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ASIWPCA’s Call for Change - Water Quality Improvement in the 21st Century


Association of State and Interstate Water Pollution Control Administrators (ASIWPCA) – January 2009
Since the Clean Water Act (CWA) passed in 1972, ASIWPCA has been the primary liaison between States and the Federal government, fostering a strong partnership between the States and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Until recently, this partnership has been a successful collaborative effort as States and EPA worked together to address critical environmental issues. EPA has provided assistance to States to achieve significant improvements in water quality through a combination of sound policy, regulation, and funding. However, a disturbing trend has developed during the last several years jeopardizing this effective partnership and the realization of on-the-ground environmental improvements. Increased and unwarranted administrative program requirements, coupled with decreased federal funding, are crippling States’ abilities to implement core CWA programs. ASIWPCA issues this Call for Change to reverse this troubling trend. For the Call for Change documents, go to:



Minnesota DNR Seeking Response to Wetland Mapping Questionnaire – Winter 2009

The MN DNR is conducting a survey about wetland mapping technology.  If you'd like to participate, please feel free to answer the 12 short questions posted at: The results of this survey are planned for delivery at the 2009 Society of Wetland Scientists meeting (June 22-26 in Madison, Wisconsin) as either a poster or a presentation. MN DNR seeks responses from mapping users throughout the U.S.. For a link to the MN DNR survey & results information, visit:


Floods not all bad, can restore fish habitat


The Clackamas Review  - January 6, 2009
With so much focus on the negative effects of flooding in the county, it may be a surprise to find out that an excess of water can be a good thing – in a wetlands. Recent storm activity in the Three Creeks area, an 89-acre natural area located behind the Aquatic Center, brought out members of the Tsunami Crew, a volunteer group that has been working since 1999 to restore the area to its native beauty. “The damage of the flooding is minor compared to the benefits the flooding brings. This is a floodplain and has evolved to be flood dependent, the area just doesn’t work properly without flooding,” said crew member Charlie Ferranti. For full story, go to:

DraftRecommendations for a National Wetlands and Climate Change Initiative” Available for Comment

ASWM has posted the draft “Recommendations for a National Wetlands and Climate Change Initiative based on Wetlands 2008: Wetlands and Global Climate Change, held on September 16-18, 2008 in Portland, Oregon. The Association would appreciate receiving  comments by December 8, 2008 by e-mail to Jon Kusler at ASWM is recommending that federal agencies and Congress create a cooperative Nationa l Wetlands and Climate Change Initiative with the states, tribes, local governments, and the private sector. It would build upon existing coordination mechanisms. Please see: recommendations_2008
For a printable version, please see:



See ASWM Schedule of Activities for other meetings.

Wetland 2008: Wetlands and Global Climate Change

[Recommendations for a National Wetlands and Climate Change Initiative
posted 11/24/08]

PowerPoint Presentations Posted]


Our Special Thanks to Speakers, Sponsors, Volunteers and Participants for a Successful Conference

On behalf of the Association of State Wetland Managers, the Pacific Northwest Chapter of the Society of Wetland Scientists, the Oregon Department of State Lands and all our sponsors and cooperating parties, I want to thank you for making Wetlands 2008; Wetlands and Climate Change a success.  We’re still adding up the numbers but I’m guessing attendance was around 400.  Many attendees approached me during the conference to tell me how much they enjoyed the conference and how much they had learned.  Over and over people said that they have rarely attended a conference where ALL the presentations where of such high caliber.  This is only possible because so many people contributed their time, knowledge and expertise.

We will be posting PowerPoint presentations in PDF format for most of the presentations in the next week or two.  We will send a note out to conference participants when we have them up and put a note up on

Once again, Thank You!

Jeanne Christie
Executive Director
Association of State Wetland Managers
See Archived ASWM Schedule of Activities.


ASWM Rapanos/Carabell Website

The ASWM Rapanos/Carabell website contains extensive information on the Rapanos/Carabell Supreme Court case and associated federal guidance as well as related information on Clean Water Act jurisdiction issues.

U.S. seeks clarity on Rapanos ruling


By DennistonScotus
The U.S. government, arguing that the lower courts have fallen into confusion and disagreement over federal power to protect wetlands, has urged the Supreme Court to make clear what it meant in the “highly fractured” ruling two years ago in Rapanos v. U.S. (04-1034) — a significant decision on the scope of the Clean Water Act. The Justice Department filed an appeal Thursday on that issue in U.S. v. McWane, Inc., et al. (docket 08-223). For full blog entry, go to:  

Federal Register Notice: EPA and Army Corps of Engineers Guidance Regarding Clean Water Act Jurisdiction after Rapanos
w U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Clean Water Act Definition of "Waters of the United States"
w U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Program CwW Guidance
"Significant Nexus" Clean Water Act Jurisdiction Decision Paper
The summary and recommendation section: Recommended Actions to Clarify Clean Water Act Jurisdiction Following Issuance of the Consolidated Decision, Rapanos v. U.S. 126 S. Ct. 2208 (S.Ct. 2006)

Please click here or the link above to view the December
edition of Wetland Breaking News. Or see links below.
w EDITOR'S CHOICE [or see below]
Editors Choice

Deterioration of the Nation’s Clean Water Act Enforcement Program

Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Press Release – December 16, 2008
Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Henry A. Waxman and Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman James L. Oberstar wrote to President-elect Obama regarding their investigation into the drastic deterioration of the Clean Water Act enforcement program. “One of the legacies of the Bush Administration is its failure to protect the safety and health of the nation’s waters,” said Chairman Waxman. “Our investigation reveals that the clean water program has been decimated as hundreds of enforcement cases have been dropped, downgraded, delayed, or never brought in the first place. We need to work with the new Administration to restore the effectiveness and integrity to this vital program.” For full press release, go to:
For the letter from Henry Waxman and James Oberstar to President-Elect Obama, go to:
For the memo re: Decline of Clean Water Act Enforcement Program, go to:
For a related press release by NWF, go to:
Wetlands Grant Database Available Online
The Wetland Grant Database (WGD) houses grant data for Wetland Program Development Grants (created by EPA in 1990 under the Clean Water Act Section 104(b)(3) authority), as well as for a three-year demonstration pilot program (the "Pilot Grants"), for which a portion of the national grant appropriation could be used for program implementation. The WGD also houses grant Case Study narratives, and Model Products created by the grant program. For more information, visit:
Would burying CO2 help in climate crisis?
USA Today – December 6, 2008
Could the world solve part of its climate crisis by simply burying the problem? Backers say carbon capture and storage could make an important contribution to cutting emissions by mid-century. The idea involves capturing carbon dioxide as power stations spew it out, then pumping it into empty gas and oil wells or aquifers, where it will remain forever. But, as delegates from some 190 countries meet in Poland to begin thrashing out a new global climate change treaty, environmentalists are divided. Some see the still-unproven and expensive technology as a distraction from renewable energy; others say it deserves a chance because dirty and cheap coal-fired power isn't about to disappear. The top U.N. climate official, Yvo de Boer, said he believes it will be "critical" for countries such as China and India to use coal as they expand their economies and fight poverty. For full story, go to:
Revised Guidance addressing Clean Water Act jurisdiction following Rapanos decision


EPA News Release – December 3, 2008
On June 5, 2007, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of the Army issued guidance clarifying Clean Water Act (CWA) jurisdiction following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in the consolidated cases Rapanos v. United States and Carabell v. United States. The agencies received 66,047 public comments on the Rapanos Guidance (65,765 form letters, 282 non-form letters), from States, environmental and conservation organizations, regulated entities, industry associations, and the general public. EPA and the Department of the Army jointly reviewed the comments and released a revised version of the guidance on December 2, 2008 in consideration of those comments and consistent with the agencies' experience implementing the guidance. The revised guidance and a set of questions and answers on the guidance are posted at:  Specifically three documents have been revised: For the revised Q&A, go to:

For the revised guidance, go to:

For the revised comments, go to:

For a related press release, Revised EPA “Guidance” Amplifies Need for Clean Water Restoration Act by National Wildlife Federation, Contact: Aileo Weinmann – December 4, 2008
“The revised Guidance clearly points to the need for Congress to clean up the legal mess and restore full protections to our Nation’s waters.” For press release, go to:
International Agreement on Migrating Waterbirds
Birding Community E-Bulletin – December 2008
An international resolution pledging to protect migratory waterbirds was agreed upon at the "Tenth Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties to the Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar)." The wetlands meeting, held in Korea at the end of October and early November, was attended by 2,000 people from 165 nations. The participants agreed that different countries must co-operate to protect migratory waterbirds and their habitats. The "Ramsar Resolution on Flyways," as the new agreement was named, called for the protection of habitats such as tidal flats where birds come to winter or spend the summer, and for efforts to monitor the state of different populations. The resolution acknowledges that conserving the world's waterbirds is an international challenge and that only by working together along flyways can migratory birds be saved. "No country can act alone to protect migratory waterbirds. If we don't collaborate internationally we will push more and more migratory waterbirds to the brink of extinction," said Alison Russell-French, president of Birds Australia.
Click here for the full text of the resolution: For a link to archived issues of the Birding Community E-Bulletin, visit:
Wetlands Go Underground
By Liz Morrison – Corn & Soybean Digest – November 30, 2008
Wetlands are going underground and trapping water. Researchers at the University of Minnesota (U of M) are testing subsurface nutrient-retention basins to purify agricultural drainage water. Like surface-flow wetlands, these basins are designed to trap excess nutrients and sediment, keeping them out of streams and lakes, says Jeff Strock, a U of M soil scientist who is leading the Minnesota research. For full story, go to:
EPA, Interior Dept. Chiefs Will Be Busy Erasing Bush's Mark
By Juliet Eilperin – Washington Post – November 28, 2008
Few federal agencies are expected to undergo as radical a transformation under President-elect Barack Obama as the Environmental Protection Agency and the Interior Department, which have been at the epicenter of many of the Bush administration's most intense scientific and environmental controversies. For full article, go to:

Please click here to view full Wetland Breaking News

Migratory Bird & Wetland NewsLink - October Issue
Bimonthly International News Service
Revisions to the Clean Water Act Regulatory Definition of ``Discharge of Dredged Material''; Final Rule [Document]

John Rapanos Agrees To Pay For Clean Water Act Violations [Consent Decree] [Press Release]


Local Land Trusts with Wetland Programs

Wetland Mapping


Programmatic General Permits

Wetland Assessment

Wetlands and Farm Programs

State Wetland Delineator Certification Programs

How to Hire the Right Wetlands Consultant

How to Design a Wetlands Education & Regulatory Workshop

Understanding Dredge & Fill Programs

Coastal Wetland Dieback

Wetlands & Global Climate Change

December 19, 2008 Edition

October 2008 Issue
Bimonthly International News Service


Draft Paper for Review and Comment:

Wetlands and Natural Hazards (8-13-07)

Draft Discussion Paper for Review and Comment: Model Ordinances for Regulating Wetlands and Riparian Habitats/Stream Buffers (5/14/07)

Protecting and Restoring Wetlands: Strengthening the Role of Land Trusts

Protecting and Restoring Wetlands: Strengthening the Role of Local Governments

Developing Performance Standards for the Mitigation and Restoration of Northern Forested Wetland (8/1/06)

Wetland Protection and Restoration Guides for Local Communities and Nonprofits (6/26/06)

Reconciling Wetlands Assessment Techniques

Wetland Assessment for Regulatory Purposes: Report Series

A Guide for Local Governments: Wetlands and Watershed Management (10/1/03)

For Immediate Release:May 31, 2007

Wetland Warrior
Windham woman wins national award for protecting wetlands

Jeanne Christie of Windham said many people don’t understand why anyone would work to protect wetlands, which can be seen as mosquito-breeding swamps, insignificant puddles or eyesores standing in the way of development. Even colleagues tried to dissuade her from entering the field. [More]


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Windham, ME 04062
207-892-3399; FAX: 207-892-3089;