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IECA Education

IECA Trained Gets A "Facelift"

Education is what we are about at IECA. Elevating the content and technical accuracy of our courses is an ongoing effort on the part of many members involved in the Educational efforts of IECA. We also have a strong interest in accreditation of our content. For that reason we are attempting to raise the bar on the courses we offer through IECA Education.

For the past three years we have supported the continuing education process by creating a program called IECA Trained. The attempt was to support a variety of technical sections by offering classes at the conference and other IECA educational events. What we have discovered in these last 36 months is a need to create a more formal process. The reality is…our continuing education is somewhat home bred. Only those within our organization, or support IECA education, recognize the validity of our content. That may explain the reason that only 1% of our membership is involved in the IECA Trained program. This year we only had 54 members participate in the program and only 5 have followed 2 or more consecutive years of involvement.

For the reasons listed above and other reasons, we have decided to transition the IECA Trained program and introduce, what we believe to be, a more relevant program to our members. This started with the IECA Board of Directors initiating a continuing education process called IECA-CEU’s. The plan is to review content on a more advanced level and assign a CEU credit to content that has met the technical standards set by IECA. These credits will follow the policies and standards established by the American National Standard Institute (ANSI). To support our CEU system we will create IECA University. IECA University will assess content from each of our Technical Sections (TS 1-8) on a beginner, intermediate and advanced level. Each Technical Section Committee will identify the core competencies for each level, within a particular technical section. Courses will be categorized and built based on this model. Not all courses will meet our highest standard of CEU credit, but they will go through the same rigorous process of approval to become part of IECA Universities’ curriculum. Those participating in the IECA University system will receive credit for courses taken within a particular discipline whether it’s an IECA-CEU or just a standard program. Obviously, those courses that have met the IECA CEU credit will have more credibility within a formal CEU process, but all courses designated within a particular discipline will credit to those individuals who participate.

So, where does that leave those currently involved in the IECA Trained program? Actually, that gives you an advantage in the University system. Those who have earned credit units will maintain their credit units and retain those hours on an education transcript. IECA Trained currently has four profession specific courses of study. IECA University will expand those categories. Remember, the TS Committees will take a new look at our content.

Also, remember, the University curriculum must be identified and built, so this is a process and not a finished product. But, we are excited about the credibility this will bring to IECA Education and the courses you take at IECA events and possibly other events that have IECA CEU credits associated to their content. We are asking for your feedback on this new process and to let us know how IECA Trained has worked for you and the relevance that we must maintain to hold value in the education we provide.

Please send your feedback to And continue to check out the IECA webpage for updates.