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    We are pleased that you will be joining the Association as a new or continuing member. Benefits of Membership can be found below. Please select from the desired membership category. The link will take you to our PayPal secure payment page. (Click here for security details.)

By joining the Association of State Wetland Managers you will not only receive the benefits listed below, you will support ASWM’s mission to protect conserve and restore wetlands through consensus-based approaches to education, capacity building and the application of sound science to wetlands management.  To learn more, visit What We Do”.

$60 per year for all of the benefits below.
Additional Options
  $25 per year for all of the benefits below.


$150 per year for all of the benefits outlined below for up to five memberships. After receiving payment, we will contact you via email to obtain contact information for all members included on this membership.  
  $150 per year for all of the benefits outlined below for up to five memberships (less than 25 employees). After receiving payment, we will contact you via email to obtain contact information for all members included on this membership.  
  $300 per year for all of the benefits outlined below for up to ten memberships (greater than 25 employees). After receiving payment, we will contact you via email to obtain contact information for all members included on this membership.  
  If you do not want to submit your membership using the online order form, you have the option of sending  the information via telephone, fax, e-mail, or mail. Please click on membership link below to access membership form. These forms may also be filled out online and submitted by e-mail.
  Individual Membership Form (PDF)

Corporate/Agency Membership Form (PDF)
  We accept Visa, MasterCard, check, money order, or purchase order.

  Benefits of Membership
  Wetland Breaking News
ASWM members receive an e-mail monthly newsletter with information on wetland and wetland-related activities occurring around the country. This includes national and state legislative activity, news items, meetings, new publications, court cases, conferences, and other items of interest.
  Wetland News
The Association publishes a membership newsletter bimonthly. Issues include analyses of important developing issues in wetlands policy, management and science. Each issue also contains a national news update and association news as well as other items of interest to wetland professionals.
  Wetland Book Service
The book service lists wetland publications available through Site is currently under construction. Please check back soon. Thank you.
  Reduced Rates for Participation In ASWM National and Regional Symposia, Workshops, and Training Sessions
ASWM members receive a reduction in fees for our symposia, workshops, and training sessions. Typically three or four are conducted each year.
  Wetland NewsLink
ASWM members can receive an e-mail bimonthly newsletter on international wetland activities. This is similar to Wetland Breaking News on an international scale.
  Involvement With ASWM Committees, Workshops, and National Symposia
ASWM members are encouraged to join ASWM committees and to help plan upcoming workshops, symposia, and training sessions. Participation in ASWM activities provides members an opportunity to gain experience in issues of national importance to the management  of wetlands and related resources.
  Benefits of Corporate/Agency Membership
  ASWM Corporate/Agency members will receive all of the benefits listed above for up to five employees at the $150.00 rate and 10 employees at the $300.00 rate.
  Association members receive a 10% discount on registration fees to our symposia and workshops.

Annual Meeting
The Association holds an annual meeting for its membership to come together to discuss policy and science issues relating to wetlands and water resources management. Association members can participate by hosting, advising, designing and/or running the annual national meeting. The annual meeting provides opportunities to network, learn and interact with fellow wetland scientists, policymakers, regulators, consultants, and other wetland professionals. The 2008 Annual meeting,
Wetlands 2008: Wetlands and Global Climate Change was held at the DoubleTree Hotel and Executive Meeting Center Portland-Lloyd Center, Portland, Oregon on September 16-18, 2008. The purpose of this symposium was to identify opportunities and cooperative strategies for managing wetlands and water resources in response to climate change while meeting the ongoing challenges of conserving and protecting wetlands. For information on Wetlands 2008, click here.

Mid-Winter Meeting
The Association sponsors a mid-winter meeting focusing on state program development as well as state and local perspectives on federal wetland and watershed initiatives. This meeting has been of special interest to state and local wetland managers.

Workshops and Symposia
The Association conducts several meetings and workshops on specific topics each year. These workshops and symposia provide opportunities to work closely with other wetland professionals on specific issues of wetland science, policy, and management.
Registration fees are reduced for members. Scholarships are, on occasion, provided for members and partners.

Conference Calls, Bulletin Boards
The Association sponsors conference calls and electronic bulletin boards to discuss implications and concerns with proposed legislation, proposed regulations, legal decisions and other hot topic items.

For more information about the Association of State Wetland Managers, please call us at 207-892-3399.

  ASWM Schedule of Activities in PDF format Click Here.
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This webpage last updated December 5, 2008.
Comments or suggestions may be directed to

2 Basin Road
Windham, ME 04062
207-892-3399; FAX: 207-892-3089;