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IECA Publications

Environmental Connection magazine

Environmental Connection

Current Issue Archives Instructions to Authors Copy Deadlines Editorial Review Board Editorial Review Guidelines

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From the Editor

Welcome to IECA’s members-only publication—Environmental Connection. We will use Environmental Connection to bring you articles written by members for members, and you will know you can trust what you read. You asked us for more feature articles and more technical information, and that’s exactly what you will see within these pages. Technical articles undergo peer review, and every article that has been reviewed is clearly indicated. If you see the “peer review” logo at the beginning of an article, you know it has been reviewed by experts in the field.

Call for Articles

We would like to give you the opportunity to showcase your work and share your expertise with your peers. Please consider submitting your paper for publication here. You can find complete instructions for authors plus submittal instructions at > members only > Environmental Connection > instructions to authors.

Our goal is to publish articles that report both the practical applications of research findings and the knowledge gained by experienced professionals. This mission includes, whenever possible, integrating these two sources of knowledge, providing practitioners with the most accurate information available, and providing a forum for the exchange of information between the many disciplines involved in erosion and sediment control.

Environmental Connection does not publish original scientific research. If your paper is not a case study and includes methods and results sections, this is a good indication it is original research that would be more appropriate for a research journal.

“The process of writing the article and getting everything submitted was made easy with the excellent support staff of Environmental Connection magazine. Since the article has been published, I have had great reaction from my peers. Through this article they were better able to understand my position, which in itself has made my job easier.” - Thomas M. Wells

Speak Your Mind

We invite your comments. Please feel free to correspond about articles you read here. Letters to the editor can be sent to Or you can comment on articles online at > members only > Environmental Connection. As an IECA member, you can post comments about any of the articles in our online archives—this includes conference proceedings as well as magazine articles. Just open an article and then click on the “Discuss” link at the beginning or end of the article.

We hope you enjoy your members-only publication. Please let us know what you think.

Meg Tully signature
Meg Tully

News To Use

Archives from News To Use are still available for IECA members to use as a resource.

Members log in to access articles from the final issue or to view the archives.