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IECA Call for Presentations

7 Steps to Submitting Hot Topics Presentation Types Presentation Guidelines Sample Abstracts Selection Criteria Important Dates & Information Submit Abstract

Selection Criteria

IECA's Technology Section Committee (TS) has a two-step rating process used in selecting presentations and papers for the conference.

First they evaluate the abstract and make a determination if the abstract is accepted or rejected. If the abstract is accepted, the author will be asked to submit a paper and/or presentation materials. TS will then evaluate the paper and/or presentation materials for final acceptance into the conference program.

Each abstract and final paper must achieve a minimum rating to be included in the conference program.

The overall criteria for selecting any abstract:

  • Does the abstract give the information who, what, when, where and why?
  • Is the content relative to the erosion control industry?
  • Does the abstract show that the project or paper has thorough data, clear results and a logical conclusion?
  • Does the abstract demonstrate that the project or paper is innovative and would advance the field of erosion and sediment control?
  • Is the abstract understandable and clearly written?