
Ivan Sutila
Jil M. Swearingen USDI National Park Service
Jon Sweeney Natural Resources Canada
Curtis Swift Colorado State University
Csaba Szaboky
Arun T.P.
Nava Tabak Invasive Plant Atlas of New England
P.W. Talboys
Janco Tanis jancology.com
Les Tanner North West Weeds
A.L. Taylor Nemapix picture set
Jane Taylor USDA Forest Service
Kevin Taylor
Dennis Teague U.S. Air Force
Louis Tedders USDA Agricultural Research Service
David Teem Auburn University
Dan Tenaglia Missouriplants.com
Pedro Tenorio-Lezama
Lisa Tewksbury University of Rhode Island
Robert C. Thatcher USDA Forest Service
Michael C. Thomas Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Paul Thomas University of Georgia
Holly Thornton University of Georgia
Howard Thresher Crediton Fly Fishing Club
Tim Tigner Virginia Department of Forestry
Borys M. Tkacz USDA Forest Service
Barbara Tokarska-Guzik University of Silesia
John R. Tolliver USDA Forest Service
Marylin Tomkins USDA APHIS PPQ
J. Tomminen University of Helsinki
Susan Trammell
Kristine Travis
John Triana Regional Water Authority
H.H. Triantaphyllou Nemapix picture set
Paul Trible
Graham Trim none
Ian Trueman University of Wolverhampton
Mandy Tu The Nature Conservancy
Sally Tucker
Scott Tunnock USDA Forest Service
Richard Turcotte USDA Forest Service
Beverly Turner Jackson Minnesota
Charles Turner USDA Agricultural Research Service
Susan Turner British Columbia Ministry of Forests
J.J. Tuset Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias
A.J. Ullstrup
Photographer Unknown
USDA-ARS USDA Agricultural Research Service
Erich G. Vallery USDA Forest Service - SRS-4552
M.A. van den Berg Institute for Tropical and Subtropical Crops
A. van Frankenhuijzen Plant Protection Service
Andrea Van Loan Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
S.P. van Vuuren Citrus Research International
Jacob Vance Emory University
Jeff Vanuga USDA NRCS
Luana Vargas International Society of Arboriculture
Tim Varnedore University of Georgia
K. Venn
A. Vigouroux ENSA
Paul Vincelli University of Kentucky
Didier Vincenot SUAD/CIRAD-FLHOR
Alfred Viola Northeastern University
Joy Viola Northeastern University
Ferenc Viranyi Godollo University of Agricultural Sciences
David Voegtlin Illinois Natural History Survey
Theirry Vrain Agriculture and Agri-food Canada
Dale Wade Rx Fire Doctor
Art Wagner Washington State Department of Agriculture
Warren L. Wagner Smithsonian Institution
E. Bradford Walker Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation
D.G. Walkey Horticultural Research International
Bekah Wallace University of Georgia
V.R. Wallen Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
G.W. Wallis
J.W. Walters
Jim Walters USDA Forest Service
Angela Walther
James Denny Ward USDA Forest Service
Roger Ward USDA Forest Service
Debbie Waters University of Georgia
A. Burns Weathersby University of Georgia
Biological Control: A Guide of Natural Enemies of North America Web Site Cornell University
Richard Webb Self-employed horticulurist
Steve Webb
Theodore Webster USDA Agricultural Research Service
Ron Weeks Auburn University
Dr. Weidemann Biologische Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft
John A. Weidhass Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Keith Weller USDA Agricultural Research Service
J.C. Wells North Carolina State University
Lenny Wells University of Georgia
Rohan Wells National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research
Jamie Welsh
R. Werner USDA Forest Service
Darrell Wesenberg
Michael West Alaska SWCD
Rick West Canadian Forest Service
Randy Westbrooks U.S. Geological Survey
Paul Weston Cornell University
Phil Westra Colorado State University
Gerald Wheeler USDA APHIS PPQ
Anthony D. White The Ohio State University
William White
Robert Wick University of Massachusetts
E.F. Wicker USDA
H.J. Willetts University of New South Wales
David Williams
John A. Williams USDA Forest Service
Karen Williams
Marisa Williams University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Ralph Williams USDA Forest Service
Ralph Williams Purdue University
Max Williamson USDA Forest Service
Wayne Williamson
Jean L. Williams-Woodward University of Georgia
Dave Wilson
Doug Wilson USDA Agricultural Research Service
Jeffrey Wilson USDA Agricultural Research Service
Jill Wilson USDA Forest Service
Linda Wilson University of Idaho
Alan Windham University of Tennessee
Susan Wineriter USDA Agricultural Research Service
Peter Wirtz
Billy R. Wiseman USDA Agricultural Research Service
Robert F. Wittwer Oklahoma State University
Gil Wojciech Polish Forest Research Institute
Daniel Wojcik
Herb Womack University of Georgia
Roy Wood National Park Service
Rachel Woodfield Merkel & Associates, Inc.
Paul Wray Iowa State University
Natasha Wright Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
John Wrigley Australian National Botanic Gardens
Yun Wu USDA Forest Service
Bart Wursten Ndundu Lodge Vumba
UConn Plant Database www.hort.uconn.edu/plants
John Yablonsky USDA APHIS PPQ
Camilla B. Yandoc USDA Agricultural Research Service
Yuri Yashin achatina.ru
Harry O. Yates III USDA Forest Service
Carroll E. Younce USDA Agricultural Research Service
R. Zachmann CIP, Lima (PE)
Gary R. Zahm US Fish and Wildlife Service
Nicolina Zambone Nicolina's Photography
Shep Zedaker Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Gabriella Zilahi-Balogh Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
W.G. Ziller
Roberta Zimmerman USDA APHIS
Milan Zubrik Forest Research Institute - Slovakia
Ulrich Zunke University of Hamburg