Hydroponic Grower Training Workshop

What is the Hydroponic Grower's Training Workshop?
CropKing's Hydroponic Grower Training Workshop is an intensive two-day training program for the new or prospective grower, or for anyone interested in increasing their knowledge of commercial hydroponic production. Classroom training from our experienced Horticulturist as well as "hands on in the greenhouse training is included. From slide supported discussions and testing the pH of your own water sample, to pollinating tomato plants and working with the equipment in the greenhouse, you'll experience a diverse range of activities encountered by hydroponic growers. - Already know you want to register? Click here.

Who should attend?
Those contemplating entering the business of hydroponic vegetable production, as well as managers, growers, and those employed in hydroponic production facilities can benefit from this exciting two-day workshop. Even if you're already a grower, with hydroponics or soil, attending this workshop can increase your growing skills and bring you up to date on the latest technology and fundamentals of this industry.

Why YOU should attend!
Jim teaching workshopWith consumer demand for hydroponic produce increasing significantly, it is imperative to have the knowledge and tools available to make your hydroponic facility more productive and profitable. Why experiment or "reinvent the wheel" when you can benefit from years of accumulated knowledge in hydroponics offered in this Workshop! Starting off with the right information can have a significant impact on the success of your operation. This Workshop can provide you with that information!

An attractive, Certificate of Completion will be given to all those successfully completing the Workshop.

Featured Topics
NFT Lettuce Systems Several types of soilless culture are covered with the primary focus on the Perlite and Rockwool systems for vine crops and NFT (Nutrient Film Technique) for leaf crops. The crops discussed include lettuce, herbs, cucumber, and tomato.
The Workshop consists of two full days, with a classroom session each morning in which audio visual supported presentations are made surveying the following topics:

  • Hydroponics
  • Source Water Needs
  • Basic Botany
  • Nutrient Management
  • Soilless Production Systems
  • Resource Identification
  • Environmental Control

Lunch is provided each day and is followed by afternoon sessions in a working greenhouse where a hands-on approach is used to familiarize participants with the plants, cultural practices, and the equipment.
The small group size in each Workshop allows ample time for questions and personal attention from the instructor.

Training Workbook
Each full tuition student will receive a Student Workbook, to be used during the workshop, which will also serve as a reference guide for future use. This Workbook contains valuable information on operating a hydroponic greenhouse, including guidelines, schedules, checklist, and general information about hydroponic industry. You will also use this Workbook in the classroom portion of the Workshop, where, using your own water source you learn how to test pH, EC (Electric Conductivity), how to determine proper fertilizer concentration, and more. Your Workshop Instructors

Jim Brown is a graduate of Cornell University with a Masters Degree and a Vegetable Crops Major, and an Associated Degree from the Nova Scotia Agricultural College. Jim has over 20 years experience in the hydroponic industry as a Horticulturist, teacher, and consultant on soilless growing. He is the author of the CropKing Grower's Manual, contributor to the S/CEA Newsletter, and is a requested speaker at hydroponic seminars and conferences. He works with hundreds of growers throughout the country and is widely recognized as a knowledgeable and talented professional in the hydroponics industry. Jim conducts the majority of CropKing's two-day Grower's Training Workshop.

Jeff Balduff has been involved in agriculture his whole life. Raised on a widely diversified vegetable and grain farm, the knowledge he has accumulated from his experience in agriculture has now been applied to the greenhouse vegetable industry. With his degree in Farm Management and his experience as an active greenhouse grower, he has helped to design CropKing's Grower's Choice Electrical Panel and Nutrient Injection System. As a member of CropKing's Technical Sales and Service staff, he assists customers with construction, plant, insect and disease questions.

Other Information
Workshop Schedule
Registration and Tuition

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