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Online Exhibits

Coins & Currency in Colonial America

Tour the exhibit online (requires Flash 8, high-speed connection recommended)
View a condensed HTML version of the exhibit here.

Coins Exhibit“Coins & Currency in Colonial America” examines the diverse types of money jingling in the pockets and purses of our colonial ancestors.

In this interactive, online exhibit, learn about varied coinage from all over the globe that influenced the currency we carry today. A glossary, top ten FAQs list, timeline, relative scale and value charts, zooming capability and sidebars all add layers of discovery to this expansive exhibit.

The exhibit includes the ubiquitous English half-penny and a 1774 Virginia shilling – one of only five known to exist – and is presented through the generosity of Joseph R. and Ruth P. Lasser of New York. The Lassers have amassed a collection of several thousand pieces, most of which are now in the collections of Colonial Williamsburg and are being exhibited here for the first time.

See the full collection, “Pounds, Pence and Pistareens: The Coins and Currency of Colonial America,” at the DeWitt Wallace Decorative Arts Museum.

Award Logo
Web Award 2007
The W3 web award

Mapping Colonial America

Tour the award-winning exhibit online (requires Flash 6, 2.8Mb, high-speed connection recommended)
Mapping Colonial America Screenshot

Explore colonial maps from Colonial Williamsburg's collection in an online exhibition that includes maps dated from 1587 to 1782. The online exhibition looks at maps relating to colonial discovery, exploration, boundary disputes, navigation, trade, the French and Indian War, and the Revolutionary War. The exhibition features a zooming tool allowing a close look at map details, a glossary of terms, and a timeline of major events in history that occurred near the date a particular map was drawn.

Exploring Colonial America Screenshot

The online exhibition is a companion to the book "Degrees of Latitude: Mapping Colonial America" by Margaret Beck Pritchard and Henry G. Taliaferro. The illustrated volume looks at the inspiration behind the production of 73 maps, atlases, and sea charts and was published in association with Harry N. Abrams, Inc., as part of the Colonial Williamsburg Decorative Arts Series.

Order Today - $9.95 - the enhanced “Mapping Colonial America” CD-ROM at Extras include a zooming tool to see map details, a surveying video, and side-by-side comparisons to modern maps. Also available at Colonial Williamsburg bookstores.

Southern Furniture

Tour the exhibit online at

Southern Furniture Online Exhibit Screenshot

The first major display of Southern furniture in more than 40 years, an exhibition titled "Furniture of the American South" ended in January 2002 at the DeWitt Wallace Decorative Arts Museum. The exhibition highlighted the cabinetmaking traditions and diversity of the South's three principal regions – the Chesapeake, the Low Country and the Back Country. Colonial Williamsburg's Southern Furniture Collection can now be seen online and enjoyed by a wide range of people because of the foresight of a generous couple whose love of antique furniture grew into a public gift.