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  The Association of State Wetland Managers Needs Volunteers
  There are always many topic areas and activities ASWM would like to expand to better serve its members, the wetland community and the public. Below is a list of areas where volunteers are needed.
  Newsletter Articles
  ASWM identifies one or two important wetland topics to write about in each newsletter. These can be program, policy, science or legal issues. Topics such as marsh dieback, wetlands and natural hazards, wetland mapping, opportunities for local government, revisions to federal or state policies are examples of a few of the topics that might be covered. Articles should be 1,000 words or less and should provide links to websites and/or other places readers can refer to get more detailed information. To inquire about submitting an article, contact Leah Stetson at
  Volunteers are needed each year to help ASWM with conferences/workshops. Volunteers can assist with conference planning by joining the conference advisory committee and taking on specific tasks; these include organizing concurrent sessions, supervising displays, organizing field trips, and many other tasks. During the conference volunteers are needed to moderate sessions, moderate lunch discussions, load power-point presentations, staff the registration desk and many other activities. To inquire about volunteering for one of our conferences/workshops contact Laura Burchill at For a list of our upcoming meetings click here.

Scientific/Grey Literature Bibliographies

  Wetland managers often do not have the ability to stay up to date on all the peer-reviewed and grey literature available to improve the success of their activities. Examples of bibliographies currently on the ASWM website include the following list.
  Isolated Wetlands Bibliography. Literature Citations and Links (where available.) Additional citations welcome. Please contact James Robb (5/8/01)
  Wetland Compensatory Mitigation Performance Literature Citations and Links. Does wetland compensatory mitigation work? We have put together this list of literature so that you may draw your own conclusions. Please let us know of any other studies related to this topic so that we may make this list as comprehensive as possible. (2/23/01)
  There is a variety of topics individuals could volunteer to develop: wetland restoration, biodiversity and wetlands, importance of headwaters, etc. If you would like to volunteer to develop a bibliography to add to the ASWM website, please contact Jeanne Christie at
  Liaisons with Other Organizations
  ASWM works in partnership with many organizations. Wetland issues are complex. ASWM values the input of other organizations to help us to identify and support science-based, balanced strategies for conserving, protecting and managing wetlands and related water resources. Currently ASWM has individuals who serve as liaisons between ASWM and organizations such as the Association of State Floodplain Managers and the Association of State and Interstate Water Pollution Control Agencies. Liaisons share the priorities, concerns, and related activities between the two organizations and help them identify common issues. To inquire about volunteering as a liaison, please contact Jeanne Christie at
  Wetland Line Art and Photography
  ASWM is always interested in line art and photographs for web pages and printed material. Line art of wetland plants, animals, landscapes, etc. and photographs of wetlands, wetland plants and animals, people in wetlands as well as pictures of other aquatic resources are needed. Photographs of activities in wetlands that show restoration, destruction, modification, etc. can also help our readers better understand wetland issues. To inquire about providing line art and photography contact Sharon Weaver at
  ASWM is a 501(c)(3) organization and like other organizations ASWM is always working to gain funding support sufficient to carry out the organization's mission. To inquire about volunteering for fundraising activities please contact Jeanne Christie at
  Do you have an idea about a volunteer activity with ASWM that is not listed above? We would love to hear it! Please let us know by contacting Jeanne Christie at
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This webpage last updated Ocatober 9, 2009.
Comments or suggestions may be directed to

2 Basin Road
Windham, ME 04062
207-892-3399; FAX: 207-892-3089;