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  How to Design a Wetlands Education & Regulatory Workshop
  Several city, state and regional wetland programs around the country have incorporated wetlands education into their dredge & fill penalty programs. This type of wetland education workshops are geared for either violators or advocates of wetland laws, permits and regulations-and sometimes both, [read more]
  Online video underscores the importance of urban wetlands
  EPA News Release – November 4, 2008
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has produced a 12- minute video, “Wetlands and Wonder: Reconnecting Children with Nearby Nature,” that makes a passionate case for protecting urban wetlands as places to experience nature. The film focuses on urban and suburban wetlands as valuable resources to be restored, protected and enjoyed. These places, often the only remnants of the natural world in developed areas, can play a key role in connecting people to nearby nature—thereby improving the health of our children and our communities. As more Americans dwell in cities and suburbs, our society becomes increasingly distanced from the natural world. This absence of everyday connections to nature has negative effects—especially for children. Wetlands can offer a solution to this problem. Pockets of remaining wetlands in developed areas often provide immediate and easy access to nature. Yet these wetlands may be threatened or degraded, and often go unnoticed. The video was produced by Darcy Campbell of EPA, Gene Reetz, a former EPA wetlands expert, and Colorado-based ECOS Communications. The video features interviews with Julia McCarthy, Joan Almon, Richard Louv, and Robert Michael Pyle. For additional copies of the DVD, contact the National Service Center for Environmental Publications at 800-490-9198 or go to to view the video online.
  2009 NATIONAL WETLANDS AWARDS: Celebrating 20 Years of Outstanding
Contributions to Wetlands Conservation
  Nomination forms for the 2009 National Wetlands Awards are now available. For 20 years, this program has honored individuals who have demonstrated extraordinary commitment to the conservation and restoration of our nation's wetlands.  Help us celebrate our 20th anniversary by nominating someone you know for this prestigious award. 

The National Wetlands Awards Program recognizes extraordinary individual achievement in six categories: Education and Outreach; Science Research; Conservation and Restoration; Landowner Stewardship; State, Tribal, and Local Program Development; and Wetland Community Leader.  The winners in each category will be honored in a ceremony on Capitol Hill in May 2009.

For more information, visit and submit your nomination by January 15, 2009.
  Ducks Unlimited Launches Online Conservation Education Site
  Memphis, TN, June 13, 2002 - Ducks Unlimited, the world leader in wetland and waterfowl conservation, has developed a new education section for its web site at The online resource includes teaching materials for parents and educators, plus educational fun for kids to enjoy. The Greenwing site is designed just for kids, and features project ideas, fun facts, entertaining games, and a variety of other activities. "The idea is to make learning about wetlands, wildlife, and conservation an enjoyable experience," explains Thompson. The educator's site is designed to supply teachers with an engaging curriculum about wetland habitat and wetland wildlife.
  IWLA Announces American Wetlands Campaign Theme for 2002-2003
  [IWLA e-mail notice] Each May (American Wetlands Month), communities celebrate the uniqueness, beauty and importance of wetlands through on-the-ground projects, activities and events. Each year, the Izaak Walton League of America kicks off the month with events throughout the country. The 2002-2003 theme for the American Wetlands Campaign is "Bogs, Playas, Pools: Protect America's Unique Wetlands!" The League encourages communities to focus American Wetlands Month activities and wetland conservation efforts throughout 2002 and 2003 on the protection of vernal pools, prairie potholes, bogs, fens, cypress domes and other ephemeral and "isolated" wetlands. The U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County vs. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has created gaps in federal protection of isolated wetlands - community education and action is needed to fill these potential gaps. Fact sheets, background information, and project ideas are available at For more information on local American Wetlands Month events, or to post your own events, visit
  NWF Maintaining Online Wetland Library
  From The Scout Report for Science & Engineering, Copyright. Internet Scout Project 1994-2000. . The National Wildlife Federation (NWF) offers this collection of online resources on wetlands and their protection. The site is organized into six main sections, including Types of Wetlands (featuring four major wetland types), Benefits of Wetlands (to humans and to wildlife), Threats to Wetlands (and to streams, rivers, and coasts), and more. In each section, text and photographs offer a concise overview of the topic." Visit
  New Internet Resource Available for Delaware River Watershed Educators
  WEST TRENTON, N.J., May 18 - /E-Wire/ -- ‘The Delaware River Watershed Education Task Force today announced that it has launched a new, on-line resource to help teachers and students of all ages learn about the Delaware River Basin and general water issues. The Internet site, hosted by the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC), can be found at (choose Ed. Web) or "Ed. Web" visitors can access maps, general information about the Delaware River Watershed, educational resources and lesson plans, environmental field trip ideas, and upcoming educational opportunities throughout the basin. "Ed. Web" also includes numerous links to other web sites offering information specific to the Delaware River Basin as well as general water subjects.’ Visit for the complete story.
  "Docuseek" Database For Educational Films and Videos
  ENN Worldwire News for Friday, 9/29/00 — "A new web site called Docuseek [] holds 1,800 high-quality documentary, social-issue and educational films and videos. The site has a data base that contains the collections of four leading distributors of independent documentary films and videos: Bullfrog Films, Fanlight Productions, First Run/Icarus Films and New Day Films. For more information, contact Lori Kata at (610)779-8226."
  Watersheds, Wetlands, and Streams Curriculum Available
  Available from the Seattle Engineering Department is a high-school full text curriculum and accompanying video on Watersheds, Wetlands, and Streams, called "From the Clouds to the Sea: Watersheds, Wetlands, and Streams". The curriculum text includes an in-depth content focus on each topic area covered. The video is formatted in six segments, none longer than 8 minutes long: each segment summarizes each major topic area and can be used as an intro and/or a summary of the topics. Each video clip is done in a 'film genre'...they tend to be engaging for students, and adults (city councils, county councils, citizen groups have all found them informative and entertaining). The cost for both the curriculum and the video is $10. Contact Mr. Carlton Stimson, Ed. Coordinator, City of Seattle at 206-684-7624 to order copies. If you want more info about content, email Dyanne Sheldon,, of Sheldon & Associates, Inc.
  Texas Sea Grant Publishes Guide to Texas Coastal Wetlands Guidebook
  6/27/00. BRYAN, TEXAS -- More than 5 million people live along the Texas Gulf Coast, yet few have any idea of the natural resource that lies in their own backyards. A new book by Texas Sea Grant, "Texas Coastal Wetlands Guidebook," attempts to bring wetlands into the classroom and educate the public about their importance by describing the different types of wetlands that can be found along the coast. The book follows the coast from Sabine Lake in the north to the Rio Grande Valley in the south, giving readers information on wetlands accessible to the public and providing phone numbers and web sites to turn to for more information. The guide is written by Texas Sea Grant environmental quality specialist John Jacob and Texas Parks and Wildlife Department scientist Daniel Moulton. For additional details visit

Montana Wetlands Pub Released, Landowners the Focus

  NRCS This Week/Conference & Training Connection 3/17/00. Now available in print and on the Web is the eagerly anticipated publication "A Landowners' Guide to Montana Wetlands." Easy to use and beautifully illustrated, the guide features information about the nature of wetlands, methods of wetlands management, wetland programs and services, legislation and regulations, plus a selection of success stories from landowners who have worked with NRCS. The agency and a variety of partners developed the publication. Available in a PDF version at or visit the NRCS Montana Web site at
  Watershed Management Education is Goal of New CD-ROM
  Indianapolis, IN (EcoLogik Inc.) Feb 4th, 2000. Following the sale of over 10,000 copies of its popular The Virtual Forest CD-ROM, EcoLogik is pleased to announce the release of its second educational CD title, The Carman Lake Project. Developed to educate the general public and students of environmental studies on the topic of multidimensional reservoir management, The Carman Lake Project is a unique educational tool combining text, sound, animation, and science in an eye-pleasing interface. The unique "game" type design offers a fun yet educational experience and can be used to compare waterbodies in varying parts of the United States. The CD is presently available for sale on the World Wide Web. To see more details on this project and to order, go tol
  “Wetlands Functions and Values” Online Training Module
  [from Bill Sipple, US EPA WD/OWOW] The Watershed Academy announces its 40th web-based training module, "Wetland Functions and Values" written by Bill Sipple of OWOW's Wetlands Division.  This module reviews the extraordinary contributions that wetlands make to our water quality, economy, recreation, environmental health, and other areas.  At the end is a self-test, and a printable list of every wetland  function/value discussed in the module.  You can access this module at as part of the Watershed Academy Web online training program.  For more information contact Bill Sipple at 202-260-6066.
  WETMAAP - Wetlands Education Through Maps And Aerial Photography
  Internet NewsBrief, March 2, 2001. Wetlands Education Through Maps And Aerial Photography (WETMAAP) uses a geographic approach that combines aerial photography, topographic maps, and manual & computerized Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for wetland habitat assessment. These WETMAAP materials provide the chance to explore wetland issues through ten representative wetland sites in the US. WETMAAP case study sites, workshop materials, and data resources are available on the website. The site also provides teachers materials such as slide shows, lesson plans and tests. Visit WETMAAP at
  Announcing New Web Site "Shorebirds: Prairies to Patagonia" WHSRN and the Prairie Pothole Joint Venture are happy to announce the launch of their new web site: "Shorebirds: Prairies to Patagonia" for anyone interested in the amazing migration of shorebirds - but especially educators, students and outreach specialists. This site will be continually improved and updated with new information. To add your photographs, links, maps, or any other kinds of shorebird information please send it to Heidi Luquer at
  EPA Provides New Set of Wetlands Fact Sheets
  A new set of Wetlands Fact Sheets has debuted on EPA Headquarters' web site at Check in the upper right-hand corner for the fact sheets. The generally non-regulatory topics range from a basic wetlands primer to technical assessment, and also include two on funding sources.

New Publication: "Wetlands and Fish: Catch the Link"

[posted by Susan Stedman, NOAA, to the ELI list serve] Announcing a new publication - Wetlands and Fish: Catch the Link. Developed by the Izaak Walton League, National Marine Fisheries Service, and US Geological Survey Biological Resources Division, this document provides information on how wetlands are important to fish throughout the US and what fish might be in the wetlands in your local area. The text is geared to the general public, but the tables and references will be of interest to scientists as well. See PDF version or for a free copy contact the National Marine Fisheries Service Office of Habitat Conservation at 301/713-2325 or

EPA Unveils Website: "Window to My Environment"
Philadelphia, 1/5/01 - EPA unveiled a user-friendly Internet program that connects the public, news media, and environmental groups to a broad array of environmental data for any community by simply typing in a ZIP code or a city/state location and clicking the mouse button. The prototype program, called "Window to My Environment," is part of an EPA initiative that uses maps and queries to integrate local and national environmental information. Window to My Environment is now accessible for communities in EPA's mid-Atlantic region (Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia and the District of Columbia), and will eventually be expanded to serve the entire country. Computer users can access the site by going to the and selecting the "Your Community" link.
Website Provides Environmental Information for All Zip Codes
New York, NY 4/10/01 (ENS) – “Environmental Defense and the National Wildlife Federation (NWF) today announced the launch of ForMyWorld (, a non-commercial web site that delivers detailed, zipcode specific environmental information for every community in America. ‘ForMyWorld offers people across America facts and advice tailored specifically to their communities, so users can access information quite literally about their own backyards,’ said Environmental Defense executive director Fred Krupp. ForMyWorld offers customized Neighborhood Reports with detailed local data. Each report contains ways to take community action to improve the environment . . .” For full text and graphics visit
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This webpage last updated December 3, 2008.
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