San Francisco Bay Invaders on KQED's QUEST TV show: 5/29/07 Media

atlantic mudsnail
For more information on Swimmer's Itch,
or on its snail host, the Atlantic Mudsnail.

The bays and estuaries of the Pacific Coast contain some of the most invaded marine habitats in the world, with additional species arriving every year. Proceed to the Species Gallery to identify and learn more about some of the most common invaders.

Exotic Species on the Pacific Coast of North America

The earliest record of an exotic marine species on the Pacific Coast is an Atlantic Ocean barnacle collected in San Francisco Bay in 1853. Recent studies have documented hundreds of exotic species established within the reach of the tides, including 64 exotics species... more

About this Guide

Clicking on an image in the Species Gallery takes you to a web page for that species. There you will find the following information: Scientific Name and Author, Common Names, Taxonomy, Description, Similar Species, Native Range, Introduction and Distribution, Global... more

About the Images

The images used in this Guide come from several sources. While the images were provided specifically for use in the Guide, the owners of the images have agreed that students, educators, scientists and others may copy and use these images for lectures, slide shows... more