Download the Commercial Hydroponic Catalog

The CropKing Commerial Catalog for Hydroponics

Front Cover of the Hydroponic Commercial Catalog

Dear Grower,

These are times of incredible opportunity for hydroponic greenhouse vegetable growers! The recent incidents and ongoing concerns over e.coli in field-grown crops has consumers and retailers looking for produce that they know is safe.

Hydroponic greenhouse produce offers that safety. The closed circulation system used in hydroponic growing eliminates the opportunity for contaminants to find their way to the plants. Add to that the bonus that hydroponic greenhouse produce is fresher than that which is transported thousands of miles, and is tastier than field grown. This means that you have an unbeatable combination to offer retailers and consumers.

Greenhouse-grown vegetable crops are in growing demand and this trend is sure to continue! Regionally, consumer appetite continues to increase for locally grown product. Farmer's Markets are thriving and growers are getting record prices for their tomatoes and other crops! People want to know where their produce comes from and like the idea of buying them from someone they can trust.

Are you ready to reap the profits as the industry grows? Do you have the right systems? The right equipment? The right technology? We can help! CropKing is your source for everything you need to become a profitable and successful grower of high value specialty crops! Our conferences and regional workshops continue to provide unique and valuable learning opportunities for experienced and prospective growers alike. We're increasing the frequency of our training workshops, which are now located throughout the country.

Our technical package provides access to the leading experts in the industry to help you troubleshoot and produce improved crops, higher crop yields and more profit. These are great opportunities for you to learn how to become a better, more profitable grower.

Since the loss of our founder (and my father) Dan Brentlinger in 2005, we have worked hard to overcome the challenges of his absence. We at CropKing want to thank you for a wonderful 2006! The past year brought many accomplishments: the conference was one of our best ever, we installed our first greenhouse in Japan, expanded our market in Jamaica and assisted many here on U.S. soil realize their dreams of becoming self-employed and making their family farm a profitable endeavor.

We've accomplished this only because of our customers and for this we owe you a heartfelt thank you! This promises to be an exciting year in the industry and we want you to know we stand ready to help you. Our goal is the same as it's been for many year's to help growers get started, succeed and expand, we hope you'll join the CropKing family and take advantage of the growth this industry has to offer!


Paul Brentlinger

Download the complete Commercial Catalog (3.8MB PDF)

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