Catalog of Beneficials


Table of Contents


Browse Catalog - press <control> F - to find a particular beneficial or pest within a section


Catalog Introduction

Ordering Information



Product Sections:


Beneficial Generalists

Aphid Control

Caterpillar (Moth) Controls

Grub Controls

Leafminer & Mexican Bean Beetle Controls

Mealybug and Scale Controls

Mite Controls

Thrips Controls

Whitefly Controls


Cockroach Controls

Insect Sample Pacs

Beneficial Parasitic Nematodes



Microbial Soil Inoculants

Traps, Lures, Insect Food

Snail & Slug Control

Fly Control

Cockroach, Ant & Flea Control

Mosquito Control

Other Supplies

D-Vac Insect Sampling Equipment

Flies as Pollinators

Seed for Habitat Plants

Stored Grain

Insectary Supplies




How to Check Quality

Product Availability

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  2006 Catalog of Beneficials 


      in pdf format


  Catalog of Fly Control 


     in pdf format  


  Catalog of Fly Control - Spanish 


     in pdf format  


  Gift Catalog  in pdf format 


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Within each web page of the catalog the biocontrol organisms are generally grouped by the pest or one or two similar pests that the beneficials are most useful for. Within the page find organisms most of the time in alpha order by scientific name, with common name(s) and brief description in the left-hand column.


For detailed information about biology, life cycle and limitations or considerations for use, look for the bulletin(s) for that beneficial under Bulletins, then Beneficial Bulletins.



Look up the pest you want in the "Product For" pop menu on the upper left, read the introductory information about biocontrol programs at the top of the page for that pest and information about the available beneficials for that pest. Go to in-depth pest and crop bulletins for valuable information to design the most cost-effective integrated biological program.



The column in between TARGET PEST and ITEM CODE gives a range of rates and frequency for release that covers variation among crops, ecology of pests and naturally occurring beneficials. The code "2wk I, 2-4 X" means at 2 week intervals make 2 to 4 applications. This information will help you estimate costs of different strategies. For low pest numbers, with moderate beneficial numbers, use the low rate. For high pest numbers, with low beneficial numbers, use the high rate. In a new situation, start on the heavy side, then decrease the rate for the next release, especially if you see beneficials.


Study the situation before you order -- consider the potential benefits of natural parasites, predators, diseases, antagonists, and weather and cultural practices.



Grey boxes around two adjacent ITEM CODES indicates they have the same price and quantity breaks.



We are interested in your growing situation (garden, farm, feedlot, orchard, landscape, greenhouse or interior) and pest. Sometimes we can suggest other biocontrol organisms and cultural techniques, give you more of an idea what to expect and help you avoid a not-so-promising investment. New bulletins and updates on a wide range of topics are available at and by FAX or mail.



Cover by Allison Mia Starcher. Photo fly parasite emerging by Max Badgeley. Photo carcinops from IPM Labs. Cockroach in IPM Practitioner XXIII(3) March 2001 p2. Comperia in California Agriculture 34:8-9 Aug-Sep 1980, p17, Jack Kelly Clark. Lacewing line drawing Marlatt, USDA, in Metcalf and Metcalf Destructive and Useful Insects: their habits and control, 1993. Encarsia on Suppliers of Beneficial Organisms in North America, 1994 edition cover. Eretmocerus by Clausen and Berry, 1932. Nematode-infested larva at USDA Nematode Lab website. Nosema locustae life-cycle from M & R Durango, Inc. Mycorrhizas in Ecology of Soil-Borne Plant Pathogens 1964 p221. Barn owl from Wildlife Trust website. Other graphics by Rincon-Vitova staff and associates.


All material copyright Rincon-Vitova Insectaries, 2001, unless otherwise noted