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Department Organization

The Constitution and Bylaws of the Department of Entomology encourage involvement of all members of the Department in the development of policies, plans, and programs. Ongoing committees include Curriculum, Seminar, Awards, Computer, Public Relations, Social and Long-Range Planning. Ad hoc committees are formed as needed and have recently included a committee for space evaluation. With the exception of members of the Long-Range Planning Committee, annual committee appointments are made by the Head for ratification by the Voting Staff. To the extent possible, representation includes graduate students, junior and senior faculty, civil service/union staff, research associates/fellows, and professional and academic appointees. To provide continuity, committee chair and co-chairs are appointed for two years. At the beginning of each academic year, the Head meets with the committees to discuss and set their charge.

The Voting Staff consists of tenure and tenure-track academic faculty plus one elected representative each from the civil service scientific staff, the clerical civil service/union staff, the professional and academic extension staff, the professional and academic research staff, and one graduate student elected by Frenatae, our graduate student organization. Meetings occur at least once per quarter during the academic year and as needed. Ideas or issues, which may originate at any level, are brought to the attention of the appropriate committee or the Department Head and are placed on the agenda for consideration and action. The Voting Staff typically is involved in making recommendations on faculty hires, long-range plans, and physical facilities.

The Long-Range Planning Committee is an elected six member tenure/tenure-track faculty committee. Three-year terms are staggered so that two vacancies occur each year. The Long-Range Planning Committee functions in an advisory capacity to the Head. They meet with the Head on the first Tuesday of each month. The Department Head also convenes monthly meetings with the tenure/tenure-track and graduate faculty on the second Tuesday of each month to discuss items of current interest.

Separate quarterly meetings occur between the Department Head, the Civil Service/Union Staff, the Professional and Academic Staff, and the Graduate Students. The meetings are designed to provide an additional forum for input from these groups in regard to departmental activities. Agenda are set by the each of the groups. The Head also conducts exit interviews with departing members of the Department.

An annual retreat for all members of the Department is held each September. Retreat themes vary but usually represent department-wide issues and concerns. Recent topics have included: development of a mission statement, building conditions, public relations, fostering a supportive atmosphere in the department, producing high quality graduate students, diversity and gender, and internal communications.

The Department Head coordinates the academic and procedural operations of the department by direction of ideas to appropriate committees, by review of policy issues with the Long-Range Planning Committee, Voting Staff, faculty, or with subgroups affected by the matter in question, by decision and direction where action is pertinent, and by communication with College and Institute Administration on matters of budget, personnel, and management.

The Associate Administrator facilitates interactions between the Head and staff and supervises operational procedures such as student records, course records, personnel information, and grant mechanics. An Accountant works directly with the Head in administering the budget. A single clerical office serves the teaching, research, and extension faculty by reception, typing, duplicating, and record keeping. Office personnel consist of a Principal Secretary, a Word Processing Specialist and a Receptionist coordinated by the Associate Administrator.

Promotion and tenure evaluations are conducted by committees of the whole. For promotion to associate professor with tenure, the committee consists of all tenured faculty, for promotion to full professor, of all full professors. Documentation for promotion and tenure is prepared by the Head and the candidate following College of Agriculture guidelines. Input is solicited from the appropriate faculty group during the preparation process.

Probationary faculty are reviewed annually by a committee of all tenured faculty. Results of a vote on: continuation, nonreappointment, or promotion with tenure are recorded and provided along with a written evaluation of performance to the probationary member. A meeting with the Head follows to discuss the ramifications of the committee's comments and recommendations.

Merit reviews and salary adjustments are conducted by the Head. A standard format for evaluating performance is used . Faculty annually update CV's and an activity report. The Head uses this information to tabulate evaluation scores then meets with each faculty member to discuss their performance evaluation. Performance scores may be modified based on the outcome of this meeting. When salary increase money is available, numerical scores are converted to dollars using a combination of converting point to dollars, and conversion of ranking to a percent increase. Evaluation scores and salary recommendations (when appropriate) are then sent to the Dean for review.

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