
Click to enlargepadMycology Vol. 2 DVD-ROM: Higher fungi

Edited by Emeritus Prof. Dr. John Webster, University of Exeter in cooperation with Dr. Roland W. S. Weber, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern

This interactive DVD-ROM is a continuation of the Mycology Vol. 1 DVD-ROM on lower fungi and shows typical examples of the Ascomycota and Basidiomycota both in video clips (summarized in 179 chapters) and approximately 270 slides. Both classes of fungi are described generally by their characteristic properties. The organisms are presented according to taxonomic principles, followed by a detailed description of the individual species, its development and reproduction.

With about 1.5 million species estimated to exist worldwide, members of the kingdom Fungi represent one of the largest biodiversity resources of our planet, fulfilling crucial ecological roles especially in terrestrial ecosystems. Fungi are also one of the most diverse groups or organisms in terms of taxonomy, morphology and life cycles. These aspects are covered in Mycology Vol. 1 and Mycology Vol. 2, the long-awaited second edition of the original videodiscs published in 1990-1994.

Mycology Vol. 2 includes typical representatives of the two Divisons of "Higher Fungi" - the Ascomycota and Basidiomycota.  Both are very large groups with many examples of fungi of economic significance, e.g., plant and animal pathogens, mycorrhizal symbionts, agents of decay and industrial fermentations, sources of food and as subjects for scientific research.  The video clips include many spectacular time-lapse sequences, e.g., fungal growth and spore puffing. The contents of Mycology Vol.1 and Mycology Vol.2 have been extensively rearranged following a modern taxonomic framework. 

A well-structured menu facilitates easy access to all sequences and images at the click of a button. These interactive DVD-ROMs will be indispensable teaching tools for university classes as well as adult education classes, high schools, natural history societies and other groups of people interested in the exciting and mysterious world of the fungi. 

View Sample Video Clips:     Video Clip 1      Video Clip 2     Video Clip 3

View Booklet:  which includes basic instructions about how to use this DVD.

View all the menus and graphical submenus of "Mycology Vol.2" in this PDF.




            General life cycle


Erysiphales (powdery mildews)
Pezizales (operculate discomycetes)
Helotiales (inoperculate discomycetes)
Pyrenomycetes (flask fungi)


            General life cycle
            Homobasidiomycetes: Gasteromycetes
            Heterobasidiomycetes (jelly fungi)

Technical data: DVD-ROM, color, approx. 70 min
System Requirements: Standard Multimedia PC with Windows 2000/XP, DirectX 7 or higher, DVD drive, Pentium III 500 MHz, at least 128 MB RAM

2007; ISBN-10: 3-88222-086-4; Item No 20865

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Mycology Vol. 1 DVD-ROM: Lower Fungi and fungus-like organisms
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The American Phytopathological Society