If you have any questions, you can contact us at 800-321-5211, 330-335-1687 or email us at conference@cropking.com.







25th Annual S/CEA
Hydroponic Grower's

April 2 -4, 2009
Sheraton Dover Hotel
Dover, DE
United States

NOTE: We are still confirming speakers for 2009 and this is not inclusive of all speakers.






Jeff Balduff will be talking in sessions in the Prospective Grower's session and Hydroponic Forage in the Grower's session. Jeff has been involved in agriculture all of his life. Raised on a widely diversified vegetable and grain farm, the knowledge he accumulated from working on a farm has now been applied to the greenhouse vegetable industry. With his degree in Farm Management and his experience as an active greenhouse grower, he has helped to designed CropKing's Growers Choice Electrical Panel and the Nutrient Injection System. He assists CropKing's customers with advice on the construction of their unit as well as answers questions about growing, insect control, and disease.

James W. Brown from CropKing, a regular writer in Maximum Yield and a horticulturist in the hydroponic industry for 25 years will be presenting various talks. He is a graduate of Cornell University with a Masters Degree and a Vegetable Crops Major, and an Associated Degree from the Nova Scotia Agricultural College. He is the author of the CropKing Grower's Manual, and is a requested speaker at hydroponic seminars and conferences. He works with hundreds of growers throughout the country and is widely recognized as a knowledgeable and talented professional in the hydroponics industry.

If you have any questions, you can contact us at 800-321-5211, 330-335-1687 or email us at conference@cropking.com.

Further Information:
Conference Objective
Hotel Accommodations
Conference Program
Online Registration


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